The dick options I posted last week are all optional. You have the choice to ignore whichever option you don't like.
The girls will have different reactions to them though, and each dick will have it's own quirk, though. But yes, you don't need to worry about it.

Don't have a lot to say today, so just a short update.
I finished this commission for this update though, so have this before you go!

Getting A Big ACRD Nut.
Posted 6th of July 2020 - 12:00 by | 2 comments.
Last week was so very hot, I barely got anything done. My apartment was like a sauna and the night after friday was so bad I couldn't sleep at all. But it's cooled down slightly now, so I'm hoping I'll get more stuff done.

Lemme post the stuff I actually did make though. First, some drawings!

Bullying via Condom, a silly idea I had a few weeks back, finally put on paper.
Pregnant Berry, an idea by Ankh on the discord server.
Munching Mommies' Moonholes, Tera is at it again, teaching Zu and Trixie new tricks.
Don't Underestimate, Sofi and Trixie have a staredown.
Sleeping Bewby, Ellie falls asleep at a massage parlor.

Also got some fanart from GBlastMan!

Ghetto Sofi
Ghetto Sofi Pregnant Cum Version
Ghetto Sofi Pregnant Version
Ghetto Sofi Pubes-less Version
Ghetto Sofi Pubes-less Pregnant Cum Version
Ghetto Sofi Pubes-less Pregnant Version
Thanks a ton!

Also, I finished those dicks finally. Here's a preview.
Posted 29th of June 2020 - 17:07 by | 5 comments.

Now I'm back to working on the Zu part. Gonna color those dicks in, finally.
Posted 21st of June 2020 - 17:48 by | 1 comment.
Hello all! Thanks for all your feedback on the recent flash release! I and FallowWing will make sure to try to improve what we can from all of your comments.

FallowWing is going to stream himself re-coding the animation system each night this week til he finishes it. Follow him here, if you are interested!

As for myself, since it's been birthday season for me and my friends, I've been taking some time off. I'm currently working on a new Rock n' Raz. Once that's done, I'll be returning to Zu's flash, and might be able to squeeze in some drawings if I feel like it.

That's all I've got for today, I hope you're having a nice summer so far!
Posted 15th of June 2020 - 18:54 by | 2 comments.
Boys and girls, Zara's part is now availible for all to enjoy!
Play Zara's Zany Zoolatry!

Many improvements have been made to it, I hope you'll like it!
Thanks to all who supported me on Patreon, these funds will help me a lot when it comes to paying VA's and other sound stuff for future parts!
As usual, I can't really come up with anything to say when releasing. So, I'll see you next week. Look forward to seeing the comments on this thing.
Posted 8th of June 2020 - 04:09 by | 6 comments.
Earlier today, we launched Zara's part of the farm project on Patreon!
It's a playtesting version, so there are still a few bugs left to fix. I've already gotten a few comments about bugs being found, so apparently it's not as stable of a release as we thought. So before we release it publically for all, we gotta get those things fixed up. I'm just hoping it won't take too long.

I don't have much else to say today, so I'm gonna keep it short. Been working on Zu's part as well, trying to get a hang of how to animate her part. I know I said I'd post screenshots of the dicks today, but I haven't colored them in yet. I wanna do that first, but I'm waiting on assistance with that. I'm colorblind, and what's a natural looking red and pink are hard for me to judge. But once they're colored in, I'll get them to ya.
Posted 31st of May 2020 - 18:24 by | 30 comments.
Hi all, I've finally finished up the missing outfits for Ellie!

Ellie Gardening Outfit
Ellie Winter Clothes
Ellie Swimwear
Ellie Painting Outfit

That means I'm done with all of the characters' outfits! Now I'm going to try to put some info about 'em on there so they serve as a summary of who they are as well.

The Zu part is coming along well. It looks like this now, and I consider this finalized.

I'm working on drawing the dicks now, so that's going to be what I'll spend this coming week on.

The Zara part is coming along pretty well. There are still a few glitches that need fixing, but we've already fixed a lot and made small improvements to how it runs and sounds.
Even if it is just a reskin of a reskin of the old April's Fools flash, I'm positive this new spin on it will make it seem almost as new. Haohoa!

If I manage to finish up all the dicks by sunday, I'll make sure to show 'em off. For now, I'm heading to bed!
Posted 25th of May 2020 - 17:05 by | 4 comments.
Fallow's gone through some rough stuff with his other project, but says he'll be focusing on getting Zara done next. I'm not sure, but I'm hoping we'll get it ready before the end of the month.

But since all the graphics are done, as I think I've said before, I started sketching up the Zu&Jo part.
And this is how it looks right now:

It's not finalized yet as you might be able to tell, but I'm going to try to have her done by the end of the week.

Also got a few more drawings to show off!
Have a Sit, a commission of Lollo using the commissioner's character as a chair... and more.
Ellie on Vacation, Ellie is bothered by a man during a stroll.
Demonic Corruption Process, Ellie gets dicked by two big demons.

Well, my friends, that's all for today. Next week I'll probably have some Sixten outfits to show you all.
Posted 18th of May 2020 - 02:20 by | 99 comments.
Going through the Zara flash to find things to fix and tweak right now. Fallow made a pretty fancy system for tweaking sounds while playing in-game, on the fly, which is pretty mind boggling to me, hoahoa. It's easy to work with too, so it's going to be super useful for the upcoming parts as well.
Some things are still wonky though, for some reason the head and mouth won't sync up during a coughing animation. Very annoying. And I noticed I had completely fucked up a transition animation, so I had to change that this morning. It only took a few minutes though, but there are a few other things that needs to be looked into as well.

I spent the previous week drawing some, finishing up Psycho Girl's new character images and streaming a bit with Raz, since he's out of a job and we're trying to raise awareness and help him pay his bills. If you feel like helping him out, you can do so at paypal;

Here's a commission I finished!
A New Hero, Zu, Ellie and Sofi are in need of help.

I've also got a bunch of fanart from Cerberus Carmine again!
Aisha's New Farm
Barnyard Fun at Aisha's
Aisha and Ellie Hang Out

Thanks a bunch! Good work on all of 'em!

And now, the Psycho Girl images.
Psycho Girl Axe
Psycho Girl Wire
Psycho Girl Sledgehammer
Psycho Girl Garden Fork
Psycho Girl Baseball Bat

I'm pretty satisfied. What do you think?
Posted 11th of May 2020 - 02:47 by | 4 comments.
Fallow's getting pressured to finish up a thing on another project he's working on, so Zara's part is taking slightly longer to finish up than first estimated. Bleh.
Well, so far, most major things are working fine. I'm not sure how much is left, but he asked me about the sound menus and stuff, so I assume it's not too far from being ready for a playtesting release. Hopefully.

As for me, I've been working on drawings and stuff! The things I've been working on have been really complicated and elaborate, so I only managed to finish up two this week, I also did a bit of tweakings on the character profile images... Adjusting some details to the faces and colors mostly, but also adding outfits to Sixten. I've only got one and a half outfits left on Sixten, which is great!

But for now, let's take a look at those drawings.
No Match, Johanna tries to take on a challenge.
Hike Gone Sexual, past Lollo gets interrupted during a hike abroad.

So along with finishing up the rest of my drawings, I gotta start planning out the Zu&Jo part of the horse project.
I've got a pretty idea of what I want to do, it's going to work much better than what I originally planned. Ye ye.
Well, I should go to bed... So we'll see where we are next sunday!
Posted 3rd of May 2020 - 23:42 by | 2 comments.