Zu Therese Kat
The intellectually disabled girl with a heart of gold.

•Full Name:
Zu Therese Kat

•Theme Song:
The Never-ending Imaginary Adventures of a Childlike Mind


~1.60 meters. [5’3”]

53 kg [116 lbs]

Wednesday, 6th March, 1991

•Eye Color:

•Hair Color:

•Favorite set of clothes:
Zu doesn’t like tight or taut clothes. What’s important to her is the feeling of freedom and nature against her skin. At least during spring and summer, Granköping is a cold city otherwise.
She has no qualms about getting naked when she’s alone or with friends. Around strangers, she prefers to stay clothed.

Zara and Ellie think that Zu’s choice of clothing may give people the wrong idea about her. But Zu won’t listen, she doesn’t like it when clothes itch or chafe. Bras in particular make her feel very confined. Often she’ll redress herself into something she finds more comfortable when people aren’t looking.

During the summer and at home, she can usually be found wearing this:

A little green short T-shirt.
It shows her belly and isn't too tight. If it is cold, you might still see her nipples poking through.

A yellow skirt.
Usually pulled up under her tail, as she doesn't like it being covered by anything. It is also short, but it serves its purpose. Most of the time.

Simple light blue & white striped panties.
While she’s got a lot of underwear to choose from, these ones are her favorites, because of the little ribbon on the front.

Red boots with green toes & heels.
Boots are easy to slip into and out of; no shoelaces or complications. They also come in handy when it rains, since Zu enjoys playing in puddles.

A ribbon in her hair along a smaller one on her tail, also green.
Zu used to have her hair let out when she was younger. But when she saw Zara tie hers into a ponytail one day, Zu also wanted to have her set up that way. Zara then helped her out, putting on a huge ribbon for cuteness factor. Zu became so impressed by it that she always wanted to wear it.
Now she knows how to put it up herself, she still sleeps with her hair let out.

The ribbon on her tail is merely for decoration. Double the ribbons doubles the cuteness, according to Zu.

•Breast size:
EU: 70B [US/UK: 32B]
Her tits are cute and perky. When aroused, her nipples grow perky too!

Sweden, in the city of Granköping. She shares a small house with Sixten, but is also welcome to stay overnight at Zara’s or Ellie’s any time.

Maid. She works in a giant mansion, along with several other maids on the outskirts of Granköping.
During her work shift she stays overnight, as the mansion is located more than a reasonable travel time out of town.

Zu suffers from a mental incapacity which restricts her thought processes similar to that of a child, induced by neglect and physical abuse by her parents at a very young age. Her parents kept her disconnected from the outside world by locking up in their basement for almost nine years severely stunting her mental growth.
Due to this, Zu has a hard time thinking logically, understanding concepts like time and money. Learning math, writing, reading, speaking and other everyday things is also difficult. Even if she now has the ability to perform the very basics of what’s mentioned above, she still struggles with anything that requires above novice level skills.

Due to her childishness, she is very naive, joyful, cheerful and energetic. But she is very sensitive. Her mood and emotions can change quickly, from happy, to sad, to scared and back again. She is easily confused, quite gullible and will believe most things she is told. Zu has never expressed anger towards anything, but she still dislikes and sometimes refuses to do certain things.

Her disorder makes simple, everyday tasks very difficult for her. A task that’s deemed important, either by her or whoever asked her to do it, might make her very nervous. Zu always tries her best when asked of something and never slacks off consciously. So if she messes up her task or things become stressful, she might retreat into hiding to avoid panicking or having an emotional breakdown. During her childhood, she was always punished severely by her parents, so her reaction to accidents is to keep quiet and pretend nothing happened. It’s ingrained into her and she’s deathly afraid to be scolded by angry people and tries to avoid facing any consequences if she can. If confronted with strong evidence or heavy questioning, her quiet defense usually breaks down into tears and an honest apology, followed by pleas to not be yelled at or beaten.

She always speaks and acts from her heart, she would never lie or do anything to harm other people or other living creatures. It is also pretty easy to hurt her feelings this way, as she takes everything literally and directly. Therefore, she's wary around strangers who she thinks look scary or mean. She doesn't want to hurt, and she doesn't want to be hurt. She’s a natural pacifist.

Zu’s attention span and memory is not very good, which makes it difficult for her to get the hang of new things and experiences. Technology and Zu doesn't get along well at all, she has extreme trouble with comprehending devices like computers, smartphones and cars. Even though many have tried to teach her, she can’t seem to understand the connection between input and reaction. Devices meant to communicate or give out extended information often stress her out, making her shy away and want to do something easier to understand. More often than not, it leads to a lot of frustration between Zu and the person who wants or needs her to do something with the device in question.

Zu’s favorite hobby is to draw and paint. She’s a creative soul, so she always tries to make something if she finds the opportunity. Creating portraits of friends or things with various materials like clay, snow or whatever stuff she finds laying around. But her favorite of all is to draw. She’s not very good at it and the things she draws seldom change motif: Herself and her friends participating in whatever Zu thought up in the moment. There’s seldom any planning ahead in her drawings, so if she runs out of space, the proportion of certain aspects might become hilariously wrong. Nonetheless, she likes giving her drawings and creations to people as gifts, hoping it’ll make them happy.

She likes to watch cartoons on TV or other devices, although she rarely appreciates the deeper story in them, she enjoys the animations and colorfulness. Zu is very impressionable, so it’s important to not let her watch something that could be harmful or scary.

Since she became a maid, she has found a new passion in cleaning and keeping things tidy, even at home and friends’ places. Sometimes she moves objects around to fit her idea of tidiness and categorizing, leaving an unfortunate friend or stranger puzzled by where an object they were looking for has gone.

Zu likes to be outdoors, preferably in areas where the flora and fauna are flourishing. She enjoys climbing trees and playing imaginary games in wooded areas, swimming in ponds or rivers, lying in the grass and watching the clouds or the stars. It soothes her mind, even though you'd think she would go crazy with questions. Sometimes it makes her feel as if she might leave the ground and float up into the air. While she might enjoy the feeling of just flying away, her senses usually come back to her, making her sit up with fright. Zu thrives best down on earth after all.

She likes to make people happy, and be happy herself. If someone around her isn't happy, she can't be happy. So she does her best to do whatever she can to cheer the person up. Unfortunately, this makes her very easily manipulated.

Zu has been called useless and worthless by many people many times. It has hurt her feelings a lot, as she wants to be useful and do things that other people can do. You'll often find her attempting to imitate other people in an attempt to be more useful. Of course, she has a lot of trouble living up to those expectations, so praising her makes her very happy and helps her poor self esteem.

Zu dislikes all kinds of violence. She would never hurt anything, even if it meant to save her own life. She hates being hurt and hit, so she will always avoid confrontation to the best of her ability. If she thinks a person, animal or object looks mean, she will immediately run away or hide somewhere.

She’s very easily scared and upset. Being as gullible as she is together with her difficulty to sometimes differentiate fact from fiction, she is easily scared of movies and video games or even stories. So if she can, she likes to stick to colorful, happy things. Otherwise, she might become rather clingy and afraid to be left alone.

Zu hates loud noises. She is quite sensitive to them, due to her large cat ears. She associates loud noises with being scolded by her father, from back when she was locked in the basement. If something makes a loud noise, she’ll often retreat or hide to avoid whatever was loud.

Competition games and sports with complex rules are something Zu avoids. From experience, she’s going to be yelled at for being worthless to the team or doing things wrong. She’s never won anything on her own either, so unless she can team up with a friend and just have fun, she’d rather just watch and cheer on.

Most of all, she hates to be different from other people. From what she can comprehend, her mom and dad locked her away because she was different. Now, people call her "special", "like she is" or other phrases that make it clear that she is different from others. She usually doesn't think about it, but you might hurt her feelings and make her sad if you mention it around her.
Being "different" has also hindered her from doing other fun looking things, for example going to an amusement park or anything that might seem unsuitable for her. As a result she feels very left out sometimes.

Favorite Food:
Mostly plain, but satisfying home cooked food. She doesn’t like spicy or exotic tastes.
She enjoys sweet things.

•Favorite Animal:
Cat. She finds it strangely amusing that there's an animal that has the same set of ears as herself. And they’re just so cute and fun to play and cuddle with!

•Music Tastes:
Music aimed at children is what falls best into Zu’s tastes. But she likes traditional music with a lot of emotion or energy to it the best.

•Linguistic Quirk:
Speaks rather simplistic.
Has trouble with pronunciations when upset or attempting difficult words.

•Top Kinks:

•Important/Dear items:
A drawing of her friends.
She drew it herself. It's framed and hung in her room. The drawing reminds her of a more simple time, when she could see her friends anytime she wanted. Nowadays, Zu can feel that she's starting to drift apart from them, with all the things going on in her life.

Her favorite stuffed animal, Mr. Kitten.
It's a black and white cat with yellow eyes. It was the first one she ever got, and therefore it has a lot of sentimental value. Whenever she feels unsafe, she'll go to Mr. Kitten for comfort. He also tags along on long journeys or on days when Zu feels a little down.

A beautiful yellow dress.
The dress Zu wore on her graduation. It is proof that she successfully pulled through school. It is also very pretty on her!

A painting of herself, made by Ellie.
It's also hanging in her room. Zu is amazed how Ellie can paint so well, and it inspires Zu to become as good as her.

An Mp3 player filled with songs that Zu enjoys.
It was a gift from Ellie, who thought Zu could use it when Zara was having visitors. She's been told to use it when she has to wait for a longer time, like bus rides or in waiting rooms. You'll know when she is using it, as you can hear her hum and sing along to the songs, lost in her own world.

A cellphone that Zara bought for her.
She doesn't know how to use it very well, but she can answer calls at least. It is used by her friends to get a hold of her if they want to know where she is or check up on her. She has no idea how to make calls or send texts though, and trying to teach her is futile. She'll get confused and eventually upset and frustrated, resulting in her backing off or just dropping the device to the ground in shame.

A red bike.
Another gift from Ellie. The bike has three gears and support wheels. Zu was not able to grasp the concept of balancing and speeding up at the same time, she would simply sit down on the bike, thinking it would do both on its own. With the support wheels, Zu can easily focus on steering and pedaling, without having to worry about falling.

•Goal in life:
Zu's personal goal is to become a mother. She really wants to have a baby to care for and shower in her love. Seeing other mothers with their children makes Zu become very frustrated and sad that she has not been able to convince Sixten to help her out. Little does she know that there’s so much else to discuss when it comes to letting her have a baby. Things Zu can’t even begin to comprehend about the society of today.

Another goal she's encouraged by Ellie and other friends to reach is, to overcome her mental challenge and turn into a normal girl. Although she tries with all her might, it mostly serves as a reminder that she can never reach the expectations they put on her.

•Greatest fears:
Her greatest fear is to be left alone in a dark and enclosed area. Basements and other similar places inflict great fear within her and she might have panic attacks if she's forced into a place like that. Even if somebody is with her, the fear of being abandoned and locked away again scares her more than anything.

She is also greatly afraid of heights.

A fear she's not even aware of and that would send her into a crippling depression would be if her ability to have children would be taken away from her.

Most people that meet Zu don't want anything to do with her, due to her weird and childish behavior. She has problems making and keeping new friends because of that.

When Zu's in public, she often gets strange looks. She doesn't know about the unspoken rules of social norms, neither does she think much of it. Instead she acts like she wants to, rather than how people would want her to act. If she notices people looking at her strangely, she’ll shy away.

She has a great deal of trouble gaining friends her own age, most kids within her mental age look strangely at her too. She means well, but the majority of society files her in with other mentally handicapped people, even though there's quite a difference in their problems and limits.

Zara was the person who Zu connected the best with during the first years she was adapting to the world. Zara would teach her the tiny and big things around them that Ellie’s and her therapists and specialists couldn’t, resulting in a deeper understanding between the two. Zara also comforted Zu when she was upset, and was not afraid of getting close to her physically, hugging and petting her when needed or just while relaxing. It was something Zu had never experienced before. Zu looks up to Zara as if she was her mommy and trusts her completely. To this day, Zu favors Zara whenever she needs help with anything.

Sofi is Zu’s best friend. She’s the only one who wants to actually play with Zu, going on imaginary adventures and just fooling around, having a good time. They both lack a proper childhood, so they make up for that together, when nobody else is around. It feels like Sofi is the only one who actually makes Zu part of their activities, rather than seeing her as an obstacle that must be considered. Zu is amazed by Sofi’s bravery and wishes she could be just as fearless as her. When she’s with Sofi, she feels less insecure of herself. Even if Sofi can be rude sometimes, her apologies are often genuine when she notices Zu got upset. Unsurprisingly, Sofi awakened Zu’s mischievous side.

Ellie is Zu’s mentor in life. She’s always nice, helpful, generous and intelligent. A role model for Zu, who aims to spread happiness around her. However, Ellie can be rather strict sometimes and Zu feels like she has very high expectations. While Zu wants to live up to those expectations, it’s really taxing on her mind. It can be really frustrating sometimes. Ellie often wants to play games with Zu that can be considered educational, like chess and monopoly. Unfortunately, Ellie seldom goes easy on her, which makes Zu reluctant to partake in games that only the two of them play. Zu still greatly respects and appreciates Ellie’s efforts and enjoys her company.

Zu’s boyfriend and hero. She likes his calm and relaxing demeanor. Along with his tall frame, it makes Zu feel very safe in his presence. Just observing him doing chores or his hobbies makes her feel at peace. His laidback nature makes it possible for even Zu to push him into doing things that he usually wouldn’t. He’s also very huggable, snuggable and kissable when he’s relaxing after a whole day’s activities. Zu is very lucky to have Sixten as her loving boyfriend!

The more energetic and eccentric younger brother of Sixten. She does not meet Hampus as often, but whenever they do, it’s always a fun and high energy time with a lot of physical activity. If there’s anyone who can tire Zu out, it’s Hampus. He’s gotten pretty good at teaching Zu the rules for various sports, without her feeling stupid for not getting the hang of them immediately.

Zu’s father, Albin Nilsson, is a very strict and gruff man with very strong opinions. He always strives to do what he thinks is right. When things don’t go his way, he can become really upset. He used to be a teacher, but his relation with the students and the other teachers was pretty strained.

Zu’s mother, Lovisa Nilsson, shares her husband’s ideologies. Around other people, she acts superior and aloof, you wouldn’t think her lifestyle and background would generate behaviors like that. She’s worked most of her life as a secretary, but has dabbled in substitute teacher jobs, which is how she and Albin met.

Their view of catpeople are very regressive, considering them as lessers. Hence the mistreatment Zu was given during her childhood. Zu liked seeing her parents when she was still young and didn’t know any better, but these days she tries not to think about them. What seemed like good memories has instead turned into nightmares which she sometimes experiences.

Little Sister Johanna:
Zu never saw much of her younger sister, since her parents made sure they were to never meet. But she still heard her younger sister talking and playing through the floor. Most of what she saw of her was through photos when she was allowed upstairs for cleaning. Then, one day her sister surprisingly came to see her down in the basement. Unfortunately, it seemed like Zu had scared Johanna, because she bolted right out of there, screaming. That was the last Zu ever saw or heard from her sister. The memory of Johanna still lingers in Zu’s mind, though very faint these days.

•Skills/Special Abilities:

•If You Could Have Three Wishes?:
Wish 1: "I wish everyone was happy!"
Wish 2: "I wish I had a baby!"
Wish 3: "I wish I could be like a normal girl..."

•Random & Miscellaneous Facts:
1. Zu can run very fast for a long period of time, but is very weak.
2. Zu cannot swim, and needs floaties to stay above the surface when going out on deeper water.
3. When the characters were first created, Zu was originally the smart one and Zara the dumb one.
4. She also used to have thick stick that she used for various things.
5. Zu's favorite smell is vanilla.
6. Zu cannot speak or understand any other language than Swedish. (Her dialogue is all in English though for readers to understand)
7. Her butt may not be big, but it's plump, full and soft.
8. Her boobs are perky, but not very sensitive.
9. Zu is a squirter.

Being born to parents who thought of catpeople as people of less value, little Therese Nilsson never received any love from her parents. She was a shame to the newly founded family. But they were too proud to just give her up for adoption immediately. Instead she was isolated from the outside world. Albin and Lovisa were not a very social folk to begin with and their countryside villa didn’t have any immediate neighbors. Keeping Therese hidden from outside eyes was not a difficult task.

Never receiving any pity from her parents, it didn’t take long for the abuse of Therese to begin. Upon the birth of her younger sister, Johanna, she was hidden away entirely. Kept in the basement, which was slightly remodeled for the purpose, Therese was largely left to her own devices. With only a few cast-off toys and a mirror to keep her busy.

Johanna, who was born a regular human, got all the love and care while carefully being kept separated from her older sister. This was done so thoroughly, Johanna wasn’t even aware her sister existed.

But as she grew older, the mysteriously locked basement door, frosted windows and the sometimes mysterious sounds coming from there piqued her curiosity. Her parents simply dismissed it as the boiler being noisy and told her that it’s dangerous down there for children. She should stay away from there.

But the curiosity of a child is seldom satisfied by dismission. While home alone she managed to locate the keys to the basement and went to investigate. When she flicked the lightswitch and saw the thin, long haired girl in rags approaching the bottom of the basement stairs, she froze with fear. For a moment, the two sisters looked at each other, neither one of them sure how to react. Of course, Johanna didn’t know the girl in the basement was her sister. Then, Therese began to try to communicate with her younger sister. But Johanna was too frightened to make out Therese’s slurred speech to realize that she was trying to greet her. Thinking she was a ghost, Johanna bolted screaming out, slamming the door shut and locking tightly.

When Johanna then told her parents what she had seen in the basement, they realized they had to get rid of Therese as quickly as possible. Having heard of the catperson doctor, Ellie des Chaton, and her willingness to take on any and all kinds of charities, they thought she could take care of their daughter too. Both of them were catpeople anyway.

Spiking Therese’s food with some sleeping powder to knock her out while Johanna was out, they put her in the car and drove for the city Granköping where Ellie resided. Arriving at nightfall, they dumped Therese on Ellie’s doorstep, wrapped up in a blanket along with an envelope with a made up sob story.

Ellie took Zu in, suspicious but still worried about the girl. When Therese came to, she became frightened by the unknown voluptuous woman and this unfamiliar surrounding. Panicking, she ran around Ellie’s home, knocking things over trying to get away or find a place to hide. There was so many new impressions and strange objects all around her that her mind couldn’t handle it and she fainted again.

The next time she woke up, she was laying on top of something very soft and there was a plate with some nice smelling food on it on a small table next to it. After she shoveled it into her mouth two curious faces carefully approached her. They wanted to know who she was and where she came from, but there wasn’t a lot she could tell them. Ellie contacted the authorities and her colleagues in social services, something was definitely not right. With the shape this poor catgirl was in, she took pity and she decided to adopt her.

By searching through the database for any person born with cat features at the hospital, she managed to pinpoint Therese's information and take legal action against her parents. At this point, Ellie and Zara had already given Therese a new name, since they didn’t know her real name. Ellie had wanted something short and easy to help her pronounce and spell her own name. After some discussion, they agreed on the name Zu. A mix of the name Sue and a tradition in Zara’s family of names starting with a Z, then dropping the E. They changed her legal name to Zu Kat, borrowing Zara’s last name to simplify it even further for her, keeping Therese as her middle name.

As Zara and Ellie got to know her, they helped her catch up for those many lost years of growing up. Psychiatrists and speech therapists were employed to help, which wasn’t an easy process, but a challenge Zu met with a strong will, eager to learn.

Embracing her new life, Zu grew fond of forests and similar nature areas. Sprinting around, she’d explore and climb trees, taking in the smells and experiences. This, however, didn’t help her fear of crowds.

Over time, Zu managed to make it into the school system, on Ellie’s request. Starting from Third Grade at the age of 12, she got to experience a classroom for the first time in her life. She was very nervous, but the teachers and her classmates were really nice to her. With a lot of assistance and effort, she finished sixth grade and was ready to start Junior High. The classes and subjects would only become more complex from here on out.

Coincidentally, Zara moved into a new apartment, a longer distance away from Ellie. That way they both had their own room, unfortunately that meant Zu had to go to a different school where she had no friends from Elementary.

Zu struggled to keep up in her classes. Failing to make new friends affected her school work negatively. However, a classmate of hers, a boy named Simon, noticed her seclusion and took her into his friend group consisting of four other boys. A welcome change that made Zu feel more like she belonged at school. She got to hang out with them and have fun both during and after school.

While it looked like friendship at surface level, it was in fact nothing more than assigning her as a bullying target. It started with making her the butt of their jokes and since she sometimes had trouble following their conversations, she was oblivious to the fact they were making fun of her. The bullying soon escalated to minor abuse, tripping her or grabbing her tail. They told her she got hurt so often because she was just clumsy, effectively gaslighting her into thinking it was all her own fault. Her desperate need for friendship made her blind to the bullying she was exposed to.

One of the boys, Elias, a thin, blonde kid whose perception was rather dull, didn’t bully Zu as much as the others. He was gentle, but didn’t really pick up on either the verbal or physical abuse that Zu had to endure, just laughing and enjoying his time with his friends. Zu mistook his ignorance for kindness and developed a crush on him. Elias being rather cute awakened feelings Zu had never felt for boys before, and she wasn’t sure how to handle them.

Simon, the self-acclaimed group leader, was quite bossy and rarely took no for an answer. He was the instigator of almost all abuse aimed at Zu, and as all teenage boys develop sexually, so did Simon. His teenage lust started to surface and a lot of the abuse started to get sexual in nature. Zu being slightly older and having already developed a lot of curves made her a prime target for his hormones running amok. In combination with his jealous and obsessive tendencies, any affection shown towards Zu from the other boys or vice versa would make Simon lash out, both towards his friends but also Zu.

The next term of the school year, Simon would escalate his advances towards Zu. He would take her to a secluded area and grope and prod her even against her quiet protests. But Zu was conflicted, his touching made her feel really hot and tingly. He would tell her that what they were doing was just “playing doctor” and that she had to keep it secret. Since it all felt so forbidden, Zu complied. Even when Simon made her touch him until something weird came out.

Zu’s feelings were still aimed at Elias, though. Getting closer to him was troublesome, both because she didn’t really know how, and because Simon made it really difficult to even talk to him. So she decided to make him a gift instead. At home, she would practice drawing Elias. If she drew a really good picture of him, perhaps he would become really happy and want to talk to her more.

However, all of her scrapped drawings that she threw around got the attention of Ellie. Suspecting that Zu might be growing feelings for a boy, she took Zu aside to give her “the talk”. Being a medical professional, Ellie’s procedural walkthrough of the act left Zu feeling a bit anxious. Ellie reminded her that sex is only for people who are in love and that she should absolutely not agree if she did not feel comfortable. If she did, Zu must make sure that a condom was to be used. Otherwise she would get into big trouble.

Overwhelmed by Ellie’s starkness and her experiences with Simon, Zu was feeling very guilty. She would have to stop playing doctor with Simon altogether now. While he was nice to her, she really wanted the attention of Elias. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t draw anything that looked good enough for him, and she did not want Elias to think her drawing of him looked bad. It really put a lot of stress and pressure on her.

Simon did not appreciate Zu denying him her body, but due to fear of making a scene, he suppressed his anger. Instead, he made a plan. There was going to be a field trip soon, which required a signed permission slip to be allowed to go on. By stealing the permission slip from Zu’s backpack, he ensured that she would miss out on the field trip and instead stay at school for some extra classes. Simon himself would also stay behind.

When the day came, Zu was distressed that she had missed out on the field trip. Simon promised her that he would do something for her that would cheer her up, if she just followed him to the Gym, which was temporarily deserted due to the occasion. Feeling downtrodden, Zu happily agreed to come with him.

Once there, Simon led Zu into the boy’s changing room, where he started getting touchy with her. Zu tried to resist, but Simon wouldn’t let up. He had made up his mind to take Zu now, he might not get another chance. Pushing Zu down, he pulled the clothes off of the squirming and protesting catgirl. Her constant resistance made it difficult for Simon to keep her still and at the same time attempt to put on the condom he had brought for the occasion, but it was Zu’s pleading about how sex was only for people in love triggered something within Simon.

A rage so strong rose up within him that it blocked all rational thinking. He flipped Zu over on her stomach and then sat down on her to stop her from moving. While putting on his condom he muttered profanities under his breath. If his love wasn’t good enough for her, then he’d show her what happens when it wasn’t accepted.

With a swift motion, Simon roughly repositioned Zu so that she was bent over a bench. Holding her down by the neck with one arm, he guided his raging erection towards the sobbing girl’s sphincter instead. Once she felt the pressure on her backdoor, Zu’s cries turned from pleading to panicky and pained. It took some force, but Simon eventually managed to push his member through the resisting hole. Zu was bawling now, but it only fueled his lust even further. The power he felt as he thrust his dick into the crying girl was unlike anything he’d ever felt before, it was intoxicating.

What felt like an eternity was over in just about a couple of minutes, as Simon finally ejaculated, his grip on Zu’s neck tightened and he thrust his dick in as far as he could up into her butt. Zu’s whimpers were distorted by his strong grip and the pathetic sounds she made only made his orgasm all the more satisfying.

Simon pulled out of her once his dick started to go limp again. The boy’s locker room was now eerily calm and quiet compared to the earlier ruckus, only Zu’s low sobs and whimpering were breaking the silence. Simon was breathing heavily, trying to assess the situation, things didn’t go as he had planned and everything felt so surreal. He was quickly brought back to earth when Zu vomited onto the bench. He grabbed the retching girl and basically threw her into the lavatory.

After cleaning up the evidence and making sure Zu was in a decent state, Simon prepared their departure. He told Zu that this happened because of her actions, it was her fault. If she ever mentioned these events to anyone, she’d get in big trouble. In her brittle state of mind, Zu swallowed everything hook, line and sinker. With a final warning, he sent Zu off to limp her way back home. A painful journey that ended with her passing out in bed, as she was home alone when she arrived.

The next day, when Zara wondered why Zu was so sad, Zu lied and said it was because she had missed the field trip. When questioned about her limp, she said that she fell on her butt. Zara held Zu close and said she’d take her on a trip the upcoming weekend instead, just the two of them. In Zara’s comfort, Zu started to feel a lot safer. But the fear that Simon had instilled into her never went away after that.

When Zu returned to school, Simon was way more possessive of her. While he didn’t try to make any advances on her again, he was quick to interrupt if she saw her try to talk with other boys. She’d often get punished afterwards, out of sight of potential witnesses. Simon had learnt her limits and thresholds, so Zu wouldn’t show any major signs of abuse that would expose his iron grip on her. Trying to appease Simon to avoid being abused became daily routine for Zu. Unfortunately, she’d still receive it, even with impeccable acting.

Come summer, the last day of school for the semester, after commencement, Simon took Zu and the rest of the gang to a café for a last get-together before they went their separate ways for the summer. Both a blessing and a curse for Zu, since she really wanted to confess her feelings to Elias, who she still had a crush on. But with Simon constantly in the picture, she never had a chance to do so. The drawing she had made for him had been finished for a while, it was stashed in her backpack, just waiting for the perfect moment to get pulled out.

She finally got her chance when Simon left to use the bathroom and the other boys were distracted with a conversation. Lightly tugging Elias’ T-shirt sleeve to get his attention, she shyly slid the drawing over to him. He looked at her dumbfounded. When she didn’t get the reaction she expected, she clarified that it was a drawing of him and her that she had made. But he just continued to look at her cluelessly. After a short silence between the two, Zu whispered that she liked him, which finally got a reaction out of him. Before he could say anything though, one of the other boys snatched the drawing out of his hands. It was handed over to the rest of the gang, which started to make fun of it.

Zu cried out and tried to take it back, but they wouldn’t let her. Instead, they teased her about her feelings towards Elias. Being ganged up on like this wasn’t out of the ordinary, but when she had just admitted her true feelings she felt extra vulnerable and she struggled to hold back her tears. Just then, Simon came back from the bathroom. The boys were quick to update him on the situation, handing him the drawing.

He glanced at it, then gave Zu an unimpressed look, with a hint of hopelessness. Zu was frozen in fear now, this had not gone as she expected at all. Simon took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. Rhetorically, he asked if she knew what he thought of her drawing as he took out his lighter to light the cigarette. Zu shook her head so slowly, it was barely noticeable. Without uttering a sound, Simon brought the lighter to the bottom of the paper, setting it on fire. Zu shrieked and jumped out of her seat to grab the drawing to stop it from being burnt completely.

This reaction made Simon see black. He let go of the drawing and grabbed Zu’s arm firmly and pulled her close, making her squeal. How dared she show appreciation for another guy. To teach her a lesson once and for all, he took his cigarette and buried it in Zu’s neck. Zu screamed in pain and recoiled back, bumping into the table so hard it knocked over. Simon lost his grip and Zu darted for the exit before he could react. The other boys were just watching in shock.

Crying and almost stumbling all over herself, Zu scrambled out of the café, barely seeing where she was going. Once out on the street, she looked behind her only to see Simon giving chase. Further fear took hold of her and she continued her panicked scramble down the street. She still had quite a lead, but her legs were shaking and she stumbled with almost every step she took, flailing with her arms to keep balance.

Then she suddenly collided with a boy around the same height as her, who grabbed her and held her, making a pirouette to keep them from falling to the ground. The boy attempted to calm her down, told him his name, Hampus, and asked what was going on, while Zu cried and leaned against him for support, blurting out something about how “he” had burnt her and was gonna hurt her. Before the boy could assess the situation, Simon came running up to them, demanding that Zu would come with him.

Zu hid behind Hampus and cried that this was the “he” that would hurt her further. Hampus stood up for Zu, saying that that wasn’t going to happen and inquiring about who he was and what had happened. Simon replied that that wasn’t any of his business and to get out of the way. When Hampus refused, Simon gave him a push, causing both him to stumble and Zu to fall over. Hampus, now agitated, pushed Simon back, asking what his deal was.

Instead of replying, Simon punched Hampus square in the face. Hampus went down and Simon gave him a kick in the ribs. Zu shrieked, causing Simon to turn his attention to her. He told her to shut up and stop acting like such a baby, then kicked her as well, causing her to lose her breath. He began to accuse her of trying to cheat on him again, when something huge struck him in the side of the jaw, causing him to stop mid-sentence and stagger back.

It was a tall, handsome man, with shoulder length black hair and if Zu saw correctly through her tears and gasping, even sported a set of cat ears and a tail. The catman exclaimed that that was for punching his little brother and when Simon tried to gain his balance to try to strike back, the catman exclaimed again; “And this is for hitting a girl!”

The man kicked Simon in the stomach, sending him flying back into a row of potted plants, which he fell backwards over and landed flat on his back, hitting his head on the ground. The catman, who was much taller and stronger than Simon, shouted at him to get lost. Simon, groggy from hitting his head, admitted defeat for the moment and got up on his feet, yelling at his buddies, who had gathered a distance away to watch the spectacle, to come along with him. They did so, leaving Zu, Hampus and the tall man to recuperate.

Hampus got back on his feet, and the older brother picked Zu up and started to carry her, walking towards a bench a short distance away. Zu held onto the man as hard as she could, she felt safe in his arms. He attempted to calm and soothe her as best he could. Once she had caught her breath and stopped crying, they exchanged names. Apparently the man was named Sixten. They asked her if she was OK, who that guy was, if they should contact someone for her and how they could help her further. Zu, struggling to explain, could only give incoherent snippets of information.

A quiet voice calling out to them caused them all to look over. It was Elias, holding Zu’s backpack. Seeing him instantly made Zu feel better. He gave Zu her backpack and together with him, they put all of the pieces together. Zara and Ellie were called, and once they were on their way, the story of Simon’s domination of Zu was finally told. Surrounded by these heroic boys, Zu felt comfortable telling everything that had happened to her.

What followed was a chaotic time for Zu and everyone involved. The incident was reported to the authorities, resulting in the arrest and expulsion of Simon. While the court procedures were prepared, Zu, Zara and Ellie spent a lot of time together with Sixten, Hampus and Elias, trying to sort things out. Zu was less prone to talk with Zara and Ellie nearby, she had a much easier time talking with the boys.

That year’s summer holiday Zu was pretty sheltered. Both Ellie and Zara had a streak of overprotectiveness, resulting in Zu not being able to move about as much as she’d like to. She did get to spend a lot more time with the boys, which all were very supportive of her once they were fully familiarized with her life story and situation. During this time, she developed feelings, especially for Sixten, her savior. His stoic and quiet demeanor gave him a sense of mysticism, so she did not dare to express them to him.

Once the next school semester started, Zu had an assistant guiding her, hired by Ellie to make sure nothing like this would happen again. Elias, who Zu still felt for, took on a guiding role as well, making the time spent in school much more of an enjoyable experience. Since she was still heavily supervised at home during the autumn season, she felt a lot more free in the school environment. With Simon out of the picture, a greater understanding of love and a fully awakened sense of lust, she was much bolder with her intentions.

When the assistant wasn’t looking, she’d give Elias kisses and smooches. And if by any chance they wound up alone, Zu would take things even further. All of the things that Zu dreamt about she wanted to do with Elias, she could now do freely. Together, in various hidden corners while they had no eyes on them, they explored each others’ bodies to the fullest. They were unofficial boyfriend and girlfriend, to prevent Zu’s parent figures from having an outburst all over again. This secrecy and few and far between moments only spurred her on.

Eventually, Zu’s family were informed that Simon had been relocated to a foster home outside of Granköping and that he would not be allowed to contact any of them. A relief for everyone involved, although Zu didn’t really know what it meant, other than she didn’t have to worry about Simon for the foreseeable future. This also made Zara and Ellie relax a bit, and they were less strict with her. Something she took full advantage of, visiting Zoo whenever she could, meeting up with the Tubén brothers and perhaps best of all, unsupervised time with Elias.

Her remaining time in school continued in this spirit, she graduated with perhaps less than mediocre grades, but her friends held a party for her nonetheless. She was proud and happy, but what awaited her now? Expecting to spend the summer goofing off and having a good time, several harsh facts hit her all at once.

For Zu, she had no future in further education, so she would stay put in Granköping with her friends and family. But what would she do? She was mentally challenged still, so her options were limited.

Elias was going to continue his studies in a gymnasium in another city, requiring him to move away from Granköping. They would have to break up. It was a hard pill to swallow, and she felt very down in the dumps after being informed. It felt like their connection had been completely cut before he had even left. Not even hanging out with Zoo could help her feel any better.

What brought her back to her happy self was a visit from Sixten, who had heard from a worried Ellie that Zu was totally inconsolable. Knowing Zu found tremendous comfort in his company, she had called him over. Even if Ellie was slightly frustrated over having to leave the room for Zu to open up, she saw little to no other choice.

Within Sixten’s calming presence, Zu opened up about all of the pressure Zara and Ellie had given her by asking her about what jobs she would like to apply for. He quietly hushed her while telling her she had managed to come this far, then she shouldn’t give up now. He asked her about what she likes to do and what she’d like to do, without pressing her for an answer.

After a long moment of silence, with Sixten stroking her hair as she leaned against him, Zu whispered softly that, just like Sixten, she’d like to help people. Sixten thought for a while. What about becoming a maid? She could help keep things neat and tidy while they were busy elsewhere! How happy they would be to have someone as capable as Zu keeping things in check while they were gone. This made Zu laugh and say that she’d really like that, finally putting on a cautious smile.

Another silent moment passed, as Sixten felt there was something else that Zu wanted to get off her chest. Instead of asking her what, he let her build up the courage to tell him herself. But instead of saying anything, Zu was just staring at him intently, slowly inching closer to him. Suddenly, she leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. This startled Sixten, and he looked with surprise at Zu. She smiled and gave him another kiss, this time straight on the lips. Sixten tried to back away, but Zu hugged him and exclaimed that she wanted him to be her boyfriend.

Breaking out in a cold sweat, Sixten didn’t know what to do. His eyes darted to left and right, should he call for Ellie? Despite his slight panic, the feel of Zu’s warm body pressing up against his, had his dick start to pulsate and harden. Soon, a clear bulge was showing in his loose pants, and Zu was quick to notice. His complaints were ignored as Zu started to try to scuff his pants down. She just said they were boyfriend and girlfriend now and that this would prove their love to each other.

As Zu managed to pull his pants and underwear down far enough for his now full erection to spring out, Sixten felt as if he was in a dream. This couldn’t be happening, right? He could hear Zu, as if through a fog, whispering something about how big it was, before he felt something wet and warm touch, part and envelop the tip of his dick. “Is this girl crazy!?” was the only thing that went through his mind as he realized that Zu was performing oral sex on him.

Too stunned to stop her, he whimpered and moaned out soft protests until Zu brought him to ejaculation. Dutifully, she swallowed his load and when she was done, she looked up at him and said he’d have to do something for her later. Just then, there was a knock on the door. It was Ellie, asking if she could come inside, since she had brought some saft and buns for them. They quickly tucked Sixten’s member back into his pants and yelled for Ellie that yes, it was fine to come inside.

Ellie was surprised to see Zu hugging Sixten so tightly, but before she got to ask anything, Zu blurted out that she and Sixten were girlfriend and boyfriend now. Ellie looked at Sixten, who looked helplessly back at her. She was about to protest, but seeing Zu glare daggers at her quickly put a stop to those thoughts. Seems like she’d have to talk to them separately at a later time… For now, they’d enjoy their fika and discuss whatever the two of them had come up with.

Ellie liked the maid idea, and she said she might have a contact that would be perfect for this situation. A friend of her parents often jokingly asked her to moonlight as a maid in his mansion. Perhaps he would be pleasantly surprised to have an actual catgirl work for him.

While Ellie set those wheels in motion, she and Zara would grill Sixten about his intentions with Zu. But when Zu came storming in, having heard her parents use such harsh language against her poor boyfriend, they changed their minds rather quickly. It was all too clear that this is what Zu wanted. Zu even got to move into Sixten’s little house, so now she had three places to stay at. Just as she was getting comfortable, Ellie announced that she had managed to get Zu set up for an interview for the maid job.

She was nervous, as you ought to be for an interview. She got into the car with Zara and they picked up Ellie. She was going to show them to the manor. It was located a bit outside of the city, so it took them half an hour to get there, even with Ellie’s GPS.

Soon enough they reached a long dirt road with neat, well-kept trees adorning both sides of it. And at the end of it, a sterling gate with an intercom within reaching distance from a car.
Zara rolled down her window and pushed the Call button.

“Hello?” a voice asked after a few seconds.
“Zu Kat for her interview?” Zara responded politely.
“Hello~!” Zu shouted excitedly, but Zara hushed her promptly.
“Just a moment.” the voice replied.

Not a moment later, the gate opened up and Zara drove though. Zu and Zara both gave their eyes a feast as they saw the rows of fruit trees, flower beds and hedges cut in a motif. It probably was the most beautiful garden they had ever seen. But their amazement did not end, as the mansion loomed up from in the distance. Four stories high and quite wide. They even spotted stables in the distance and a workshop.

Zara parked her slightly rusty Volvo 240 beside a shiny Porsche on the drive. Looking at her slightly dented yellow car next to the flashy sports car made her feel a bit awkward.

With Zara and Ellie on either side of her, Zu knocked on the door. After a moment, it opened and revealed a man that was unmistakingly dressed as a butler, down to the cufflinks.
She started to blush, her nervousness getting the better of her.
“Miss Zu Kat, I presume?” Zu nodded vigorously.
“Please follow me.” the butler said, and turned around to walk forward.

Zara gave her a nudge, and as she started to follow, her mouth fell agape at the giant lobby she was entering. The ceiling was even higher than the school gym! A pretty chandelier caught her attention, shining bright and glistening in the sunlight streaming from the large windows above the main doors.

Eventually, she was led down a flight of stairs, eventually reaching a decent looking office room. She had seen other girls who were wearing maid dresses. The three were asked to sit down on the empty chairs just before another girl walked in. She introduced herself as the housekeeper and immediately made eye contact with Zu.

Zara briefly placed her hand on Zu’s and whispered that she’d be fine, after which she promptly removed her hand. The interview had officially begun.

The housekeeper made a forced smile, and moved over a piece of paper with a pen.
“This is a checklist of the different kinds of jobs and duties we arranged for you, specifically. Please fill in the things you can handle in these lines” the housekeeper gestured with her finger “and there’s a field on the back for anything else you want to inform us of. Other things you needed or preferences.”

“Mooh… moppin’... the fff... floor.” With an unmoved face, the housekeeper observed Zu’s struggling.
Zu still struggled with reading and writing, but it was worse under stress.
Ellie quickly cut in “I think it would be best if we did this in private.”
The housekeeper sighed and nodded “Very well, I’ll be back in an hour, but you can always ask one of the maids to send for me if you are done early.” she forced a half-hearted smile again, and walked away, closing the door behind her.

Together, the trio looked through the available tasks. But more often than not, it was Zara and Ellie discussing each and explaining it to Zu, with her nodding when she’d agree. Sometimes she’d say she’s willing to try something she hadn’t done before. They wouldn’t always tag that chore, but made sure they added that she was new to it when they did.

No sooner after the list was finished, did they see an hour had passed by, and the housekeeper had come inside, right on time. Not even a second later than she said she would.

Sitting on her office chair again, she scanned the list with a stern face.
“Hmmmm…” she hummed “...most of these simple chores are already well handled by our current maids. Are you sure she can’t do anything else?”

Zu’s ears dropped. She was smart enough to realize that she was being called too unskilled for the job. She started fighting back tears.
The housekeeper nodded in response, seeing Zu’s ears drooping.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think it’d be worth our time and space…”

“I-I just wanted to help…” she murmured sadly, struggling harder to hold back her tears.
“Sorry,” The housekeeper repeated “if I took every-”
“That’s quite enough, Matilda…” a man’s voice interrupted, catching almost everyone by surprise.
As faces turned, they saw a tall but old man, dressed in a grey suit and tie, holding a cane. Yet he seemed healthy enough to not require one.
His grey-brown mixed hair and moustache, while seemingly stern, comforted Zu a little as he seemed both nice and lifeful.

"Gustav!" Ellie gasped in surprise.
"Good day, Ellie, my dear!" Gustav greeted. "And good day to you two too, Miss Linda and Miss Therese."
Gustav waved to them with his free hand as he walked over to Matilda and took a look at the paper. "Excuse my manners, but I have been eavesdropping on you for a while." he spoke to the three cat girls.

"When I heard Ellie had found a cat eared little fellow wanting to become a maid at my mansion, I couldn’t hold back my curiosity. I have always longed for a feline featured maid of my own, you see. I have been stuck with the idea since I met Ellie. But alas, she's too valuable to be wasted on a man like me, especially with her unique body." Ellie blushed a little as Gustav chortled a little at his own remark.

"Let me take a look at you, little one!" Gustav said to Zu, who hid behind Zara upon being approached. "Please, don't be shy. I'm not going to bite you!" He knelt down to Zu's level.
Zara nudged her to step forward. He could see her trying to hold back her tears as she met eyes with him.

He took her hand by the back of it, and used it to turn around her arm, getting a good look at her and the palm of her hand. “My dear, you look mighty flexible. I bet you could reach into places and crevices where none of our other staff could. Considering one of them once was a ballerina, I’m sure that’s quite a feat…”

In his curiosity, he stroked one of her ears, which caused it to twitch. The man looked absolutely fascinated, and couldn’t help himself but reach for her tail. She yelped quietly and moved it away from his hand.
“Oh! Forgive me, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” Zu smiled a little and the man chuckled with her.

“Aren’t you just the cutest little girl…” he said, and stood up, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Consider yourself hired, dear!” The very words brought such a shine on her face, that the man’s heart skipped a beat. Would good luck finally befall Zu?

“But sir…” Matilda sought to interrupt.
“Hush Matilda, we all need a chance in life. And this girl is as excited to work for me as I was when I had my first chance at a job and making something of my life… I stand by my decision.”
“Very well, sir…” Matilda quietly sighed. Hers was now the duty to shape Zu into something more useful.

Gustav gestured for some of the maids to step up. “Would you be dears and show Zu and her guardian where she can stay? Then bring her back to me after I’ve sorted out some details with Ellie dear here. I’ll give her a part of the tour, myself. Matilda, you’ll come with us when we do.”
He efficiently instructed.

“Thanks so much.” Ellie said, and went in for a hug. “It means a lot to me, she’s had her fair share of setbacks way too early in her life.”
“Ah, least I can do for all you’ve done for me. And she really is quite adorable. I hope she’ll fit right in with the other girls.”

Zu and Zara were shown the maid quarters. Despite being in the cellar, it all looked very cosy. There was plenty of heating for cold winter nights, and the maids were all nice to her as well.
On their return, Gustav and Matilda took the trio for a tour.

Conveniently, she was shown all the areas that lead up to Gustav’s private quarters. He excused himself, saying that he felt tired, and that Matilda could finish the tour while wishing Zu well.

The tour didn’t last for much longer. Throughout, Matilda remained stern, if not slightly annoyed with the girl that she’d have to mold into workable shape. She grumbled inwardly at the thought of a member of her staff being hired as eye-candy more than for skill and talent, but was professional enough not to show it.

When they finally reached the front door again, Matilda spoke again “You begin next week Monday. Be here at least by nine, not a minute too late. We’ll need to efficiently time everything so you can unpack and I can show you all your tasks so you can get started that afternoon.”

She shook hands with the three of them, and wished them farewell. She waited at the doorway to see them leave, but awkwardly waved back when Zu intently and excitedly waved at her. Her heart wasn’t made of stone, but hers was the job to stay serene and professional.

Zu spent the remainder of her Wednesday nervously thinking of what it would be like. Zara, not wanting to keep her eyes off Zu for as long as she still could, figured she should enjoy the few free days she has left at home. So she took her to a picnic and other fun activities for the remaining days, spending the Sunday at home just recovering from all the excitement.
And then, Monday finally came. Zu was a hassle to get out of bed, but she managed it anyway.

Being brought right on time by Zara, Zu’s day started exactly as Matilda described. She unpacked all her things, put on her maid outfit, and was shown around the various tasks she was assigned to do. Matilda still hadn’t forgotten how Gustav had overruled her, but Zu’s obedient nature allowed her to slowly let that grudge slip away.

Zu was introduced to the rest of the staff as well. The chefs, butlers and other caretakers.
And then, last but not least, the Nyqvist family itself. Gustav introduced his wife Jonna, their son Felix and daughter Lotta. They were all occupied in their own activities, but didn’t feel too high enough to at least give Zu a nod. She was but an employee, after all.

She found Lotta to be an amateur writer, often staying inside of her room all day. A big, but timid girl who took interest in Zu due to her imaginative stories and unique drawings. Together, they’re trying to make a picture book.

Jonna, the wife, was an avid reader. Yet somehow, she was oftentimes very difficult to find. Which was no problem for Zu, as Jonna was quite snobby, making Zu feel unwanted.

Felix keeps teasing her, although lightheartedly. Zu mostly enjoys herself when Felix is around, because he’s both funny and attractive when he’s showing off. Unfortunately, a lot of his antics leave a lot of messes for the maids to clean up.

And so, Zu started her work at the mansion. What the other maids see as annoying chores, she always seems to find a challenge in. Being flexible like she is, she easily gets into areas the maids would require a ladder to get to or extra staff to move an obstacle out of the way. It even got as far as to impress Matilda, who hid it under the guise of complaining that a maid should always behave appropriately.

Zu’s life, it seems, was finally coming together.

•Current Life:
At work, Zu and 7 other maids got their own beds in the maid's quarters in the cellar. She gets three meals a day, though most of it is leftovers from the kitchen. She and the other maids work and live in the mansion from monday morning until 13.00 on friday, then another group of maids take over. There's butlers living in the mansion too, but they have their beds in the attic. Unless Zara or Ellie can give her a ride, she travels to and fro by bus. Something which always makes her nervous, even with her bus pass.

She usually cleans, does dishes and washes clothes. But sometimes she's given special missions, like going shopping, meeting guests and showing them their rooms or helping take care of the animals. There are a few horses, dogs and other pets on the mansion premises. This is her favorite chore, since she loves animals. Helping out guests is her least favorite, especially if the guests ask her a lot of questions, or want something particular. It can lead to the guest becoming frustrated with her.

During weekends and days off, she either stays at home with Sixten, unless visiting some of her friends. Zara lives more centrally, so it’s closer to visiting Ellie and Zoo, so if she is going to meet with any of them, she stays at Zara’s place. She spends her alone time doing what she likes the most; drawing, playing pretend and whatever other unique things her mind comes up with. She's very happy these days.

So that's Zu. I hope you like her new polished but shortened down bio. It was hard to keep it short, since there's a lot I wanted to add in. If there are any questions, I'll try to answer them.
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My headcannon for over 10 years was that we made zu retarded in the flash animation where she is hit over the head with a baseball bat
Too bad she's a fictional character.
This is my mother.
damn.. well now i just feel like shit for wanting to fap.
4 years and no one comments on Zu? That's just a shame. Amazing story btw, RC.
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