Shiet, I'm getting lazy with updates nowadays... Perhaps it's because I don't have a porn flash in the making, so I don't really feel the need to keep you updated on stuff... Progress on the nonporn flash is going smoothly though!

As for today's update, I bring you some colored pictures! For once!
They were colored by a friend of mine though, I can only shittily color stuff in flash...

Ellie, standing.
Ellie, fucking.
Ellie, bathing.
Zu, on all four!
Zu, on all four with her butt stuffed!
Zu, on all four with her butt stuffed and getting creamed!

Hopefully this will keep you satisfied this week. I shall continue my neverending flash project known as "Roliga Saker". It's getting really long, I think it'll be around 5~6 minutes when it's finished... Which should be... Fun! Yaaay! It's gonna be dubbed into english as well, so woop.
Posted 28th of April 2013 - 19:47 by Rock Candy | 3 comments.
Meh, I ran out of paper a while ago and there is no store that sells paper in this small town, so I had to wait until I went to another city to buy new paper... And now when I have paper, here's three new pictures! All adult ones, because that is fun.

As I looked back at my old Ran picture, I realized how ugly it was.
So I drew a new one; this.

I'll probably look back at this and think that this is ugly too sometime...

Anyway, onto the next picture:
Za Bukkake.
I've never drawn a picture like this before, so I hope it came out OKay. I think it did.

Third and last picture:
Zoo the Anal Slut.
Is she pregnant or just inflated?
... I dunno. Decide for yourself.

Also, I've been busy updating the character bio's, so you'll have that to look forward to. I'll soon have a story out where Sixten meets up with the other girls.
Posted 14th of September 2010 - 08:37 by Rock Candy | 4 comments.
Hiya, hope your first week of 2020 has been good!

I've been working on upgrading the beta scenes for my horse project. Adding in new things that I doubt I would have even thought of back when I first released them and updating the art slightly where I can. I've updated Zara's face a bit in her part, she looks a lot livelier now. If I can get in contact with her VA, I plan on having some of her lines re-recorded and add a bunch of new ones. I want to redo her mouth animations anyway, since the way they're made is... Not the best. She kinda sticks to two expressions at most, and lately I've been trying to spice it up with several, ya?

I've been looking at Ellie's part too. It's the part that probably needs the most editing... I want to move the entire scene up a bit, but it'll require extending the arms and legs assets while also adding in hands for Ellie. I'm hoping that's easier than it sounds, hoahoa. I've got a few other ideas for it as well, but we'll see how it turns out.

Right now, I'm trying to finish up Sofi's part as best as I can!
I've added a few more options to toy around with and some extra animation details. Today I have to work on moving a bunch of assets because I failed to read the angle of her legs correctly, bleh.
Otherwise, what's remaining is adding sounds and making different skins for the horsedick.
And coding and playtesting, of course. But, FallowWing will stream his progress on that as usual.
I'm not sure when he's gonna stream next time, but here's his Picarto channel. We've merged our channels, so you can see both of us at the same page if we're streaming simultaneously!

By the way, coming up with different colors for horsedicks to have is... Not easy. There's not really a reliable way to research the subject matter. And then actually adding the colors is even more difficult, since I'm colorblind as fuck.

Anyway, I'm gonna go eat something and then get started.
See ya next week!
Posted 6th of January 2020 - 08:50 by | 6 comments.
Been working on one final additional feature for Zu&Jo the last few days. Something I've wanted to include for a while and just decided to start doing in the middle of last week. Once it is ready and functional I'll let you know and show a picture or two! I still have a lot left to draw.

I also heard back from Jo's OG VA, DornsVoice, that she can record the remaining voice lines at the end of the month or at the beginning of April! So that's gonna be neat! I wanted some new lines recorded for the new feature as well, so it's good timing.

Otherwise, we're making progress on the baby presentation and the new menues and UI stuff. Still got some ways to go, but there's a lot to take into consideration. Design is difficult.

I've been focusing a lot on HHHW lately, so a lot of other things have been left on the backburner. But, I'll get to them in time.
Posted 25th of March 2024 - 15:13 by | 10 comments.
Keep seeing comments wondering about how and where you will be able to play the game.
The whole reason we've been doing this new engine thing is to have it be playable both on your PC and in browsers via html5. I'm still working in flash, but it's not exported as an swf any longer, so Fallow has worked on optimization and other visual problems along with the animation coding. So don't worry about that, you'll be able to play any new releases on most things.

Right now, I'm unsure if I'll be able to add new SFX before the demo releases. Sound guys are being rather... unmanageable. Would be quite a shame if they don't deliver on time, since I don't want to just keep on waiting and waiting for an unknown amount of time.
We're smoothing things out currently, though. Most things are working properly, leaving just tweakings to this and that and making small improvements.
I am probably gonna make a small effort to include some more particle effects before the demo will be released, which shouldn't be anything complex at all. Just gotta animate some of it, maybe I'll stream it even.
But I'm gonna aim to finish a drawing by tuesday first! I spent a lot of time today failing to get anything done because everything I drew wound up looking extremely stiff and unnatural. SO I'm gonna go at it from a different angle tomorrow and hope it goes better.

Today, I have a comic page for you though! The story in it was created and voted forward by the community on the discord server.
Ellie's Unlucky Vacation, Ellie's day in the country of Dickgorlia.

Also recieved some fan art!
First is from The Great Avv!
Sofi - The Division
Second is from franc's cousin!
Happy Zu
Thanks a lot to the both of ya!

That's all for today!
Posted 14th of November 2021 - 22:12 by | 9 comments.
So the reason we've been down for such a long time is from what I understand the following;

Our host got a new internet provider, and due to some deal the new internet provider made resulted in our host being unable to have a public IP. And while we were looking for solutions, we weren't able to get in contact with the old host until recently, who had all of the up to date files of But now that we've got them, we're on a new hosting service, hopefully more stable this time around...

Quite obnoxiuos timing, considering we just released the HHHW update.

Anyway, let's get up to date with various things, starting with drawings. I actually finished my to-draw list before 2023!
So here comes a bunch of drawings!

The Maiden Devourer Page 3, the final page!
Edging Trixie, horny makes you stronger
The Payoff, Sofi gets sexed, finally
Chewy Pet, captured, but not tamed
Jungle Story 2, a very belated Shrap birthday request.
Interrupted Band Practice, requested by hime.
Johanna's X-Mas Day, also requested by hime.
Vampire Vie, Touhou vampires dicking it out, requested by GBM.
Christmas at Tera's, the usual, but christmas themed.
Britbong's Soccer Ding-dongs, an injoke between me and schmoes.
Ellie's Music Video Mishap, this one turned out so stupid it's good.
Freezing Girls, a quick winter themed drawing.
Jungle Story 3, not really connected to the other two. What if those junk mails were true?
Parasite Pilot, Zu gets to be a test subject.
Zu's Butt Close Up, take a real close look.
Zu's Creamed Butt Close up, someone got way too close.

That's a bunch, for sure. Hope at least some of 'em are to your liking.
Might as well cover the fan art next, ye?

Oujia Board Bedlam, Cinndrie's finished Halloween Comp submission!
Sub Sandwich Zu, by meekmack!
Sofi Marrying, by Sinsigat!
Pre-Cum Collecting, by Panda-Wanga!
Avv & Zara, by Avv!
Christmas Sofi, by SyncedUp!

Thanks a lot as always, guys!

Let's catch up on some flash stuff too, ya?
Currently trying to get VA stuff sorted out, I got three to deal with at the same time, and I'm terrible at multi-tasking. Hoping I can get everything done soon, but they're all busy. Lots of demand these days.

While site's been down I've finished up some additional features I wanted to have in the Zu&Jo part, Fallow's been on a bit of hiatus due to various things, but he's back on working on things again now, so hopefully we can have a small update with these new features soon. How soon depends on how many of the things we want to include in one go. Some are more solid than others.

I've also added in all of the horse skins in Sofi's part. Won't have the different stats due to how it's built (pre-custom engine), but at least it'll be consistent with the colors! Not to mention it's around 27 skins instead of just 10, that all looked pretty similar anyway.

Next step? Well, let me tell you... I'm gonna remake the Zara part from scratch. Why? I absolutely hate how the old version looks and how buggy it is. It'll be a nightmare to try and salvage it by just reskinning and what not, and I still would be stuck with pretty primitive options!

With a new start, I'll be able to possibly implement a much requested feature; cock bulge and gradual cum inflation combined!
Using Fallow's engine combined with flash, we're thinking of creating a dynamic belly that reacts to both cock and cum and moves independently from the rest of the animation. With this goal in mind, I've created this sketch:

Sacrificing visible holes for this advanced belly I think is a good option. Besides, you've already got visible holes in Sofi and Zu&Jo's parts.
Along with the belly, I really want to expand on the mood system for Zara. Unlike Sofi and Zu&Jo, who has changes in their moods, Zara has none, actually. I'm planning on changing this so that she gets her own unique mood range. What that'll be, you'll have to wait and see.

And yes, I think that's all I've got for now. Feel free to ask questions in the comments, if you've got any.
I'm gonna go do the dishes...
Posted 13th of January 2023 - 16:50 by | 21 comments.
Been doing a bit of everything this week. At the same time as I'm working on smoothing out Zu's animations, I've also been tinkering with the Sofi part a bit. Trying to make improvements to it and such. I and Fallow are going to rework how her facial expressions and such work completely, pretty much. So that also means I got a new chance to write new voice lines for Sofi! It's harder than I expected to come up with stuff that doesn't sound all wrong when spoken out loud. Hoahoa.

I finished a drawing commission this week as well.
The Final Nut, Psycho Girl attacks dickgirl Ellie.

My to-draw list has grown really long again, and I doubt I'll get 'em all done in december. If I don't sacrifice all the time I've got to 'em, and I don't want that... So a lot of stuff is probably going to have spill over into next year.
If you don't know, I sometimes post a little poll on discord where users can vote on what they want the next piece to be, until there's nothing left to draw. I plan on doing that again, soon. It's usually fun.

I also finished up Simon. If you forgot, it's the guy that bullied Zu during her later school years. But in "current day", where the other characters are right now.
Simon Nude
Simon Dressed

Got a bunch of fan art n' stuff this week as well! Check 'em out!

First off, JhonBoi's part of our art trade!
Zu Does A Funny 1
Zu Does A Funny 2
Zu Does A Funny 3

Then, a Sofi from CrimellGrim!
Sofi Cuminflated

More Sofi from Jessie Kat Cat!
Sofi Fan Art

And a silly thing that hime made:
Johanna Thanksgiving

Thanks plenty, all of you!

I'm going continue with the Zu & Jo part now! See ya next update.
Posted 30th of November 2020 - 03:48 by | 10 comments.
I've not really done much creative work, gotta be social n' stuff! And it's difficult for me to focus on working when other people are around, so I'm mostly working on this while she's away. I'm still playtesting and stuff for the Sofi flash, and that's going well. Getting closer and closer to something playable, altough there's still a few things that need ironing out! I'm gonna take another look at it once I'm done with this update, in fact.

And there's not a lot else to say! I'm doin' what I can.
I've started up work on another Rock n' Raz to have something that doesn't need a lot of my attention span to work on.
Posted 3rd of February 2020 - 07:20 by | 4 comments.
I got my ass into gear and finished up those last cum animations this weekend. I'm now letting somebody string it together so a demo can be made. I asked my patrons what they thought I should do, release it without voice and facial expressions or wait til all that's done, and it seems like most of them wanted to wait for the voice. I feel like that's a good idea too. I've got a girl who's willing to voicing Zoo a try, so I'm hoping it works out!

I also had some time to think of what to do with the Zu/Zeta part. Since it's going to sport two characters instead of one, and all the previous parts have turned out to become quite laggy and possible crashprone, I had to cut down on some of the planned stuff, the major one being I got to work with two similar styles of bodyshape to be able to recycle animation a lot easier. Zeta didn't like this, so she instead opted to pull out of the project this time around.
I still want to have two characters featured though, so the question is... Who will replace Zeta?

I've been thinking of either Johanna or Sixten. Johanna has a more similar build though, so it might work a lot better with her. Besides, she hasn't been in a flash yet. Because she's practically not a fully fleshed out character yet... But people still want her to receive the dick.

I drew another thing, too! Tearing Tyrant!

Well, until I can get voiceclips to work with and figure out what to do with the Zu part of the farm project, I'm not sure what to do. I guess I'll have to look into side projects or something. We'll see.
I do want feedback and ideas about what to do with the Zu part though, so throw me some in the comments.
Posted 2nd of September 2018 - 21:27 by | 26 comments.
I finished that.

The weeks after I finish a flash are usually pretty content-less. So yeah, don't really have anything to show today either. I'll talk instead, as some people enjoy reading about me and my pathetic life. But first, have a look at this fan art!
Picture of Zu, made by Pinkarina!
Many thanks.

I finished the Zu sprites for stage 3 in Project X! I got the honor to re-design the two~ years old Eel rapes to make 'em look better. I like to think that I did a pretty good job with them. To think of it, I had to design the Mermaid enemy and the Squid enemy and make rapes for those too. So I pretty much set the base for all the enemies in stage 3 except for the Dolphin, which is one of those strong enemies that has a different rape for each character. Most people like the rapes to just be good 'ol fucking, so I made sure to include one in each enemy's rape! One old fashioned and one gimmicky, you could say. So the rest of the spriters are probably busy editing the rapes for the rest of the cast now. I wonder when the next demo will come out.

And I wonder if I'll ever find a good voice actress for Zu. The current voice is recorded with such an awful mic that it hurts your ears when listening to it. I don't know where to find girls that would like to voice act, and even if I did, I would be too retarded to even succeed in asking. Ugh. So if you happen to be a female browsing this site and doesn't mind lending her voice out for my flashes, or Project X, send me an email!

You should all know by now that I'm working on the trade with Besped, and that's going pretty well, except for the fact that I've been slacking off an awful lot lately... But it's coming along, at least. He and I have not yet decided what to do with our upcoming collab, but it's leaning towards two sluts and a bunch of aliens. It should be fun to attempt to make something that isn't rape or heavy inflation, as I've been making that... Far too much lately. Eugh.

Which leads me to another thing I've been thinking about. I have very, VERY, limitied knowledge in scripting and coding, so I'm constantly being held back by that when I want to make a flash. I'm too fucking stupid to learn how to as well. I have many great ideas, and I get many great ideas in comments and in the request box. Mostly, it seems like people want a flash where you can screw all the girls that I have created. Raping, abusing, loving and mindbreaking them, etc. I'd love to make a flash where you could make them into your cock-loving sexslaves and such, but as it is now, I can't make it happen.

So, in the future, I'll at least try to include stories to my flashes, to get out of the usual set of flashes I make. I'm thinking of doing kind of an "Choose your own adventure" flash where you'd play as Zu and get fucked and stuff. And perhaps collaborate with other artists to make other fun flashes. With their art and my animation skills, maybe we can create something better than what I could on my own.

Hmm... Actually I remembered some stuff that DM DOKURO made a while ago that I forgot. I'll upload those real quick...


Yes, here we go:
Stuff that DM DOKURO made when he was real bored one day:
Lollo graffiti
Sixten graffiti
Ellie graffiti
Sofi graffiti
Zara graffiti
Zu graffiti

Pretty cool, I think.

Also, is it just me, but has there been a lot of talk about Psycho Girl, aka Mikaela, lately? I feel like there's been several people wanting a real flash where you can fuck her in the ass, rather than the quick halloween thingy I did last year.

Hm. Well, that's it for this week. We'll see what happens next week. Hopefully it's something fun. I'm gonna go to bed soon, so good night for now!
Posted 21st of October 2012 - 17:01 by Rock Candy | 7 comments.