My sleep's been really bad lately, affecting my productivity. Very annoying. I'm gonna try to sort that thing out as soon as I can.

I have however managed to finish a drawing!
Queen Ellie's Anal Throne, you can expect a lot of Ellie drawings this year.

Also have a piece of fan art!
Zara Riding, fan art from americo sunflower!

I also made bonus outfits for our favorite friends, they have been much appreciated!

Hoping to return with better news next week at least!
Posted 10th of February 2025 - 12:23 by | 2 comments.
Since comments keep trickling in, I'll take this chance to answer some questions that were asked.

zuFucker wrote:
"I wish there was a way to get them to do more voice lines, or some kind of jukebox mode where I can make them say what I want. There's a ton of audio files that I've only heard by opening them with a media player"
You can get this function with the debug version of the game, which you can get at SubscribeStar or Patreon.

RandomAnon wrote:
"Hey, is there a way to prevent pregnancy? It's a bit of a turn off for me. Is it something that has to be unlock?"
There isn't, but it's something that can be added in a future update.
For now, you could try using the Lollo skins, they don't impregnate.

anonymoose wrote:
"would it be possible to add an ability to reset the mind-break for Zu and Jo without resetting the whole character? Or maybe make it toggleable? I've been resetting the scene once zu mind-breaks but it would be nice to maintain the option without losing progress on cum bucket, body-writting, etc."
You can already prevent the girls mindbreaking by putting on the "Love Prevention" sticker.

Wellcheers wrote:
"Honestly? Pregnancy or pregnant sex scenes. It could be something like a toggle, or a variant of the cumflation we usually get, but pregnant sex would be nice to see."
Pregnant belly is already a toggle in Zu&Jo's scene. It's not going to be possible for Sofi, due to how her part is built.

IcyCooper wrote:
"Some secret way to get Sofi to enjoy butstuff? Maybe I'm asking for too much here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
Maybe it's something I should make happen at the 100 tally mark achievement.

Gorbules wrote:
"Add a button to make them enjoy it from the start. R*pe hurts my feelings."
The instant breaks are there for a reason.

Alrighty. I'm doing a lot of task juggling within the project, so I've been neglecting the streaming lately. Gonna try to get back on that this week, starting today. Will start one up shortly after I post this.
Check it out here if you're interested. I'll probably be looking into setting up for the cum scene today.

And I guess I should post these updates profile images on here for you all to see as well.



I'm probably gonna do Ellie next. She desperately needs an upgrade.
Had to buy a new sketch block to sketch her up, the sketch block I bought previously had such coarse paper it was impossible to erase or even touch without it smudging everywhere. Blergh.
Posted 3rd of February 2025 - 14:50 by | 19 comments.
Apologies for being late. A combination of appointments, internet issues and a shitty sleeping schedule has left me pretty wrecked. And today I got a nice headache for it. It's been awful. I'm hoping for a good night's rest and a return to normalcy in the morning.

I've compiled a list of the suggestions I found feasible and I'm gonna talk it over with Fallow later.
It's only the small things, like I asked for, but you guys sure posted some crazy stuff. Guess it's not so easy to know the limitations when you're not working on it.

Anyway, through my struggles these last days, I managed to finally finish up this comic page. I've been on it for almost the entire month, so I'm glad to have it done.
Shoplifting Shenanigans Page 6

Someone also asked me to make this edit...
Zu Swe Fat Ass
Zu Swe Fat Ass (Nude Ver.)
Don't forget to call her names in the comments on these pics.

Well, I'm gonna go lay down probably. Hope to actually get some streaming done this week...
Posted 28th of January 2025 - 17:28 by | 5 comments.
I've read your comments, and while there are a lot that are outside of the scope of what we're capable of doing, I think the main thing that I got out of them are to add some more voice line variety, clothing options and stickers. Perhaps even a pissing on girl option or something. I'll have to go through them all later and make a comprehensive list of what's possible to add.

Feel free to suggest more, but please don't ask for more cock types, double penetration and boob size changes. For a variety of reasons, these are not feasible without having to basically redo the entire project.

I'm going to try to get the story mode plans sorted out this week. I've had a bunch of ideas for it, but it's time to solidify what to keep and what to scrap!
Posted 20th of January 2025 - 12:52 by | 30 comments.
Curious to know if there are anything you guys would like to see in HHHW's current two scenes, Zoo-Phobia and Zu & Johanna's Zoological Zone that aren't new animations or anything outrageous like that. Small things, like stickers or outfits. Expansion of the current supplies, if you know what I mean.

Post your ideas in the comments and I may add them in in a future update.

For now, I'm working away on Zara's animations.
Posted 14th of January 2025 - 10:37 by | 64 comments.
Hey everyone, sorry for the pause in the updates again. I've been experiencing some sort of mental fatigue lately, but I think I'm over it now. Gonna get back into regular schedule tomorrow, hope it works out. Need to get back to animating, I've mostly been doing some Zu ref tinkering during the holidays. She's looking pretty good so far, can't wait to show the finshed piece.

Got one drawing for ya.
Snow White Dwarf Joke, some joke about... something. I kinda forgot what it was supposed to be half way through.

But also fan art from Avv!
Fox Boy Buttsexo, Zu at the gym, being gullible.

Don't have much else to share right now. I'm mostly gonna be doing animating and drawing for now, so I'll let ya know how that goes.
Hopefully I'll be having some sort of update for HHHW in 2025, I am looking forward to seeing what I can do.
Posted 5th of January 2025 - 18:16 by | There are no comments! Comment now!
Sorry for being absent for a while, I had a bit of a mental slump. I have tried to focus on drawing a bit during this time, so here's what I have accomplished so far:

Hobo Hotel, Jessie and Zu make a visit.
Cursed Kimono, a remake of an old drawing.
Hard to Swallow, not something for the faint of heart.
Plushie Holder, the last thing on my to-draw list!
Burn the Yule Goat, I made this just in time for the holidays.

I also have... Fan art! Both featuring Sofi! She sure gets around a lot.
Sofi with Horsecock, made by FOU.
Dominated, made by Rend, commissioned by Delta!

I also found out that there's an AI model of Sofi now. Scary.

I just recently found out that there's an AI model for Sofi.
That really baffled me.
Here are some of the generated images that I found.

I guess if you decide to prompt some Sofi slop, post them as a reply to this twitter post.

Well, I don't have much else to say for now, hope you all have a good time and I'll return to my usual stuff soon!
Posted 25th of December 2024 - 13:04 by | 2 comments.
With enough progress made on animation to actually start developement on the belly physics simulation, FallowWing was able to get something pretty good looking done over last weekend. It looks like we're going to be able to provide some great mix between bulge and progressive cum inflation after all, which is very motivational!

Once we've made further progress and tweaks, I'll show off our results.

Earlier today, I was gonna sit down and draw some, but my pen was mysteriously just gone. Couldn't find it anywhere. It's been sitting on my desk over the weekend, so I have no idea where it may have gone. Maybe it fell into the wastebasket and was accidentally thrown out? I had to go out and buy a new pen just because of that. I'm almost done with the hobo hotel piece, just the last panel left to draw now. So look forward to that next update.

I'm gonna eat something then start streaming some animation progress!
You can see me here:
Also, you can follow FallowWing's coding streams on saturday and sunday here:
Posted 9th of December 2024 - 11:17 by | 4 comments.
Time just flies, and November just feels like a blur.

This week I've been working the penetration animation for Zara, a new bio pic for Zu and on the next thing on the to-draw list.

The penetration animation is a pretty key thing to get right, since it'll dictate a lot of what the rest of the animation rig will need to work like. So it's been a pretty slow process to get something that both looks good and won't make things difficult to work with later down the line. Along with physics sim (which I need to redo since Fallow made an update to the system) it's also the starting point for the belly bulge simulation I wanted to have in this part. Getting that to work properly is what the entire project hinges on, so it's crucial that it'll even work out as I imagined it!!! But I'll just have to keep making progress on it for now.

I recently finished a new bio pic for Sofi, but I don't think I posted it here yet. I should get to that soon.
But I'm working on an updated one for Zu next, since I was never really happy with how the current one turned out.
And for you Zu lore enthusiasts out there, I'm trying to come up with an additional outfit for her, so feel free to suggest something, I've been kinda running a blank on what to add myself.

The drawing I'm working on I turned into a comic page once again, because I can't help myself with a good idea. It features Jessie KatCat and Zu, going to the... Hobo Hotel. It's very much inspired by the way Jessie draws and sets the mood in his art. I'm hoping it'll be a hot piece once complete! I'm also just trying to get my to-draw list completed before 2024 is over... I've got only 3 pieces left after this one. Then I can finally start my next to-draw list and the various commissions that are waiting. Probably gonna be a new list that'll take all of 2025 to get through.

Also, fan art from Americo Sunflower!
Ellie on a Date
Ellie on a Date with Cake

That's it for me for today, I think.
Posted 2nd of December 2024 - 03:45 by | 4 comments.
I've got a bunch of drawings and such here... Progress was made on various flash projects... I came back from a long train trip yesterday and I'm still kinda recovering from that. So enjoy this quick update.

Pay to View, beta version of "Sofi's Panties" that someone took over and made their own.
Gay Fire Emblem OC, suckin' the dic.

Couple o' fan arts too;
Real Egyptian Sofi, by Bromere!
New Friend, commissioned from an unknown artist.

I'm gotta get better at the whole streaming thing too.
You can find me here: My Picarto Page

Been sitting here for 10 minutes trying to think of some parting words, but I can't come up with any. I'll see ya in a week!
Posted 25th of November 2024 - 15:40 by | There are no comments! Comment now!