Here's a drawing!
Zealous Zuccubus, Beleth turns Zu into a succubus!

While I recieved almost all of the edited voice clips I was waiting for, it turns out there was a dozen or so missing. Drat. Gotta wait for 'em to get back to me. Also, I had to ask Sofi's VA to record some more noises for a specific thing, since the current ones makes things look real weird for technical reasons. So I'm waiting for those to arrive so I can have the sound guy look over them. Pleh, sometimes it is the most unexpected things that set you back.

Well, it's not all bad since during that waiting time, we've implemented some features that was originally put on hold.
Much hype features like earring chain physics!

And the re-implementation of crying!

And yes, you're able to turn them off if you so wish to.

I'd show off a video, since it's kinda hard to make out from still pictures, but... There are still some bugs and tweaks we need to do before I want to record stuff.

I also got a guy working on hacking in html5 support for, so that the game can actually be uploaded here on the site.

So things are still looking positive!
Posted 22nd of November 2021 - 12:05 by | 16 comments.
Still no voiceactress. Might have to find a replacement for some of these voiceactors... How troublesome. Sometimes I think I'm too lenient.

I'm still looking for a musician who can whip up something Lollo-flash related real quick. I'd be willing to throw some money your way, if that's necessary too!

Anyway, I'm trying to do a short loop while I wait. Let's see how that turns out.
For now, take these two drawings:

Xu's Simple Plan
Xu, Dog, Zu

Don't really have much to add today. Sort of tired. I'm at least done with Mario for now, so that's always something, hoahoa!
Posted 5th of November 2017 - 18:54 by | 25 comments.
Other things came up, so I've yet to finish the last one. I'll see to that it happens til next time though. I also gotta cross check all the current bios, so I might have to update them as well a little. Huff.

I've got a bit of a headache today, so I'm keeping this update short.
I finished a drawing, here's what that looks like:
The Bin King, Cerberus' Samson having fun with Zara.

I also took your advice on Ellie last post and made some changes. Here's how it looks like now:
Ellie Nude
Ellie Underwear
Ellie Clothes

Is it looking any better? I made adjustments to the waist, ankles and face.
I think it's an improvement myself, at least.
Posted 22nd of March 2021 - 08:39 by | 7 comments.
This week, my Peach project with Besped got all corrupted and shit. I lost pretty much everything, after working on it for a whole day. Which sucks. I didn't feel like doing all that shit again, because it was really hard and complicated. I talked with Besped, and I could do something else instead. So I just started up a new project. Hopefully it wont die on me.
At least he liked the remaints of the betas I had left.

Speaking of which, Besped and I have been staying up for a while now, working on Onihole. It is finally coming to an end. If we are lucky, it might ACTUALLY be done by next update. There's a few things left to code, which may or may not be problematic, as well as a few graphical problems that should be pretty easy to solve.

Let's hope we don't run into any more trouble with this project!

Huff, I'm really tired now though. I'm gonna give Besped a few more instructions and then head to bed.

Sorry for yet a content-less update.
Posted 9th of September 2012 - 18:35 by Rock Candy | 15 comments.
I've been hard focusing on these baby assets the last week. I'm reaching some sort of point where they'll be done in short already. Still gotta make graphics and such for the presentation, and I'm not yet sure how that's gonna look! Something I'll have to think about.

Other than that, I didn't really do much else. I finished up a couple of drawings, though. The last two parts of that Sixten related thing.
Flirtatious Foursome
Finishing Fertilizations

The next weekend and week I'll be busy, so don't expect an update then. So I'll be seeing you next in two weeks or so!
Posted 3rd of July 2023 - 03:02 by | 3 comments.
The dick options I posted last week are all optional. You have the choice to ignore whichever option you don't like.
The girls will have different reactions to them though, and each dick will have it's own quirk, though. But yes, you don't need to worry about it.

Don't have a lot to say today, so just a short update.
I finished this commission for this update though, so have this before you go!

Getting A Big ACRD Nut.
Posted 6th of July 2020 - 12:00 by | 2 comments.
Going back and trying to fix, edit or making new animations with old assets isn't always easy - after some time you've forgotten the flow you were going through when making it, and you sort of have to re-discover the efficiency you had at the time when everything was still in basic mode. This is what I've been attempting to do, and I've snail paced my way through one of the animations I wasn't happy with. Only three left to go. I sure hope I don't need to do more... Getting through the miscellaneous small details is what I'd like to do next, but eh. Hopefully I'll get through these fast enough.

Anyway, here's a commissioned comic page:
The Breeding Deal, Zu strikes a deal with a professional breeder.

Also got some fan art too!
Cinder-Ellie - From TioZenko!
Smilin' Sofi - From BP!

Much appreciated, like always!

I've also attempted to make a map of Granköping. I kinda messed up the numbering on it a little, but the jist of it should still be understandable. It could probably use some further work, but it's good as a base, I think.

That's all I had for today!
I've been going around VA hunting for a voice for Zara, since the old one didn't wanna do the role anymore. But the last couple of VAs that were interested in doing it, they ghost me after a while, for no apparent reason. Very frustrating.
Posted 13th of February 2022 - 20:33 by | 5 comments.
I know you're all excited and such, but you'll have to wait a little longer! There's still some art related things that need to be done! As well as original music for the thing. If we're lucky, I might have it completed by next sunday, but again, no promises. It depends on the availability on my dear collaborators. The flash itself has been ridden of all the glitches and bugs we could find, so it's pretty well polished now.

And since I showed a picture of Zu last time, I'll show you a picture of Sixten today.

That's a little tease for you who might be into that sort of thing!

But that's not all, I also drew a picture!
Fanart to Guodzilla!
I actually sketched a little more, but I've not finished anything yet.

Well, since I don't need to be so secretive about the trade flash I am doing for GBlastMan, I can show you a snippet of animation I made for it.

Haw haw! I think I'm gonna play some Mario Kart 8 before I head off to bed. I wish I could play some with ya all sometimes, if you have it too!
Posted 31st of August 2014 - 14:52 by | 79 comments.
Time sure flies by. I hope you enjoyed the Sofi beta. I've taken some of the suggestions into consideration, though there are more ridicolous ones than sensible ones... I guess it's easy to look at something and think "why isn't this made differently?" without realising the work that went into making it how it is already and understanding the limits behind what you're able to do with a certain concept and assets! Well, no matter. I've started to animate the lipsyncing stuff, and it's looking pretty good so far! At least, that's what I think! I'm using a similar method to how I animated mouths in Spectacular Spectrophilia, and while that isn't ready for release just yet, it will be soon! And then you can judge for yourself!

Sorry for skipping the update these last two sundays. I got hit by food poisoning and was squirming about moaning for Mario to come and save me the first weekend. Then it sort of fell out of my mind because I was going to a little private gaming convention during the last weekend. But now I'm back!

I got a pair of doodles from my sketch book to show off from the trip!
Centaur Zu, something which I'm sure will open a lot of doors for creative people.
And Childret, a joke image I made for a friend on my second Japan trip. I cleaned it up during the last day of the con.

I also recieved fanart from Guillotine Gorilla, who made his own version of GBlastMan's Xu! Been a long time since I heard from him, though... Anyway!

Xu - Guillotine Gorilla ver.
Xu - Guillotine Gorilla ver. (Zu colored)
Very impressive! And frightening!

It'll take a while to do all the facial animations, so don't be surprised if I don't have a lot to say the upcoming weeks. Until next time, have a good time!
Posted 26th of November 2018 - 16:42 by | 2 comments.
I have been quite lazy with updating lately, have I not?
Well, I have stayed up late every night working on the christmas flash, 'cause I really want to get it done in time this year! Sadly, I have not even gotten to the point where I start to animate yet...

People who lurk about might already know what my flash will be themed around due to my subtleness. I sent sneak peeks to the 15 guys on my 3DS friend list. Woaah. But I'll pretend it's still a secret for you who only browses the flash and front pages!

So uhm... Other than hard work, I have nothing else to say...
All the stuffs is coming around when I actually have something to do; Wii U, Paper Mario, friends and shit... It's distracting, but I have tried to put it aside for now.

But wait, there's a fan art!
The ZuBox by Guodzilla. A scene from his fan fiction!

So yesh, nice stuff.




Yes, it's back to work with me for now. I'm not tired enough to go to bed yet, so I'll just spend them on working! Yaay!
Posted 10th of December 2012 - 21:20 by Rock Candy | 4 comments.