Happy birthday, Zoo!!
Here's your birthday gift!

Today, I have lots of stuffs to upload... I was going to upload 2 flashes, but due to some shitty glitch I can't. So you'll have to wait. askfjhsaljdfh
Woop, flashes are now uploaded.
The Big Character Flash! (Version 1)
It's just a hueg flash with all the character biographies and music themes in it. For posting at other sites easily.
And Part 5 of Froboo's adventure!
I love making Froboo flashes, because you don't have to put much effort in them... Heeheehee...

Let's start off with two "new" characters!
These are villian characters, and will only be used in a non-canon way, like in flashes and such things. They do not play a part in Sixten's the 4 catgirls' canon timeline.
Say hello to Lollo!
And don't say anything to this girl, 'cause she'll stab you to death.

Yus. Enjoy these characters, if you can.

Next thing that we will look at is Fan Fictions, which I've gotten a lot of these last 2 weeks.

Let's start this with a new story from The Storyteller!
It's called 'Epoch' and it is a romance story. It is worth a read, believe me~!
Oh, and click here for a older format.

Next in line is Remembering to Forget Part 2!
I bet you've been waiting for this, so just click and download it!
Written by Triple Dotz!
Download in an older format here.

And we got three stories by Five!
What some people do for love Part 8! ^w^
Mini story 3!
Mini story 4!

Give them all a read when you got the time to do so!

And the last things I have to show you are three sketches.
Zu being humped by a dog. I learnt that I shall never ever draw dogs again when I drew this.
Another Zu sketch.
And the third and last sketch is of Peach getting it in the butt.

I've been busy remaking Zu's sprites for Project X for the last few weeks, and it will probably take a while to finish them all; I've only remade 4 animations so far. And there's like 50+ left.

So ya.

Posted 31st of March 2011 - 17:10 by Rock Candy | 3 comments.

So I found this unfinished flash in My Recieved Files folder (not made by me), and decided to finish it. I hope the guy who made the original likes it! I lost contact with him about a year ago...

Well, it's a very basic flash. But my friends still liked it, and I hope you will too.


Thought I could put this here as well; it's a short trailer for Zu in Project X.
Zeta and her friend/partner/whatever made one for each character.
Seeing as Zu doesn't really belong in a game like this, she's a bit of a joke character. She's a bit silly.
Posted 8th of March 2011 - 20:19 by Rock Candy | 9 comments.
No, not my birthday. Zu's birthday! :3

So, let's start off this update with...
Zu's art!
Zu's Art#1
Zu's Art#2

Isn't she a wonderful artist? :3

And now, my art. I only gots one picture to show, but it's colored. (Horribly.)
Zee gets Double anal'd.
Probably the first and last picture I'll color in PS. So much horrible.
I messed up Zee's face ;3;

We also got a new fan ficiton called 'Remembering to Forget', written by 'Triple Dots'.

Download! (Old Format)

Give it a read!
Posted 6th of March 2011 - 07:34 by Rock Candy | 2 comments.
I've been busy with flash works lately, so I wont be able to poop out material as fast anymore.

I got 3 pictures for ya this time at least.
First one is a picture in color zomg! Lollo, a villian character.
I use her in comics, games or other ideas when I simply need someone to be the bad guy. So I created her. Hooray!

Psycho Girl, the left handed serial killer!
Also in color!

Last picture has no color. :C Excuse the crappy quality... Still not gotten a better scanning program...
I took two requests from the request box and put them together.
The requests were...

"a follow up to this picture! where Zu's actually having to lay/push out all that stuff :P" by MilesK
"Maybe do something for my character? Small gallery of her here: Hohoho! Bunneh gurl. She's very into anal. Toys, machines, tentacles, or just a good dicking, choice is up to you."
by lunarsage.


And on the fan side, we gots the seventh part of What Some People Do For Love.
Clicks to go to download page!
Ellie and Jay are in Paris in this part!

Well... That was that.

Also did you guys see ZUN's blog entry about Touhou 13? :D
Posted 28th of February 2011 - 15:51 by Rock Candy | 1 comment.
Ellie's biography is uploaded!
I deleted the old ones, so read the new ones if you haven't already.

The last colored pictures for the bios are uploaded as well. I'mm too lazy to link to them. Just click the 'Pictures' tab, please.

We also got ourselfes a forum! >FORUM!!! Shake it out!<
We got... 32 members so far. Hohoho, that's a lot!!
...Though only 5~6 are writing :C

Oh, and before I forget again, the next two parts of "What some people do for love" are done!
Download Link for Part 5!
Download Link for Part 6!

And now, I'm gonna take a break and play some Mario Kart :3
Posted 15th of February 2011 - 16:57 by Rock Candy | 4 comments.
Ellie's biography is uploaded!
I deleted the old ones, so read the new ones if you haven't already.

The last colored pictures for the bios are uploaded as well. I'mm too lazy to link to them. Just click the 'Pictures' tab, please.

We also got ourselfes a forum! >FORUM!!! Shake it out!<
We got... 32 members so far. Hohoho, that's a lot!!
...Though only 5~6 are writing :C

Oh, and before I forget again, the next two parts of "What some people do for love" are done!
Download Link for Part 5!
Download Link for Part 6!

And now, I'm gonna take a break and play some Mario Kart :3
Posted 15th of February 2011 - 13:21 by Rock Candy | 1 comment.
We've opened a forum! YEAH, it's true.



Posted 13th of February 2011 - 16:24 by LM | 1 comment.
Today, I uploaded updated biographies for Za, Zu, Zoo and Sixten. I've not drawn Ellie's profile picture yet, so I'll upload hers later.

I let their lifes go forward by one year, which means that Zu has graduated from school and such things.
Please, go read them. I'll delete the old ones as soon as I finish up Ellie's.

Also, [?=size]I had 'The Storyteller' write the story about how Zu and Sixten met, which would be a very important read if you like Zu.[/?]
The script was written by me. Download here:
A Fateful Meeting! Download Link!
A Fateful Meeting! Download Link! (old format)

Yus, go read it, as well as their bios for getting updated on their past and present lifes. I upgraded them by a whole lot and let good writers read them through and correct them, so you should have no problem reading them.

...As for other new things...

Pictures by me:
Za, colored!
Zoo, getting it on with three black men!
Mina the cat! A request from... The guy who created her!

Pictures by me, but colored by 'Extreme-Brah'!
Zoo in boyish clothes.
Sixten in Captain Murasa's outfit!

Screen shot of the flash-in-progress:
I'm a Zu and I can't get out of bed!!

...Was there something else...?
Oh, right.
A small preview of Influence - The Peak:
Download Link!
Download Link! (old format)

And that was all, I think.
Posted 1st of February 2011 - 16:43 by Rock Candy | 2 comments.
oh hai

Long time, no see.

A lot of stuff happened these last weeks.
Glasses broke, cat got sick, was on a gaming convention, had to play through MOTHER3...

Anyway, I'm back in business again.
Let's get started with some pictures n' shit.

Zu! In color! Colored by me!?
Colorful Sixten!
Zoo put her colors on too. She even dyed her hair back to red for us..

And now; pictures I drew when I was away from home and bored out of my mind. Don't expect them to awesome or anything, I was far too bored to check anatomy and such.
Ness & Zoo.
Zu in her winter clothes, blowing at a piece of falling snow.
Zoo on her rollerblades again!
Adultie pictures:
Ellie... Tentacles... Drugs... etc.
Ewwwie~!! Also has Ellie and tentacles.

Captcha Comics:
Captcha Comic #7!
Captcha Comic #8!
Captcha Comic #9!
Captcha Comic #10!

And the last update for the pictures section:
Old, crappy picture of Zu being something'd. The first colored piece of adult art from me ever...

And now, upcoming flashes!!
Here's a little preview for ya all!
I and another flash artist, who stumbled upon me, are going to smack or lazy asses together and make a sidescrolling flash game, starring Za. It is going to be an adult flash, and all of my five characters will get their own original sex scene.
It will be a very time consuming flash, so don't expect it coming out soon. We've not started yet.

Before we start it up, we're going to make another small flash, starring Zu.
It will be a bit brutal... So if you like loveydovey things, this will not be for you.
So, now you know what flashes are going to come next.

Then we head over to the fan stuff. Two new pictures from DM DOKURO:
Motivational thingie!
Angry Za... Is angry with you.
And a tribute flash to me! And Exhörder. But he's not around anymore so... Yeah. This was made like 6 months ago anyway. Ffff-
I uploaded it into the 'Misc' section, because I dunno where else to put it... D:

That was all from me this time!
in the next update, you can look forward to upgraded Character biographies, a story about how Sixten met Zu (Manuscript by me, written by The Storyteller) and more pictures!

Now, I'm gonna be lazy and play more MOTHER3.
Posted 22nd of January 2011 - 13:03 by Rock Candy | 10 comments.
A few days after christmas, my computer started to freeze n' shit, so I had to reformat... And then I had to leave home for a while over new years eve. I came back home yesterday, so I've been installing stuff and things that I need.

This of course made working on content impossible, but I should get back to getting stuff done soon.

AS for now, I only have this to show you:
Captcha Comic #6!!!

I also got some more fan art from DM DOKURO!
Cats and Games Don't Mix #1
Cats and Games Don't Mix #2
Cats and Games Don't Mix #3
Cats and Games Don't Mix #4
Cats and Games Don't Mix #5
Cats and Games Don't Mix #6
Cats and Games Don't Mix #7
Cats and Games Don't Mix #8

Oh, and I recently got new versions of the 'Influence' stories, with some fixed misspellings and small improvements!
If you've not read them, go read them!

Influence - The Tales:
Download Link!
Download Link! (old format)

Influence - The Climb:
Download Link!
Download Link! (old format)

There was something else too...
But I've forgotten what it was.... Oh well.
Belated Happy new year and Merry christmas, I guess xD
Posted 4th of January 2011 - 18:21 by Rock Candy | 5 comments.