I'm finally done with besped's trade! I feel so free! But, I've been told to wait with the release til he's done with his part. So it wont be up for a while. As for how long, I can't say. But now that I'm free, I can start working on Butt Bus soon!

That, along with all the excitement of the start of E3 shenanigans, means that I don't really have anything to show off today. And yeah, update is late because of that Nintendo World Championship thing. Gotta say, it was a bit disappointing... But on the other hand, it's a great time being a MOTHER fan, since it's being released on VC! And Lucas is finally back in Smash, so I'm all happy n' stuff!

I'll try to at least have a sketch done by next week, or something!

By the way, for the Butt Bus flash... I might be able to add male characters from fans or other sources, if they fit certain criteria. Would this be of interest to anyone?
Posted 15th of June 2015 - 03:42 by | 48 comments.
We gotta lot a stuff coming down this week, gents and ladies! Mine and Raz's birthday. Lucas for Smash 4. E3 n' all that comes with that. It's gonna be a wild ride! Howee! You got any expectations for the E3, guts? Myself, I can't wait to see all the awkward stuff that's gonna be made fun of afterwards, haw haw haw!

Anyway, moving on!
I've talked to a lot of people lately that argues that Zu's secretly a little slut that loves to get raped n' suck dick n' such. It's been a real pain to keep 'em at bay, because I really like that concept, even if the real her is not like that! And I think last week's artwork of her did not help in that matter... Heh.

But this week I didn't draw no Zu! Have a look at these:
Beach Sodomy
Swedish Bikini
I'm pretty sure I'll be drawing during the E3 presentations. They tend to get a bit drawn out a lot of the time...

More spanish talking Rock Candies, fan art from francyssz3 is also included in this update, so go shake it out.

As for the secret project, I'm just waiting for voice actors and actresses to do their parts. They're not always able to give me immediate recordings, so I'll have to wait quite a bit for those... And then it's time to make soundeffects, haw haw.
I wish I'd made much progress on the trades, but I've just been busy with other shit... And I found myself playing GTA V Story mode quite a bit during the weekends. Quite an interesting trainwreck. Well well, I'm gonna head off to bed. See ya laters!
Posted 7th of June 2015 - 17:42 by | 5 comments.
Not that I'm much of a birthday person...
Sorry for the late update! As I said last post, I had a couple crashing at my place. They left yesterday, so I had no time to prepare stuff for the update! The girl could only speak japanese, it was very scary. I showed her my secret project, and she said "Sugoi". I'm pretty sure that is good.

Anyway, here's a drawing I made for this update: Simon Says!
There's been quite a lot of good posts in the request box lately, so I decided to mash some of them into one image. And this one is it.

But that's not all! Reptiliansarehere colored my two latest drawings!
"Lazy Birthday" Colored!
"Waiting for you" Colored!
Nice stoof~!

Hmhm, and now it's time for trades and stuff. However, my secret project is almost done. I worked on it while I had visitors, and got a surprisingly large amount done thanks to that. There's basically just audio work left to do now! I guess I'll have to alter between this and the trades, nyah nyah. Then, Butt Bus is going to get started!! Can't wait for that, I've got so many ideaaaaas!

I'm gonna go eat breakfast now. I'll try to not be late with the update next time. See ya!
Posted 2nd of June 2015 - 05:33 by | 5 comments.
Ellie's birthday drawing, finally!
Being unintentionally lewd, or something!
But Zara has the intention to be lewd, and she's waiting for you~.

There's not much else to cover today. It's been a short week for me. And the coming one will be too, I'm going to my dad's the first half, and then I'm having visitors the other.

And it's almost my birthday soon. Time really flies past me when I'm bored. I really need to finish these trades. I'm too good at procrastinating. I feel really bad for not having anything to show or even talk about. When I get back, I must focus on getting them done once and for all.
Posted 24th of May 2015 - 18:10 by | 3 comments.
I'm back from awayness! Back to makin' porn and stuff!
Actually, I tried to yesterday, but I was too horny so I couldn't focus on anything. I had this dream where I was at a graveyard, then Zara appeared and started to suck my dick and balls. I was about to cream my pants, but I woke up and just barely managed to stop it. Why am I telling you this? Why not? Blah. I'll go and do something about it later.

Anyway, I was at a small playdate during the weekend. I played games and went to a retro game event and bought myself a N64 game called "Cruisin' World" which I'm not sure is better or worse than Cruisin' USA.
I also bought a Wario hat: Do the RC dance!!
It is now a fact, it is impossible to talk about Wario without referencing "Wario Policeman".

Moving on. I recieved colored versions of that one drawing I did of Ellie last week.
Ellie's Cosplay Trouble ver 1
Ellie's Cosplay Trouble ver 2
Ellie's Cosplay Trouble ver 3
Ellie's Cosplay Trouble ver 4
Thank Reptiliansarehere for these nice, colorful pictures!
There was also some more Zu fanart from francyszz3!
Also related to cosplay? I'm not sure, I can't read spanish.

I've yet to draw Ellie's birthday picture... I'll have to finish that before next update, huff! But something I did do before I left last week was update some of the character bio pages. Check them out while they're still fresh!
And if you want to help out, finishing the backstories n' stuff, either send me an email at [email protected] or add me on skype: crystallizedsugar

Well, thanks for all the ideas for the Butt Bus project. Several comments stated a lot of ideas I had already planned to add, I don't know if that's good or bad. But I'll release more info when I actually start working on it regurarly. I gotta get besped's trade out of the way first. I should be able to finish it up relatively quick if Raz doesn't bug me about playing GTA V with him all the time.

I also saw this movie "Kingsman Secret Service". Best ending to a movie I've ever seen, 10/10.

That's it for today, I'm gonna go and try to finish up that besped flash then! See ya around.
Oh, and a little notice, I can't reply to comments now, since my laptop has been sent away for repairs again. That stupid fan keeps making really annoying noises. That's why if you're interested in helping out with the bios, send me a message through email or skype, ya? Gut!
Posted 19th of May 2015 - 05:09 by | 4 comments.
Ah~yo, people!
I finished that short flashloop I was talking about! I based it off of one of KingHime's sketches... He used to be on the forums sometimes, but since I added him on Skype it seems the forum was forgotten, haw haw!
Anyway, it's a short thingy for a quick fap!

And since it was sort of requested, here's Ellie in a Bubbles costume. There's not really much costume to hide behind for poor Ellie. And her birthday's tomorrow, so I gotta make sure to remember to draw something about that..... Well, technically it is monday already, but whatever! You know what I mean.

And it seems somebody has finally listened to the requests for Zu taking horse cock in her arse. It's not animated, but it still counts! Yay!

It was nice to hear what you guys wanted back for Butt Bus. The different and somewhat randomized dialog and different moods will return for sure. I think I've got some great ideas of what it could become. Now that I don't need to be pushed by any deadlines, the animation can probably be better than before too. I've got a good feeling about what can be done with it! If you got anything else to say about it that isn't fetish related, a la "All-the-way-thru" and "Belly inflation", do speak up, I'm listening.

On thursday this week, I'll go to one of those infamous playdates again. So don't expect an update on sunday/monday, since I'll probably be pretty beat when I come home.

By the way, you guys who wanted to assist me with the character bios, where did ya run off to? I haven't heard from you in a while, did you give up? Haw haw. I still need some assistance to speed up the process, I'm afraid!

Anyhow, hope you enjoyed today's update! I'll see you... Sometime next week, yah.
Posted 10th of May 2015 - 16:10 by | 10 comments.
Wow, time just flies. These days, I feel like I've accomplished nothing. Sometime soon, I really need to get working on my Butt Bus for real. These flash trades I've been working on seems to always come to a standstill for some reason or another. Bleh.
Speaking of the Butt Bus... Butt Bus Zara's fixed face! I always though the previous face looked a bit smurfy, but I just couldn't figure out what was wrong. With the help from KingHime, I think it finally looks good! Now it's time to plan out what I want in the flash. From a technical stand point, is there something from previous flashes that you'd like to see return? Or something that should be removed? Or just improvements? Some new idea in general? I'll take that into consideration, if it is something I deem possible.
But, no asking for extra fetish stuff, I just want to know about features. Like, the dialog from Rudolf's Revenge, for example.

Here's the loot I got through Raz from Japan! Some neat figurines, I'll cherish them always!

I was asked to draw Zu in a Powerpuff Girl costume, so here it is! I think I am unable to draw not pervy stuff at this point... I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

I'm afraid I did not manage to finish that loop I was talking about last week. I kind of want to include a little cumscene too. I'll try to make it til next sunday.

May 11th is the birthday of Ellie. I need to come up with some similiar birthday picture like I did with, Zara, Zu and Zoo. She'll probably get something around the likes of Sofi's, since she ain't really sexually active. Haw haw.

And with that, I say good night!
Posted 3rd of May 2015 - 17:03 by | 20 comments.
I drew Zu getting spitroasted!
Long time since that last happened! This time, it's with the two "new" characters from Zu's new workplace in her new bio! Don't worry though, it's not a canon scenario. But I think it is an interesting one! I really like how it came out, too.

During this week I started thinking about going back and touching up old flashes. I looked back at some of the work files, but they were so outdated that the only thing that I could do to touch 'em up is to totally rework them. I'm not sure if I want to take up such projects, though! I have so many different ideas of what I want to do, but I'm limited by my inability to write and learn coding. Bleh.
Here's a re-imagination of Gooper Blooper Returns!
I thought about what kind of plot would fit this scenario, but I just couldn't come up with something interesting that kept the giant squid in there. So I replaced him with generic alien tentacles. The aliens would want to distract humanity by hacking into our waves and livestreaming a celebrity being fucked. They know humans like that. Sadly, they mistake Ellie's butt for her frontbutt, and so they alienate most of the viewerbase and their plan ultimately fails, but several people got to jack off. And Ellie gets loadsa alien sperm shot up her arse. Instead of ink.
But don't expect this thing to become reality! It was just a thing I did for fun!

I've been working on this and that this week. I feel like I want to make a short loop of something, so I started out on a little thing. We'll see if I can do it til next sunday, perhaps. It's been so long since I actually did something in flash. Or at least, I feel like that.

I know I said I would focus more on what was in front of me, but sadly Mario Kart DLC got my attention this time. I spent a few hours being mad at the horrible hitstun that makes it impossible to catch up if you get hit more than once. What happened to the hitstun in Double Dash and MKWii?! Those worked great! And I'm not fond of the new item system either. And mushrooms and the star feels so nerfed. Blah! At least the new stages were fun this time around.

And I also saw that there's a new Touhou game coming out this summer! Very exciting!
Speaking of which, Raz comes back from Japan today. He brought some loot over for me that I'm going to show off next update! Look forward to that, my dear buttloving friends!
Posted 26th of April 2015 - 15:44 by | 15 comments.
It's sunday! I didn't forget this time! Haw haw! Let's see what I got for us today!
I have...
Ellie's Profile Picture! 1
Ellie's Profile Picture! 2
Ellie's Profile Picture! 3
I hope this looks good. I've spent some time on her...

I also drew something for this update as well. I don't want it to be too empty.
More Belethey things!
It's been a while since we cuminflated Sofi, I believe. So this is a welcome... Change? I dunno, bluh.

There's also this fan art from Cinndrie! It's a sketch that he found and decided to send me, I heard it was quite dated.

Well, that's pretty much it. I found myself engrossed into the third Ace Attorney game. It was fantastic. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! I don't regret playing them! Hopefully I'll be able to focus on what I should be doing now!

Uhmm... Yeah. I'mma head off to bed now. See ya!
Posted 19th of April 2015 - 17:33 by | 10 comments.
Well, would ya look at that! I forgot to update again!

Though, I was pretty stumped about what to do last week. I was kinda stuck on everything, huff.
So I decided that I should perhaps try out some new, interesting game. Unfortunately, I chose "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney". When I start playing some sort of game with a mystery in it, I often find myself engrossed in it. And that's what happened to me. I stayed up til 8 in the morning to finish one of these cases. Mh.

Well, I at least managed to make some improvements on the screenshot I showed a while ago.
I still think the face looks a bit smurfy, so I'll have that looked at...

And I think I've come close to a finished version of Ellie's Profile Picture!
At least I hope so!

But yeah. I'll have to try to be more active this week, haw haw!
I'm just gonna finish another case first...
Posted 13th of April 2015 - 11:02 by | 6 comments.