We're streaming 3 player Super Mario 3D world here at RC.se, so go ahead and watch us play and eat pizza!
Here is our channel!!

We hope to have fun!!

Fun was had indeed. Now it's over and I sahll go back to flash!
Posted 7th of December 2013 - 09:19 by Rock Candy | There are no comments! Comment now!
I'm gonna put this update up early, so I don't have to do it while I'm working. I haven't started yet, and that's kinda bad...
Well, anyway!

[url=http://rockcandy.se/?page=showpicture&id=308'>A picture for my friend Guodzilla!</a> It's two months late or some such for his birthday, but better late than never, I guess. Hoa.

I also got fan art from KoKittyGirl[/url], a longtime lurker here on RC.se, it features Ellie in different situations! She's awesome, 'cause she also offered help with voiceacting in my work!

I made
a short loop of Sofi sucking on a penis, and I don't know what to do with it. I don't have time to work on it at the moment, as I have the christmas flash to work on right now. Therefore I decided to <a href="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6347537/Sofi%20sucks.fla"]release the projectfile alongside with it. So go have fun with it, if you can!

So ya, that's it for today's update.
I got some help with the art for the christmas flash by Extreme Brah, so hopefully, it'll look better than usual this time around!

By the way, I have not found a voice I thought fit Sixten yet, so if anyone wants to try that out, feel free to send me an email or something.
[email protected]

Also, the forum is now back up.

Now I shall start work on the christmas flash!! See ya later, guys and girls!
Posted 1st of December 2013 - 06:34 by Rock Candy | 6 comments.
As I said earlier this week, it's time for gaming streaming with me and Raz! We have not played it before, so this is our first time. I'm sure it will be fun!
We're starting soon, depending on when you read this.

Here is our channel!!

So ya, feel free to drop into the chat and talk to us. We will be reading it as we play.

Aaaaaaaand, with that, the stream is over. It was fun!!
Posted 29th of November 2013 - 08:49 by Rock Candy | There are no comments! Comment now!
Close to Dec 1st, that is! I have now a pretty good idea of what I shall do for the christmas flash. I just need to remember to look for voiceactors for Sixten and Rudolf in time. Hm.

I think it's time to reveal the title of that other flash I've showed screenshots of lately. Here's a fancy animated title for you all:

Though you'll still have to guess what the content of the flash is!

In other news, I and Raz might stream first impressions of Mario 3D World later this week, but it depends on if I get the game on release or not! The release date here is the 29th, on a Friday, so we can't be sure if there'll be anything or not. But if is not, I can't stream during december, as I have to work hard on the christmas flash!

Well I think that's it for today. Should try to get back to drawing sometimes soon, I owe many people some drawings. Huff.
Posted 25th of November 2013 - 05:59 by Rock Candy | 24 comments.
Oh hello there!! Today, we shall speak about... Flashes.

The first one is this:

It's a flash with a long history! Kind of. It started out as a schoolproject, that never got very far. It was the shittiest thing ever, but one day Raz decided that I should make a new version. So we recorded some voices and made this shit in like a week, before I had to stop and try to find someone to make the music. After a very long time, I got a piece of music and made the rest in about 3 days. And now it is finally done! Took me a few years, hoahoa.

You'll have to excuse the buttsex scenes, I got a little carried away...

Anyway, for those who didn't see it yet, the Makoto flash that I and Mittsies made together is up and has been for some time.

The third flash we shall talk about it the Rudolf christmas flash.
I have recieved about 20 emails with some good and some throwaway ideas. The good being those who actually had Rudolf in the flash, and the bad that didn't follow that single rule!!

What I could make out from these emails is the following:
1. Consensual is for losers.
2. Horses and dogs should cuminflate butts.
3. Sixten and Sofi are the main target for rape.
4. No love for Zu
5. "I whant to see rock candy fucked in vagina"
(That last one was just too funny.)

The most intruguing idea I got was a very elaborate scenario in which Rudolf revenge rapes Sixten. I'm pretty sure not everyone wants that, so I was thinking perhaps I could add either Sofi or Zu as an option as well. If I use Zu I can tie it in with the revengerape; Rudolf rapes Zu until she likes it infront of Sixten. Or something. Doesn't really work the same way with Sofi, but still.
It'd be very simple though, as I only have 24 days to finish it!

What are your thoughts on this, dear fans?
I'm thinking there could be another week of sending in ideas, but then I really have to choose an idea!

Send ideas and feedback to: [email protected]

Oh, and one last thing! <a href='http://rockcandy.se/Uploaded/Fanstuff/Cosplayers.png']Fan art!!
From Brockus Dain, hooray!
Posted 17th of November 2013 - 17:09 by Rock Candy | 23 comments.

It's a collab between and Mittsies, do shake it out!

Also, I've gotten some pretty nice ideas for the christmas flash. Reading all of them makes me want to put in a part of everything, but then I wouldn't be able to make it... Urgh. Makes me a bit sad.

Anyway, there's still time to send in ideas!

Email your idea to:
[email protected]
Posted 14th of November 2013 - 14:48 by Rock Candy | 8 comments.
OKay, so due to a lot of people cheating with the votes, I'm going to turn this into an idea pitch instead.

I'm really looking for the best idea, not which character to use. I already got a bunch of nice ideas, but I'd like to hear some more. Perhaps your idea is which I'll decide to do! I'll probably fuse the ones I like the most. It's fine to include a character in your idea as well, if you want to.

Send an email with your idea to:

[email protected]

Keep in mind that I have only 24 days to finish the flash, as I start working on dec 1. So don't send anything too elaborate, or I wont make it. Just look at Onihole, hoahoa!

Please don't emails that contains only a name or unspecific things like "Hardcore buttsex!", because that doesn't really help me at all.

And don't forget, the flash is centered around this guy!

The reason why I do this, is to minimize cheating! The comments on newspost are a bit bugged. 10 comments per page are supposed to show, but thanks to some miss in the coding, 10 only show on the first page, the rest only show 5.
Posted 11th of November 2013 - 08:06 by Rock Candy | 21 comments.
Everything I've made contact with today has been just... Terrible. Awful. Horrible.

I start the day off by being waken up by my annoying neighbour's shitty music taste, followed up by having a mysterious ghost experience in the shower. Then I use Flash CS6 in a collab with Mittsies, and it is the worst piece of shit I've ever had the chance to work with. And to top it off, RC.se is broken fucking everywhere. So if stuff seems not right, it's because it's not. It's probably worse. Don't expect the forum to be up anytime soon, because why would someone ever want to make something work.

I am so sick of life right now. I want to kill. Strangle. Murder.

With that said, I uploaded the fan stuff that I showed in the previous news post. Everything is still wonky as shit, but at least it is showing.

Before I explode out of anger, I have some good news for the fans on (the barely functioning) Rockcandy.se.

I have no idea what to do with this christmas flash. All I have is the character you see above. So I decided to make something I almost never do.

It's a poll.



Vote on what character you want to see with Rudolf the Black!
And make a wish for what the content will be. I have not decided yet, so most popular or interesting idea will be made. Write that wish in a comment either here in the news post or at the pollsite itself. You have until Nov 30 to vote and comment, so take your time. Or something.

Now let's hope this piece of shit works or else I will end my life prematurely.
Posted 10th of November 2013 - 15:40 by Rock Candy | 66 comments.
Sorry for the late update, but I was so tired yesterday I went straight to bed. I had lots of fun at the playdate, but the car trip home was really bad.

I came closer to my goal to getting a max score in Luigi's Mansion, but I gave up after failing repeatedly at a few certains rooms. New tricks and techniques were discovered, and I set a worldrecord in ragequitting and I found out you can pause the game before you reach E. Gadd's laboratory immediately when you start the game. Maybe I'll try to stream when I try again, if anyone is interested.

So uhm, yeah, the content for today. I have a couple of drawings.

An old sketch I found of Ellie.
Zara making some poses.
Robot girl & Zu.

I also have some fan stuff to show, but I just noticed that uploading stuff to the fan stuff section was borken! So I'll direct link here in the newspost for now.

First off, a short little story from Guodzilla, starring Ellie once again!
Download Ellie's Pickle!

Secondly, an animated gif of Zu! Made by GBlastMan!


Mh. That was probably everything... Well, actually, there was one thing I wanted to point out as well!

I found this picture, which strikes a very strong resemblance to a flash of mine. Coincidence, or inspired by my work? We might never find out... But it's a fun thing nonetheless!

I catched a slight cold while I was there, because some stupid guys there arrived while they were slightly sick. Luckily for me, it's just some minor throat pains that can be easily avoided. Raz on the other hand got much more affected, and is sick in bed at this time. I'm gonna order me a pizza or two becuase I mostly ate shitty microwave food at the playdate, and it all tasted like plastic. Worst.

Anyway, we'll see what happens on sunday. Perhaps my sickness grows worse or I'll get lots done. See ya then!
<!--<form method="post" action="http://poll.pollcode.com/436283"><table border="0" width="225" bgcolor="3D646E" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"><tr><td colspan="2"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="FFFFFF">Smask rock andy and fuck</font></td></tr><tr><td width="5"><input type="radio" name="answer" value="1" id="436283answer1"></td><td><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="FFFFFF"><label for="436283answer1">no</label></font></td></tr><tr><td width="5"><input type="radio" name="answer" value="2" id="436283answer2"></td><td><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="FFFFFF"><label for="436283answer2">yeah</label></font></td></tr><tr><td width="5"><input type="radio" name="answer" value="3" id="436283answer3"></td><td><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="FFFFFF"><label for="436283answer3">yes</label></font></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><input type="submit" value=" RĂ–STA!!! "><input type="submit" name="view" value=" RESULTET"></td></tr></table></form>-->
Posted 4th of November 2013 - 08:09 by Rock Candy | 10 comments.
Once again we are back, suffering yet another lengthy downtime. I don't even know what the problem was, but I was close to giving up this time. Therefore, I was spending most of my downtime doing... Mostly shit. I managed to finally clear out and sort through all that music I started downloading sometimes in january this year, which is pretty sweet. And I streamed some games and stuff too.

But I'll dig up what I mustered to do while the site was down!

I drew one drawing!

I made some sprites for LeatherIcecream's Spelunky Mod. You can now enjoy exploring dangerous caves as Sixten!

And also, Zu became a prostitute.

Download here!
There are a few graphical glitches and some such, but I hope they'll be fixed in future versions of this.

I also participated in a Spelunky "race" prior to this mod.

It's best to just listen, as awful videoediting made all but one video totally unsynced with the audio! It's a hour and a half long, so if you're bored go watch me suffer.

I made a shitty flash, that only swedish people (if even they) will find funny!

I'd add some kind of youtube-ish subtitles to this if I knew how to.

And I guess I can post a screenshot of that flashy flash... That I was working on. (I have not touched it in a week... :c )

It's not a normal flash by any means!

I have a few... That I want to start up! But I'm waiting for a voiceactress for that girl up there! I had some potential girl that was willing, but my contact guy got busy and I've not gotten ahold of him in a while, which is annoying! So, in the meantime, I shall make up with Besped and finally made my part of that trade we made like... A year or two ago. Sounds good, because whenever the hell am I gonna do that anyway? Better now, or it might become never! I don't know what that flash will be about though, because Besped was gonna make the art and I was gonna animate it, and he didn't want to show me the artpiece! So that's gonna be something, I hope.

And yush, if you are a unshy girl with a decent mic and a decent voice, do send me a message or something such! If I never get a hold of that guy again, might be good to have someone else there!

So yeah. It's good to be back. I think. I'm gonna be absent almost all of next week, due to another of those playdates that I sometimes visit.
But perhaps I will stream some sort of game in the next 2~3 days! So keep an eye out, if you are interested. I don't know what game yet, but I'm sure I can find something.
My streaming channel is here.

Now I shall enjoy some Julmust. Good night!

I also noticed you cannot post comments. I hope it shall be fixed soon. Along with the forums.
Posted 27th of October 2013 - 18:25 by Rock Candy | 9 comments.