I and FallowWing have now released a new version of the Sofi Scene on Patreon! We will post a public version on here and other places sometimes during next week, so keep your eyes peeled.

For now, have some fanart! They're all from Cerberus Carmine, he's been doing good work and managed to squeeze out three pics these last two weeks.

Happy Valentine's Day From Zu
Horsing Around With Aisha, Zu and Zara
Making A Sofi Sandwich
Great stuff, I love 'em!

I actually managed to get something done myself, as well.
Scotty Finds A Collectible, which refers to dickgirl Ellie.

Well, that's all for today. I'm hoping you'll enjoy the additions I made to the Sofi flash. I think wednesday might be a good day to release it on.
By the by, I got all the necessary voice stuff for the new Zara stuff, so I'll be ready to start on that once March comes along! (as well as like a billion drawings and commissions I got planned...)
But ye, I'll see you wednesday!
Posted 23rd of February 2020 - 16:09 by | There are no comments! Comment now!
I've finished up Rock n' Raz 12! There will only be a youtube release, since I don't know how to make working buttons in AS3... But hey, the youtube release has subtitles!

I've been playtestin' the Sofi flash and most of the bugs have been smoothed out. There was one weird bug that made the entire flash play at like 3/4th the speed of normal, but it's been fixed now, hoahoa. It was really painful to playtest during that, I tell you. All that's left now are mostly tweaks to sounds. I'm really hopin' we can get it out soon.

For now, enjoy Rock n' Raz 12!
Posted 16th of February 2020 - 17:43 by | 7 comments.
The Sofi flash is getting along real well. Fallow made a menu and a preloader for it now, so it should be in a releaseable state! I'm just awaiting a few re-recordings of some moans (They didn't really fit, and were a bit annoying).
A final control check after that and ye, might be golden to go.

I've also contacted a VA about doing Zara's voice for her part, since I can't get in contact with the old VA. Which sucks, because I really liked her take on Zara. I'm gonna have to re-animate Zara's mouth completely, wee-hoo...

Well, right now I'm working on Rock n' Raz 12 when I can. Can't really tell when it'll be done, but sometime this month for sure.
Posted 11th of February 2020 - 04:43 by | 3 comments.
I've not really done much creative work, gotta be social n' stuff! And it's difficult for me to focus on working when other people are around, so I'm mostly working on this while she's away. I'm still playtesting and stuff for the Sofi flash, and that's going well. Getting closer and closer to something playable, altough there's still a few things that need ironing out! I'm gonna take another look at it once I'm done with this update, in fact.

And there's not a lot else to say! I'm doin' what I can.
I've started up work on another Rock n' Raz to have something that doesn't need a lot of my attention span to work on.
Posted 3rd of February 2020 - 07:20 by | 4 comments.
Sorry for being late again. The combination of trying to change my sleep schedule, dealing with a attention seeking cat and having my sister around left me being either too tired or too busy to write an update. But now here I am, typin'!

Right now, I and Fallow are trying to get the Sofi part out for a second beta release! There's loads of bugs and tweaks that we need to fix up, but we're hoping to have one ready in a week or two maybe!

Been too busy to draw stuff again, but I've recieved a piece of fan art this week too!
Zara Virgin Killer, made by SyncedUp on our discord server! Thanks, it's very nice!

Well, until that beta release, the updates are going to be rather short, probably. See ya next week!
Posted 21st of January 2020 - 07:08 by | 6 comments.
Sorry that I'm late once again. I'm sleeping during the day and am awake all night again, so I lose track of what days begin and end when.

Right now I'm waiting for the stores to open so that I can find something to make fitting soundeffects for the Sofi flash. We're getting quite close to having a second beta released of it soon. I just need to gather enough sound effects. I think sound is a very hard thing to get right, since I'm not really an audio guy. I don't know what you guys thought about the sound effects in the Ellie flash. I didn't see any comments about them at all, so I assume they were at least passable. No complaints is somewhat positive, ya? I'm hoping I can do better in the Sofi flash, but getting clean recordings are hard and so is finding fitting stsuff online. But I'm gonna try anyway.

Later this week my sister will live at my place for a while, so my production might go down for during that time... We'll see. I'm gonna try to have to fix my sleep cycle until then, hoahoa.

Before I go for today, I've got a single piece of fanart to show off!
Smugfi by Shrapnel.
Posted 14th of January 2020 - 00:00 by | 3 comments.
Hiya, hope your first week of 2020 has been good!

I've been working on upgrading the beta scenes for my horse project. Adding in new things that I doubt I would have even thought of back when I first released them and updating the art slightly where I can. I've updated Zara's face a bit in her part, she looks a lot livelier now. If I can get in contact with her VA, I plan on having some of her lines re-recorded and add a bunch of new ones. I want to redo her mouth animations anyway, since the way they're made is... Not the best. She kinda sticks to two expressions at most, and lately I've been trying to spice it up with several, ya?

I've been looking at Ellie's part too. It's the part that probably needs the most editing... I want to move the entire scene up a bit, but it'll require extending the arms and legs assets while also adding in hands for Ellie. I'm hoping that's easier than it sounds, hoahoa. I've got a few other ideas for it as well, but we'll see how it turns out.

Right now, I'm trying to finish up Sofi's part as best as I can!
I've added a few more options to toy around with and some extra animation details. Today I have to work on moving a bunch of assets because I failed to read the angle of her legs correctly, bleh.
Otherwise, what's remaining is adding sounds and making different skins for the horsedick.
And coding and playtesting, of course. But, FallowWing will stream his progress on that as usual.
I'm not sure when he's gonna stream next time, but here's his Picarto channel. We've merged our channels, so you can see both of us at the same page if we're streaming simultaneously!

By the way, coming up with different colors for horsedicks to have is... Not easy. There's not really a reliable way to research the subject matter. And then actually adding the colors is even more difficult, since I'm colorblind as fuck.

Anyway, I'm gonna go eat something and then get started.
See ya next week!
Posted 6th of January 2020 - 08:50 by | 6 comments.
Well, looks like 2019 is coming to an end. I hope you all have a fun New Year's Eve!
What has your 2019 been like? I feel like mine's been pretty meh. Lots of lows. But things seems to be taking a new direction now that FallowWing is helping me out with coding my horse project. I'm getting a lot of motivation back that I lacked before. I hope I can get the project done in 2020 with his help. In january, I'll be touching up the beta parts before moving on to the Zu&Jo part. I've got a pretty good idea what I want to do with it now and I've got some interesting things planned. So we shall see if I can manage to deliver!

I'll most likely stream some of the progress I'll be doing on the Zara part tomorrow. Doing the last of the eyenimations and beginning with making some different skins for the horsedick. Perhaps some other small things as well.

My Picarto channel.
I believe FallowWing is planning on streaming some coding of the same project as well.
FallowWing's Picarto channel.

I want to tidy up the project before he begins on it, because it ain't pretty... we'll see how that goes.

I'm still getting positive comments on Ellie's Exorbitant Extrication, which is nice. I really didn't expect it to do so well. Maybe it's a mix of a better developed art style, animation and great codan from FallowWing that does it? I'm glad it is appreciated still!

Anyway, I wish you all the best and I'll see you next year!
Posted 29th of December 2019 - 18:39 by | 5 comments.
I'm surprised, Ellie's Exorbitant Extrication has been really well recieved. Usually there's a bunch of complaints about this and that in flash releases, but I guess this means I did a good job finally. I hope it'll be something to return to from time to time, heh heh.

What happens now, you wonder? Well, FallowWing has already began working on coding my horse project. So that means after christmas is over, I'm going to start working on Zara's, Ellie's and Sofi's parts again as well as starting up Zu & Johanna's part. He's streaming the progress over at his Picarto channel, so follow that if you're interested. I'm thinking of streaming me working on the various parts as well at some point, so you could follow my Picarto channel as well. I'll post a notification in the discord when I begin streaming too, so yea. I might do the first stream on the 24th... Time I'm not so sure about, but we shall see.

Here's a few drawings too! It's probably the last drawings in 2019, I hope you enjoy 'em!
Prostitutes In Training, Tera training Zu and Trixie for their new jobs.
For A Good Cause (Remake), I made a remake of an old drawing I drew for this Fan fic starring Ellie!
Scotty VS. Rudolf, ScottyKat wanted me to draw this, since he hates the Rudolf song!

Well, I hope you all have a nice christmas and stuff. I hope my flash and arts added to the holiday joys. I'll see you next sunday!
Posted 22nd of December 2019 - 21:09 by | 4 comments.

(yes this is a standard picture I uploaded to everywhere else, I'm too lazy to make an unique one.)

Play Ellie's Exorbitant Extrication!
It's a follow up to Rudolf's Revenge! Many thanks to FallowWing who programmed this project!
I'm hoping this is enough for today's update! Have fun!
Posted 15th of December 2019 - 15:48 by | 17 comments.