What was supposed to be a good update today quickly turned into an awful one. Somehow both my main harddrives failed at the same time, like an hour ago or something. I can't access either of them at this point. I'm going to have it looked at tomorrow, so hopefully we'll be able to salvage all of my stuff!

Anyway, like I promised, have the new and updated Zu!

Stuff was looked at, and it's completely dead. I've put the HDD in the freezer, so maybe I'll be able to save the most important things in the morning.
Posted 25th of September 2016 - 13:03 by | 27 comments.
I've finally finished that one part of the flash I've been talking about lately. Now I just gotta get somebody to code the thing to see if it actually works like I want it to. In the mean time, I'll work on making a new Zu pose, since I was not too happy with the current one. It's going to be my goal for next sunday, to have it in a completed enough state to show off!

Since I've been working on the flash only, I don't have anything to show, sadly. So this newspost is going to be a little short.

If it wasn't for this piece of fan art, I'd have to end the post here, but since I do have it, here's some more Shrapnel stuff!
The least sexy face imagineable
For some reason, Shraps cannot phantom how Zu's hairdo works in 3D, and thus cannot draw it correctly. That's what he told me at least. I don't think it's too difficult, but I'm the one who came up with it, so... Perhaps other people who've attempted to draw it could shred some light on the subject?

Oh, one thing before I go!
Are any of you gifted musically? I want some original music for this flash, but DM DOKURO (who I usually ask to make music) is too busy with his own projects to help me out this time. I'd like someone to create an original track (or a remix of something, if necessary) to fit the mood of a farm-like enviroment. I'm quite openminded when it comes to exactly what sort of music style it is, but some of the more... What should you call them? "core"-ish songs might not be fit for this. I'm not that great with musical terms, but I suppose I'd try to explain myself further if needed.

So if anybody think they're up for the task, do send me an email at: [email protected]

I dunno if I can offer anything in return though. Exposure, perhaps? Haw haw!

Anyway, I'm going to try to go get tired so I wont go to bed at 9 in the morning again.
Posted 18th of September 2016 - 19:24 by | 5 comments.
Oh dear. I've been playing that new Ace Attorney game most of the weekend. I didn't get much done, haw haw...

But here's some stuff I did make!
Sixten Profile Image 2! Turning out pretty nice, ye?

I recieved some more colored Sofi drawings, too, from SarinaNyannyan.
Demonic Sofi Colored
Demonic Sofi Colored Panties Version
I think somebody has a thing for the girl, haw haw!

And to answer that thingy that I changed in the Zu profile image...
The changed thingy is this!
Pretty minor, ye? But still a change in the way I draw things, so I have to add it.

Yea, I'll try to get more work done the coming week. I wanna finish this certain part of the flash and then see if I can make a new Zu for us. I'll give a new preview shot of her when I've made it, for sure.
Posted 11th of September 2016 - 19:32 by | 5 comments.
I've been working on lipsyncing animations this week. It's kinda tedious. I'm at least almost done with 'em? I'm glad I choose to only have a few spoken phrases recorded... I kinda went all out with the lipsyncing this time, and oh boy did flash not like that. It's taking like up to a minute to save the project. I'm glad I decided to work on it in a separate file, haw... Otherwise it'd be quite disastrous. Any misclicking while it's in the loading state and you can just feel that crash creeping closer. Heeee... I'm not looking forward to what it's going to be like when it's all put together.

Anyway, I finished Sixten's first profile image!
Sixten Profile Image
How's it looking, eh? Pretty cute, ya? Maybe?

I also made a tiny change to all of Zu's profile images. If any of you can tell what it is, I'll be mighty impressed. I'm not gonna give you anything to compare with, since that's going to be way too easy.
Where's that change?
Anyway, this is why it is so hard to consider these finished, since I keep making like tiny changes to how I draw certain parts, and I have to change them in these images too. At least I'm improving, little by little...

Speaking of improvement, I think I'll have to redraw Zu in the ZZZZ flash, I can't get over how weird it looks. It's sad to see so much progress go to waste, but what good is it if I'm not happy with it?

I've got some drawings of mine to share as well.
Girl of Black and White, which I noticed was missing from the gallery a while ago when I was looking for it. It's from spring this year, so it's kinda old! Was a request for a friend of mine.
Disappointment, something which I feel like I'm inducing towards all of you, all the time. Hopefully these drawings make up for some of it.
Wishful Masturbation, inspired by the conversation I had with Cunning Linguist in the Guest Book. I hope he's here to see this.
Demon VS Ghost, a fight to the last orgasm. Or something.
Popular Sofi #1, actually a left over from an early attempt of the Zoo getting gangbanged dickgirls drawing. I turned it into something else.
Popular Sofi #2, a quick little follow up.
Popular Sofi #2 Colored, not by me, but by this guy on Twitter.
The Zoo Box, where all you dreams come true! Maybe! Depends on what kinda dreams you have. Otherwise a fun little toy.
The Zoo Box Colored, by the same guy as above. Seems like he changed some of the text. That makes me question my english grammar. Did I write something incorrectly in my image?
The Zoo Box Colored (Dickgirl Version), in which he replaced Zoo's frontbutt with a dick. When you don't see the rest of her, it seems somewhat... Eh, whatever.

There's also a single Shrapsfanart for us this sunday night!!
Probably anime references, I dunno.

Was that all for today? Yes, I think so.
Just gotta tell ya all that I'll probably switch apartments sometime soon, date not known, so I'll lose a few days of activity at some point. Will move closer to Raz, so perhaps that will open a possibility of streams in the future?! I hope so, I still haven't played that one Snoopy game. I even drew a neat crossover for it!

Huff, well, I'll leave ya to it for now. See ya!
Posted 4th of September 2016 - 17:45 by | 14 comments.
Oh dear, am I tired today. I've been sketching a bunch, but I did not get so far with any of them that I'd start to clean them up. It sucks. So I don't have much to show off this week. I did however make a good amount of progress made flashwise! Next week I'll probably finish up one major part of the project, which will feel nice. Then I'll only have the rest left to do, haw haw... :c

Well, it's fun at least. It's always easier to work when you're having fun! So I'll try to have fun with the rest of it, too!

Also since Ellie's main profile pictures are done, I started to sketch on a new Sixten again. Here's some very basics: WIP Sixten
Is he looking good? Bad? Is too early to tell? Any feedback would be nice, anyhow.

By the way, I also got Psycho Girl's new bio up and readable on the site, so shake dat out if you're interested in her!
Psycho Girl's updated bio

Mye. I think I'm gonna head to bed and try to get some sleep in. I've been having some real weird dreams lately that have made me feel odd in the mornings. I don't know why. See ya next sunday!
Posted 28th of August 2016 - 16:32 by | 10 comments.
Ye, I finished that reindeer set finally!!

Donner's Done Her
Blitzen Doesn't Get Bitten
Blitzen Doesn't Get Bitten (Messy)
Rudolf Will Make Her Ass Glow Red

Feels gut to have those things made! It was fun making 'em, so I hope you liked 'em!
And if reindeers doesn't do it for you, then I've got some Zoo dickings for ya too.

Zoo is 100% Mad

I also got some fanarts during the week!

First out is a super adorable Cute Lollo made by Squid くコ:彡! I didn't know it was possible to make a Lollo look so hugable.
Second fanart is a commissioned piece by Miles, drawn by bakakitty. Miles and Zara doing some lovings! I really like the wallpaper in this image, for some reason.

Oh right, I also made some changes to Zara's profile image. Some small adjustments to her hair and face.
Why don't ya have a look and see if it is any better? Biggest change is that I poofed up her bangs a bit.
Zara Profile Image 1
Zara Profile Image 2
Zara Profile Image 3
Zara Profile Image 4
Zara Profile Image 5
Zara Profile Image 6
Zara Profile Image 7
Zara Profile Image 8

Ye, so I should've probably said this earlier, but I forgot I guess. The ZZZZ flash is going to take a little longer to finish than I initially thought, since due some weird events one morning, I was inspired to add some extra stuff to the flash that I didn't plan originally. But more content is good, ye? I think you'll like it, at least, so I hope the lengthy wait will be worth it. Of course, I don't want to say what it is, since I don't want to spoil everything about what the flash is all about.

And by the way, I recieved my CD last wednesday. Along with it came a little Aya strap. Pretty nice!!

I also watched that movie, Sausage Party at the cinemas. I thought it was eh, OK, I suppose. Too blunt with the sexjokes, and way too many. Wasn't exactly subtle or clever with much. I'm kinda disappointed. Was nicely animated though.

Mye, but that's all for today! We'll see what I've got for ya next week. Hopefully a lot of flashprogress!
Posted 21st of August 2016 - 15:12 by | 27 comments.
Stayed up late trying to finish some drawings, but I didn't get far enough to consider any of them finished, sadly. I got caught up in watching that Smash Con thingy... And I spent the rest of the week doing flash stuff, surprisingly, so I had no time for drawings, haw haw! One of them's a birthday present that's turning out to be real late, so I should probably get my butt on that...

I did however finalize (hopefully) Ellie's Profile Image 3, by making her titties rounded and adding some details that I carelessly forgot about.
And since I finished Ellie, I also made this! Mikaela Profile Image 7! Makes you think about what happened, eh?

That's it for me, but I recieved this too:
More Weird Shrapnel Anime Fanart Stuffs
Neat stuff, for sure!

I'mma head off to bed, but I'll try to get those drawings done for next week. Perhaps I'll even finish the Reindeer set if I'm good enough. It depends on what I feel like working on, I suppose.
Posted 14th of August 2016 - 18:42 by | 18 comments.
It's been a surprisingly long week for me. I spent like 3½ days sitting the cats, but it still feels like I made good progress on ZZZZ. When I got back from the sitting I got a sudden spurt of motivation that I've lacked for quite some time now! I found that listening to sound books while doing flash stuff also helps me getting less distracted, so I'mma gonna get me some more of those, ye ye.

Anyway, things that are showable has been made! Some, at least!

While I was sitting the cats, I doodled a little. This Sofi Tentacle Sketch came out rather well, so I cut it out and here it is. The worst part was when I got home and wanted to draw continuation of Zu's Reindeer set I couldn't make anything look like how I wanted it to when I actually tried. Quite frustrating. I brute forced myself through it today though and made a rather promising looking sketch. I'll see if I can finish it and the next Reindeer picture by next week!

I also managed to make an additional Beleth image, now with clothes!
Clothed Beleth. Pretty neat, ya? Just a reminder as well, Beleth is Pyreaus' character, not mine.

But here's one of mine, Ellie:
Ellie Profile Image 3
Now with clothes on! I think I'll have to tone down on the nipples though. Both on the undies and the coat... What ya think, guys and girls?

That's all of my stuff, but I also got fanart from my dear Serb Shrapnel.
Sea lover dresses up as another sea lover
It's a Sixten! He never actually told me who or what he's dressed up as, but... It's neat anyway!


I'm going to go bed now, and tomorrow, my very exciting flash work adventures will continue!!!
Posted 7th of August 2016 - 17:58 by | 7 comments.
Is what I'm leaving for in an hour or so. Therefore, have this quick, early update today.

First, here's Ellie in her underwear. What chu all think 'bout it?
Ellie Profile Image 2

Then I've got some fan art from Absented Tangent!
Zara Spitroast
Spoopy Ellie

Very, very nice!

That's all I managed to scratch up for this week, I'm afraid.
Don't worry though, just 'cause it doesn't show it does't mean I've made no work. I've been doing stuff with the ZZZZ project! I've also been planning on what to keep or change with Butt Bus since it'll work different with a movie format. Gotta make a storyboard or something soon.

Anyway, I gotta goooo!
Posted 31st of July 2016 - 00:43 by | 18 comments.
Shortly after I wrote the last update, I got a nasty cold. In the middle of summer, of course. I'm pretty much OK now though. I have to say, the worst things about colds are the runny nose. I can take pain in the throat and nose, but when ya get a runny nose it'll get sore from all that paper on nose action, and I hate that. Bluh.

Well, since I was sick I tried to do some writing and profile image work, but it was tough.
I got started on Ellie a little. She's going to get quite a revamp. And with that make her ability more clear on how it works. I also finished Psycho Girl's new bio, but lo and behold, RC.se doesn't let me update it for whatever reason. So until I can get that looked at, I'll give a link to the file on my dropbox.

Meh, anyway, I made small changes to some of Zu's costumes and also removed some stuff that had accidentally been left in. Here they are again, if ya wanna see 'em:
Zu Profile Image 1
Zu Profile Image 2
Zu Profile Image 3
Zu Profile Image 4
Zu Profile Image 5
Zu Profile Image 6
Zu Profile Image 7
Zu Profile Image 8

I also started to draw up Ellie's new profile image. Here's what it looks like so far, what do ya think?
Ellie Profile Image WIP

I see there's quite a lot of different opinions on making Butt Bus a movie instead of a game. I just want to clarify that I'm not going to make it literally like Rear Guard. If I make that, it'll be more focused on the porn and you'd have to click your way forward or something similiar to that. You'd get more scenes and variety instead of less control, or whatever ya called it. I wasn't aware that the little options I had in my flashes so far counted as being in control, haw haw.

I'd make the movie so that you wouldn't have to miss anything or wait for stuff to happen if you so wish to just watch a single part. I think it'd be fun, too. The only problem I'll have to tackle is to not make it too ambitious and add too many scenes or make it too lengthy. But ye, I'll have to finish that ZZZZ flash first. Right now it just looks like a huge boulder that I need to get rid off before I can start my Butt Bus project though. Mgh.

I'll have to get my ass back on that tomorrow!
Posted 24th of July 2016 - 15:13 by | 6 comments.