So, uhm. Yo!
I have finished all the sprites I have to do for Project X, or at least I think so...

I have been told that the next demo will be released around the end of this month, so you'll have that to look forward to.
Here's the trailer, once again:

(Yes, I just learnt how to do that...)

Hmm... What else... Oh! Right, fanart!

First two thingies made by FlashmasterXD:
A response to Guodzilla's picture: Oops!
And some random comic.!

I also got a new fanart from Guodzilla!
Zoo gets her revenge on DJ (and Callie)!

Five, writer of "What Some People Do For Love" decided to re-write his story, so here's the first part in the new story: Download!

I hope you enjoy all that! I shall go play some Brawl before starting up a new project...
Posted 16th of October 2011 - 13:12 by Rock Candy | 7 comments.
Edits; New trailer for the new Zu in Project X was released!

Please let me know what you think!
(The only problem I see is that the spin-attack only goes up, and not in a circle...)


I'm so tired... I'll just post what I got and then go to sleep...

Stuff I made while on the train:
Train Drawing #1
Train Drawing #2

Fanarts from ChestnutNinja:
Hugo & the idiot!
Got Milk?
Zu the cowgirl!

I'm still writing and spriting, blah blah blah.
It's going slowly forward, as usual when it comes to me.

Night everybody!
Posted 9th of October 2011 - 17:01 by Rock Candy | 2 comments.
Don't have anything to show this week either, sadly.

I got some spritework to do, for Project X, and that was quite a while ago.
I have to make lots of lesbian stuff, which I personally find boring. I don't think there'll be much orginality in those rape-scene-sprite thingies... I'll make sure it looks nice at least.

But, we have some fan-art & fiction, so hooray!

It's been a while since the second part of Death List, but now part 3 is finished!
Download!(Old format)
Written by The Storyteller.

And, a creepy picture made by ChestnutNinja.
Creepy picture.

Hurf, I'll go back to writing and spriting now, see ya next week.
Posted 2nd of October 2011 - 09:36 by Rock Candy | 1 comment.
Sorry for the downtime and the late update... There was some trouble with the server and shits.

Today, I have a few things to share.

First up is a picture I've drawn in MS Paint.
It's most of the Touhou characters in the Windows series!
That's all I have finished this week...

So that means, it's time for new fan stuff!
We have here a short story written by The Storyteller!
It's very very short!

I also got a very very short fan flash from FlashmasterXD!

I'm a bit distracted at the moment, so I cannot write much now.
See ya next week!
Posted 25th of September 2011 - 17:44 by Rock Candy | 1 comment.
... Time goes by too fast.
At least I prepared two pictures for this update.

Za spanking Zoo, as requested by rivals, from the forums. Yay!!

And a quick picture of Crosstail, his aunt and a mean guy. Characters made by DM DOKURO.

I'm getting closer and closer to finishing Zu's backstory!
If only I didn't get distracted by Touhou, Smash Bros. Brawl and the Touhou lossy music torrent so much...
Posted 17th of September 2011 - 18:38 by Rock Candy | 5 comments.
I still have not finished any of the character bios.
Due to me being extremely sucky at writing, I keep ADD'ing out, but at least it keeps from just writing shit down without thinking about it first.
I think I'm about halfway through Zu's backstory...

Anyway, I have not been drawing or anything lately, but I did find these old comics I drew when I was really young. If anyone is interested, I could try to translate them and put some of 'em up here.

There's new fan content, luckily:
Part 7 of Ellie and Zu Get Lost, by Guodzilla!
Short comic made by FlashmasterXD!
Teaser for a new fan fiction by DM DOKURO!

I hope I'll get stuff done by next weekend...
Posted 11th of September 2011 - 12:08 by Rock Candy | 6 comments.

The third part of the tribute series, done and finished!
Even though it doesn't have much to do with the site, it's pretty damn funny, you should give it a watch.

I also got some new fan art:
Friday does Za!
Drawn by Guodzilla!

And I managed to draw two whole pictures during this week:
But I didn't cut them apart, so they're both in the same image!

As for other news...
I'm still working on updating the character biographies.
Mittsies has college n' stuff so he cannot progress on Project Za as much as he wants to, so I cannot really continue work on that still.
I'm working on the character bios in the meantime, because I can and want to.

Posted 4th of September 2011 - 10:40 by Rock Candy | There are no comments! Comment now!
This week went by fast...
I have only been working on larger projects this week, so I have nothing to show.
Project Za & updating character biographies, mostly.

So uhm...


Sorry about that.
Posted 28th of August 2011 - 08:50 by Rock Candy | 6 comments.
Time for another update!
I've got a lot of different reactions to the Titty Punchan! flash, but that I expected. If you liked it, you liked it, if you didn't, you didn't.

So, here we are once again. Mostly fanstuff this week.

I've drawn one picture since last time, and scanned an old sketch from my sketchbook.

Zu, with a waterhose.

And, because the Crosstail pictures was such a success, I actually drew another one, but put a lot more effort into it:
Something Different #3.
So what we got her is Crosstail (In the middle), being raped by DM DOKURO's various evil characters.

From left to right:
Pomsy (Sorceress), she doesn't have a penis usually, but she decided to use one now!
Ramses (Undead zombie/mummy), Can manipulate any bandages. He's making Crosstail give him a handjob, but you cannot see it very well.
Therapy (Shadowdemon), is... tentacling both Crosstail & Pomsy, while teasing/torturing Crosstail's clockwork.
Feedback: Just a mean guy, nothing special here.
Gasha: Evil clone thingy of Crosstail's dad.

Took a while to draw it. I think it came out pretty well, seeing as I put 6 characters in one group. That's a new record!


Now, fan stuff!
Two drawings by Chestnut Ninja:
Za VS. Tentacles! & Lollo in Luigi's Mansion!
And not soon after, I got another similiar picture! (Luigi's Mansion-mind?)
He also drew this, a picture of DJ and Callie, from EAZGL, and wants you all to take a look at it!

Mhm, mhm...
I got a fan flash this week as well! That's not something you see too often!


That was it for this week. Project Za is being worked on. Mittsies is still working on controls and such, while I... Well, I can't really do much until he's finished with that, so I'm working on various sideprojects and whatnot. Yeah.
Posted 20th of August 2011 - 16:57 by Rock Candy | 1 comment.
Hey. I have a few things to update with today! I planned to do this yesterday, but... I was busy with Ten Desires.

I'll start off with some art of mine.

I tried to draw something different for once.
Hmmm... This cannot end well.
This was pretty meh to draw, so I didn't put much effort into it.
Don't expect much like this in the future...

Tittyfucking with La, a character of Guodzilla!
Ellie gets raped. Original, huh? Well, I'm a bit proud of this one...

Yesh...Not much, but still. Anyway, fan stuff is next!

Part 6 of Ellie and Zu Get Lost is done!
Download here!

And here's a picture that comes along with it! Ellie & Callie! They look alike...

He drew a lot of other pictures too:
Ellie was supposed to do some laundry, but...
La VS. Lollo, it's a fight to the death!
Sixten and Zu goes to La to have their fortunes told!
DJ does Ellie!

And now, for the stuff you've all been waiting for:

It's not very long, so don't expect much from it.
But still, enjoy, if you can...
Posted 14th of August 2011 - 10:04 by Rock Candy | 9 comments.