Well well, It looks like I've reached the point where I'm about to add semen and fluids on the besped trade flash. That surely is a sign of that it's close to being finished, right? (please say it is so!)
It feels like it was an eternity ago I started working on it. I don't think it'll have sound, though... At least, I've not planned on adding sound. I guess it'd be quite empty-sounding if there was none? Should I add sound? I'd need a spanish voice actress or somethin' for the female. Hm, at least I've got sounds effects to re-use. The soundeffects in the Rudolf's Revenge flash was good, wasn't it? I felt like they were good, at least.

That also means I'll be working on the GBlastman trade this week, which I think might be close to finishing, but I'm not gonna promise anything. It's a bit more simple than besped's trade. I hope to get it done soon, it'd feel great.

As for this week, I felt pretty inspiration-less, I don't know why. I kinda couldn't get myself to draw anything. I did however get some work done on Sofi's and Ellie's profile images, so here's the WIPs of them:
Unless there's some really bad errors that I have not noticed, I think they're pretty much done, they just lack a few details.

I'm glad you liked my Zara drawing from last week. It woulda been great as a flash, wouldn't it? Zara gettin' egged, tentaclefucked and then left in the nest until the hero (the player) arrives to either help her out or fuck her some more. Hoahoa, I always get ideas like these, but it's a lot of work to actually make all of it! Sadly, many ideas will just be that, ideas. Baw~.

I played my Zu stage online with some people too, we found out that you could somehow fall through the dick where it connects to Zu's arse for some reason. Very odd, but amusing too. As for anybody who'd like to try to beat my Ness, my Nintendo ID on Wii U is "RockCandy". I'll try to be more active than on the 3DS. Tomodachi Life is always running on that.

Oh, Zara. Whatever should I do with you.

Anyway, that's it for this update. Let's see what next week brings us, ya? I'll see ya all then!
Posted 25th of January 2015 - 18:16 by | 18 comments.
Postponed the update again. I wanted to finish a drawing before posting, so it wouldn't be all empty n' stuff.

Butt-breeding Zara, it's actually three drawings of her in different scenarios during a single "storyline" so to say. I wanted to draw Zara with some other facial expressions than the happy and smug ones she's usually seen with. Zara's not all that, hoahoa. Well I hope ya'll liked it.

We streamed that Metro 2033 game while the site was dead, sadly, but here's the whole thing if anybody is interested in seeing how it went. It's actually my first time playing a FPS like this, so don't expect me to be too good.
Rock n' Raz plays Metro 2033 (and also TF2)
Next stream we'll be doing is most likely one of those N64 games, called "Glover". Might also be some Smash, Sonic & Mario at the Olympics multiplayer and whatever else we can find. Haw haw.

And since I decided to postpone the update, I also recieved a few cool images from Cinndrie, who sent them just before I went to bed.
3D Lollo's Wand!
3D Lollo's Wand!!
3D Lollo's Wand!!!
That's pretty awesome, yo.

Now I gotta go do dishes. So boring.
And after that, more flashworks.
One last thing before I go: It's a Smash 4 custom stage!
Posted 19th of January 2015 - 09:55 by | 9 comments.
Due to me having a headache yesterday, I postponed this update to right now. Haw haw. Didn't really get much done yesterday because of it, sadly.

Either way, I did finish another two drawings and sketched a whole lot more during the week. As well as obligatory flash work, but bluh. That takes forever.

I drew a dragon having fun with Ellie!
And some dicks having fun with Sofi.

If you're interested in the unfinished sketches, go check the forum. I post them there sometimes.

I don't really have a loy else to share this week, but I and Raz might stream some today and tomorrow, depending on our moods. Can't really put a time at the moment, but I'll update with one if I find one out.

UPDATE: Well, what do ya know. Instead of Metro, we played Superman 64. I've never experienced a worse video game than that, ever. And Raz forced us to play the whole thing. Agh.

next time, definately metro, though.
Posted 12th of January 2015 - 04:04 by Rock Candy | 9 comments.
Guh, it's really annoying, isn't it? I was going to buy a spacier HDD for this shit, but it was out of stock. I think our current one has like a measly 40 GB or something. Maybe even less than that? So whenever the store gets new ones in stock, I'll be there to buy one to prevent this shit again. I hope none of you missed that delicious Tomodachi Dick pic in the last update.

Like I said last week, I finished up some drawings.
Sofi sookin off that priest.
Ellie is clumsy with her drinks.
Zara's butt may be warm, but she is cold as ice!
Zu's asking for something ~special~ this year.
A scenario featuring 3 girls with strap-ons, one girl without one and a Sixten on the side!

For being me, that's a lot in just a few days! Hoahoa! I hope ya like these drawings, 'cause I feel like I did a real good job on these.

I also recieved some fan arts! Wohoo!
Zu Sprite Drawing 3 by francyszz3, and
Rock Candy Dragon Balls Z by Daniel!

How has 2015 been for all of ya so far?
For me, nothing much different... I don't know if that's good or bad! Hoahoa!

Before I go, I wanna ask you what game you want to see me, Raz and Haplo stream next since we finished Paper Mario. It's gotta be a Nintendo platform game, 'cause that's what we have availible. Please let me know, because we're unsure of what to play~! Raz keeps insisting Luigi's Mansion All-Money run, but we've already done that and it takes a loooong time, hoahoa.

Anyway, I hope my drawings will make you fap some!
Sometimes, I imagine... What if all the seed spilled on my characters would actually wind up inside of them? I wonder how much each one would get, and how it'd affect their looks... haw haw! Have a good week!
Posted 4th of January 2015 - 16:51 by | 18 comments.
Before I start writing shit, there's something very important I have to show you. Something that occured in Tomodachi Life.

This isn't edited. There's actually a penis in a Nintendo game. I can't believe it. The odds for this muts be incredibly low. I feel extremely lucky to have this happen. Make sure to show this shit to your friends, yo!

Soooo~. I hope you had a nice buttsmas. I can tell you mine wasn't very interesting. I played some games, watched some nice movies (Sadly, the Rudolf the Reindeer: The Movie movie as well.) and played scrabble on the phone with my dad. I hope yours was way more interesting than mine, hoahoa!

Mine and Mittsies short little collab has gone nowhere, due to both of us being busy with holidays and other projects. Hoahoa. Such bad luck. I'm pretty sure it wont be abandoned though, he seemed to like the arts in it. I think some friend of his drew it.

As for that Butt Bus flash (http://utterberg.net/upload/img/201412230122-Rock_Candy_%5BButt_Bus%5D.png), KingHime from our forums decided to take it up and work on it! I've not actually seen him do any flash works, but he seems to know quite a but of it, so it shall be interesting to see if he can do anything with it! I promised to help him out as well, hoahoa. So maybe it wont be a dead flash after all!

I did actually finish one flash for christmas, but it is not a porn flash, just a bit suggestive. I present to you: Mental Struggles of Cape-Men!
It's an animation based on a comic that our favorite scapegoat Shrapnel made a few years ago when he was new to RC.se! It was pretty fun to make. Hopefully it is fun to watch too.

I tried to draw some christmas drawings for some people I know, but I couldn't find the muse for it when I did. I did try again yesterday and today, and I think I made a few decent sketches! I'll definately try to clean em up in time for next update. Hopefully new years and comiket stuff wont keep me too busy.
(Rock Candy is eagerly awaiting ふたつの子午線 Orthogonal parallel line. That Merry, the Magician arrangement, hngh, I've waited so long for this. Thank you, dBu music!!)

I wish you all a continued nice fap-holiday, even though I have nothing to offer this year~.
Posted 28th of December 2014 - 17:55 by | 3 comments.
It's almost that time again! Unfortunately, I don't have any christmasey flashes to put out this year. Mostly because last years turned out to be a fiasco. I was holding off this update to finish and post a little sideproject I've been working on, but since flash decided to crash when I finished and I lost lots of progress, that'll have to wait. Meh. I'll do that shit tomorrow.

I wanted to draw some christmasey images as well, but they're probably going to be a little delayed, since Mittsies decided to hook me up on some short project he was making. Something about pizza and horsedicks I believe. So we'll see how that goes. He and I can usually put out something fappable in a short amount of time.

Speaking of flashes, I've had this thing laying around for quite some time: http://utterberg.net/upload/img/201412230122-Rock_Candy_%5BButt_Bus%5D.png
I don't think I'll have the time to ever finish this shit up. It still looks pretty good, so I was wondering if there was anyone out there who'd like to take over or maybe collab on it or something. I mean look at that dick, I think it's the best dick I've ever drawn. Zara's ass and frontbutt look pretty good too, altough not visible here. So ya, if there's anybody who's curious or interested do tell! Dun wanna let this go to waste.

I'm gonna hold off this Patreon thing for a while though, so let's not worry too much about it yet.

I wish Zu could give you all a christmas blowjob, but I don't think she could suck fast enough. And she'd have to work even harder for the girls. Hoahoa. Well, you can always imagine it! I'm gonna head off to bed for now, I hope to see ya all next week, and then I should have something to show, hopefully. If not, shame on me.
Posted 22nd of December 2014 - 16:37 by | 15 comments.
Ack, this week has been so crazy, I don't even know what to write. I'll try anyway!

I've made some good progress on the besped flash. I now only have the cumscene left of the main animations, but then there's a lot of details left to add. It feels as if it is starting to get finished though, and that's always nice. It might still take a couple of weeks or so, since I am switching between projects a lot. This week I hope I'll make good progress on GBlastman's trade.

I started flashifying Sofi's new profile picture.
Any comments on it would be nice. I personally think the eyes came out really great. But I'm not so sure about the nipples, I have a hard time drawing small ones with no breasts.

We streamed some Paper Mario on friday, it was quite spontaneous, so I don't think many of you catched it. To the ones who did, I hope it was entertaining, 'cause it was the last Paper Mario stream. Next game will be Metro, I hope. We'll also have to dig up some other console game to stream.

I've gotten quite a few different opinions on this Patreon thing.
For you who say we should use PayPal; we tried that out when we started up the site, but we kind of got banned because PayPal does not support porn. Patreon does, apparently. Since I might not get welfare moneys anymore starting from 2016, I'd either have to get a job and become even slower at what I'm doing, or have to stop completely. I wouldn't like that! I also wouldn't want to put my work behind a paywall. So it would be more like a monthly donation thing, to me, so that I can pay rents and shit. I don't want to disappoint any of ya, working on porn is the only thing I can! But I'm still not sure what to do here. I always become so awkward when money is involved...

Speaking of which, I bought myself a new tablet, since my current one is starting to get worn out, and the underside of it has smelt like dill for the longest of time. It is the most confusing thing ever, because I don't eat dill or anything like it.

And today, a guy emailed me saying he wanted to make a 3D model of Zu and maybe other characters and do 3D porn animations or something. I'm not really sure what to do anymore, there's just so much things on my mind right now, it's hard to sit down and focus on a single thing. Gah. Multitasking is pain, I tell ya! But it's also nice to switch it up when you get tired of working on one thing.

Look at me, rambling. Clearly I should stop writing and go do something else. Like sleep.

Again, I'd like to hear what you have to say about everything and anything, so leave a comment before you go!
Posted 14th of December 2014 - 17:34 by | 24 comments.
This week I rediscovered just how many different projects I've got to work on, hoahoa. I went back and forth on all on them, it was a nice change of pace. Anyway, I managed to finish the boob stuff in GBlastman's flash, here's a little tease. Or whatever you'd like to call it.

I stayed up really late a few days ago to watch that thing, Video Game Awards, or something like that? I don't know why, I guess I was curios of what Nintendo was going to show? Always expecting the most unrealistic things, like EarthBound getting some kind of recognition or a remake, at least I got to enjoy Lindsey Stirling, awkward jokes and WOOOOOOOOO. While that was going on, I sketched something. This thing here.
I realize there's probably a hundred things looking odd with it, but I was pretty tired when I drew it. It started as an idea of Zara doing mean things to Sofi's butt, but I kind of expanded on it. I might clean it up and finish it some day. But it'll probably take a while, hoahoa.

I've barely touched my Smash Bros since I discovered just how much bullshit Classic mode is at higher difficulties. It's been a long time since I felt such anger towards a video game. It really manages to bring out the angry caveman in me with the constant random luck based outcomes and clusterfucks of input-reading CPUs who juggles you around or gets cheap KOs with items. And then they expect you to go through some shitty ass fortress with insta-KO lava shit along the walls.
It's just not fun. Instead, I've been playing Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. It feels so much more generous in comparison. And that's not a good thing. Fuck.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings. I have been asked about this Patreon thing that is popular amongst pornartists nowadays apparantly. Is this something that you, the fans, think would be something to look into? I'm not really sure why I should get it since I can't really offer anything that I'm not already showing on site, but some people really want me to get one.

Let me hear what you think about that until next sunday, ya?
Posted 12th of December 2014 - 08:54 by Rock Candy | 16 comments.
I wish I could say I've done a lot this week but...
Since I got Smash 4 Wii U, I've been playing it nonstop trying to clear those bullshit challanges. Very unfair. My body doesn't like that apparently, and I've had a slight headache for two days now. Hnf.

And yea, I said there would be a stream today, but Raz had to go and switch apartments or something this weekend, so he couldn't make it. I should have told you earlier but... I got distracted by Smash too much. Sorry bout that. I've been informed we may continue our Paper Mario Stream though, since our third man Haplo might show up on wednesday or thursday. Wouldn't that be something, eh? Maybe we can actually finish that shit. We ended on a game freeze on the moon last time, if I remember correctly. Hoahoa. Anyway, I hope that will happen. As for Metro, it'll have to wait...

Anyway, I got some fanarts n' stuff for you to look at meanwhile!
A gun wielding Sofi with robots, made by Daniel!

And I'm not sure what to classify this as, but it's a colored panel from that Zara comic I made.

Neat stuff, indeed~!

Now, I'm wondering if I should stay up all night and play some more smash or rest my poor brain. In any case, I'll have to get back to flash tomorrow as well. GBlastman trade n' stuff needs to be made.
Posted 30th of November 2014 - 16:46 by | 2 comments.
Edit: Raz says he'll be free on sunday. So expect Metro 2033 being streamed at that time!

I talked to Raz, and he said he'll be free a few days in the beginning of next week, but I'm not sure just when that'll be. He was supposed to tell me today, but I guess he fell asleep or something, 'cause he's not answering. I'll update this newspost with the date as soon as I know.

We've switched from twitch to this other streaming site called "Hitbox". It's got way less delay, so we can now actually reply to what people say in the chat. It's like 5 seconds or so instead of 30 seconds. Very good, it also seems to be more stable in general, so if you're interested in our streams, go watch or subscribe us over there at: http://www.hitbox.tv/RocknRaz
Don't miss out, yo!

Anyway! November 23rd was a certain somebody's birthday! Therefore, I sketched up this little birthday drawing for that person! I hope she's happy about that cake, because some special ingredients went into it. Hmhm.

I also scanned a picture of a batting Lollo, which I guess is quite humorous!

I also sketched up a new profile picture for our favorite pyromaniac Sofi!
Is it good? Is it bad? opinons please~!

You can also have this screenshot of GBlastMan's trade flash. I've really put a lot of hard work into it so far. I may have to cut out some of my original plans for this, because it takes forever to do all of this! It was supposed to go quick, but nyah! I'm not sure!

This week, it's back to the besped trade. Hopefully I'll make great progress on that one instead!

And I guess Smash Brothers Wii U comes out as well here in Sweden soon. From what I've seen, classic and All-Stars seem to be pretty disappointing. As well as the stages... Meh.
Posted 23rd of November 2014 - 18:09 by Rock Candy | 15 comments.