... Because I was bored.

Raz said: No!!!
Rock Candy said: YOU MUST DO IT!!!!
Raz said: OKAY THEN!!!



Resolution: 1680x1050

Eh, if you want other colors or something you can post a comment.
See ya!
Posted 19th of April 2010 - 13:06 by Raz/Mr. X | 5 comments.
Just here to drop off this week's update.

I managed to finish two whole pictures, some sprites and an important part of Onihole this week. I would say it was a rather productive week, though I feel like it could have been better still.

Dickgirl Zoo. (it's a bit bloody, so don't watch if sensitive or some bullshit like that, blah blah.)
Zu Butt!! In all its colored glory.

For some reason, I got lots of fanart this week, from someone OTHER than Guodzilla!!!

We shall begin with fanart from a dude calling himself "Helm of Shit", for some reason.
Crazy Za 1
Crazy Za 2
Crazy Za 3
Crazy Za 4
It's always Zoo that winds up in situations like these, it seems like....

Next, I got some crazy mod-3D-models from a guy named Joshua!
Personally, I think they're really cool~!

And, this isn't really fan art for me, but for Project X. But Zu's in it, which is very rare, so I figured I could upload it here as well!
Project X: Airship Infiltration!

And last, but not least, a piece from an artist that wishes to remain anonymous!

This one is my favorite, and I think you know why! :3

And that was all I got for today's update... Tomorrow I must plan out how I want things to work out in Onihole... Hnngh. not easy, but it has to be done!
Posted 29th of April 2012 - 17:28 by Rock Candy | 9 comments.
I was away over the weekend, so I procrastinated the update a little. Sorry 'bout that, heh heh.

A guy recently came to me, offering to help me out with some coding! I gave him the Ellie part of my farm project, so I canget a beta out soon. I'm not sure how skilled or fast he is, so I can't say when it'll be released. But I'm glad it's being worked on at least, I've yet to hear anything from Mittsies and the Lollo flash. Bleh.

Today, I've got some erotic fan fiction for you guys to read!

Beginning with Rudolph's Therapist!
It's a story about Sixten and Rudolf, written by FlamingFlamingo. Contains some gay stuff, if that wasn't obvious already. So for those who enjoyed Sixten's side of Rudolf's Revenge, perhaps this is right up your alley!

The other one, I had donate-commissioned from a guy almost two years ago, and he got to writing it just recently, hoahoa. Still faster than me finishing a flash.
Playing Stork!
Written by Jesse Graves, you can find more of his stuff here: Lisa's Nook on Tumblr. This one's about his character Lisa and Zu.

Give 'em some feedback or comments, I'm sure they're eager to see what people thought of their stories.

As for myself, I'm sorry I haven't uploaded a lot of things recently. It's been mostly bigger projects I've worked on.
I'll also be going to Japan for round 2 weeks on thursday, so the site won't be updated until I come back! But I'll try to be active when I can on our discord server and I'll make sure to post photos of our adventures on Twitter! I did it the last two times as well, so check that out if you're interested in what we can find and do.

And if that Ellie beta flash reaches playable state while I'm away, I'll make sure to try and find a way to get it to ya. Might want to look out on twitter and discord for that as well, if so.
Posted 29th of May 2018 - 06:35 by | 32 comments.
I don't have much to add, sorry for being late. I finished up a drawing for today's update, I really wanted to finish it already!

Kit & Kat Urinals Part 4, which turned out tamer than I wanted.

Ya... Really don't have a lot to say today, so... See ya next time!
Posted 26th of April 2021 - 19:55 by | 3 comments.
Kinda had some bad weather while I was away. Mostly stayed inside and played Mario Party. Meh.
But we came to the conclusion that Mario Party 6 is the best Mario Party.

But anyway, I had fun and that's what counts!

So, we're back to Zu. Here's that seventh image that was complained about!
Zu Profile Image 7
Ya, it's Zu's swimsuit!

Thank you Card Game, for your lenghty reply! You gave me a lot of ideas, so I'll need to think about 'em! Going really sexual is tempting, but at the same time I don't want her to come across as a slut!
But that Pumpkin costume, she's already wearing something similiar in the eight image. I changed the pumpkin hat to a cap, though.

Anyway, I should start up work on ZZZZ again.
I've been thinking about flash stuff while I was gone, and I think I might want to start make flashes like Rear Guard instead of game-like stuff. I think I might turn Butt Bus from game format into movie format. It'll make it less bloated to work with and I can more easily do different positions, add a sense of progression instead of resetting or being limited to a single set of assets.
I mean, Rear Guard isn't that bad, is it? What's your opinion? Would ya like to see more movies instead of games? Both have their pros and cons. It's a difficult choice.
Posted 18th of July 2016 - 09:10 by | 26 comments.
It's finally here, the wait is over!

You can play it in any of these places:
Here on RC.se

Download the game here!

Here's a little change log:


- Improved saving system, allowing you to save more things, more often.
- New menues and improved UI.
- You can make babies, name them, save them, inspect them and print out images of them.
- Achievements list is now available from inside the scenes.
- Lots of bugfixes and tweaks.
- Updated SFX. However, they are still a WIP.

Zu & Johanna's Zoological Zone:

- You can now spank the sisters. Both on the ass and the belly.
- You can now douse the girls in cum via the cum bucket. However, you have to work for it.
- Some new voice lines.
- More stickers.


- Increased the size of Sofi's mouth, making her face look more appealing and proportional.
- Gave Sofi new facial expressions.
- Some new voice lines.

Zara's Zany Zoolatry remains unchanged. It is actually up for being remade next now.

When reporting bugs or errors, always provide OS and specs.
Posted 8th of September 2024 - 18:38 by | 56 comments.
There wasn't all that much changed, but here's some of the noteworthy things:

- Zara doesn't crash anymore. Apparently it had something to do with the font system that Fallow changed just before shipping.
- Zu's instant breaks should now work as intended.
- Tweaked cum amount math.
- Other minor bugfixes and tweaks.

Boy, I wish there was some sort of image embed on RC.se, so that I could see all of the babies you've created!
Well, thanks to the support from you guys, there's a complete from the ground up rehaul of the site being done. It's taking a while, but we're hoping to have it ready before 2025.

Ever since the release, I've been taking a bit of a break from HHHW, working on Rock n' Raz 19. It's been very refreshing. I'm about halfway done with the main animation on that, so perhaps 2 weeks til it's completed, max.
I've also started back up the alien project thing with EX, there were some hurdles that had prevented us from really working on it for a while, but we should be good to move forward now. I'll keep you updated on how it develops!

Other than that... I don't think I got anything more!
I do have some fan art though! Let's see 'em!

First, a bunch of Sofi fan art from IWasOnREACH!
Noodle Slurper
Abstract Sofi
Desk Sofi Variation 1
Desk Sofi Variation 2
Desk Sofi Variation 3
Desk Sofi Variation 4
Desk Sofi Variation 5
Desk Sofi Variation 6
Desk Sofi Variation 7
Desk Sofi Variation 8
Desk Sofi Variation 9
Desk Sofi Variation 10
Desk Sofi Variation 11
Desk Sofi Variation 12
Desk Sofi Variation 13
Desk Sofi Variation 14
Desk Sofi Variation 15
Desk Sofi Animated 1
Desk Sofi Animated 2
Very nice!
Also got a Sofi from Sinsigat as well:
Sofi Hat

Sofi sure is popular, huh?

Well, that's it from me today. Going back to Rock n' Raz now!
Posted 16th of September 2024 - 05:25 by | 18 comments.
We finished much earlier than expected! The update is available for Ellie tier patrons on our Patreon!

I attempted to type up a little change log, just so you know what's changed and such;

Zu & Johanna's Zoological Zone:

- Butt Plug and Vag Tape options
- Tweaked numbers to make orgasms less frequent
- New voice clips for both Zu & Jo
- New bonus features and toggleables
- More stickers
- Few more cosmetic options
- More dick skins
- Instant breaks to skip to the girls enjoying themselves (But you have to figure out how!)


- Completely re-recorded most of Sofi's voice lines, and added more lines for variety
- More cosmetic options
- Dick skins now matches the ones from Zu&Jo, you can choose which one to use
- Added some extra secrets


- Improved Achievement system that will guide players to explore and understand all options
- Achievement list in the Options menu, which will give hints on how to unlock them
- Subtitles for the girls (May add for the dick lines in the future)
- Save feature, which will save things like stats and cosmetics
- Lots of background optimizations

Zara's Zany Zoolatry remains unchanged, since it's planned to be remade from the ground up.
Our next goal is to get the baby stuff working! And once that's done, it's Zara time!

As always, the public release will be in a week from now on.
I appreciate all the support I've gotten, I couldn't have continued to work on this project without you.
Next year, if things work out, we'll have even more stuff in store for you. I'll update you on this once I know more!

For now, enjoy this updated version of HHHW!
Posted 19th of December 2023 - 16:59 by | 27 comments.
Don't really have a lot to say today, so this update is just me saying hello.
I'm in the middle of working on a few different things, maybe I'll have something to show next update.

For now you'll have to do with this little sign of life.
Posted 4th of November 2024 - 11:32 by | 3 comments.
I spent the whole last week cleaning my computer and room. Yes, I am slow. Yes, I am procastinating making finishing the flash. But the cumscene is the hardest part of them all, as I have probably said it before. Also I was getting really tired of havingn lots of crap on my computer that I never use, so I cleaned things up and reorganized everything. It took some time, but I am mostly done now.

Raz posted this comic yesterday, but I'm giving you the uncensored version now.
Nyorp Nyorp, click here to see!

I'm satisfied with the results.

Anyway, as I said I was cleaning shit up, and I found lots of interesting things in my old pictures folders:

This here is an old picture of some girl I colored in flash. While the colors might look nice, the girl isn't that fantastic. Meh.
Large picture of girls getting buttsexed by tentacles. It was supposed to be colored by some guy who eventually abandoned it and I forgot about it. Well, here it is now! Not that great, but not that bad either.
Zu with horse. A picture that's kinda old. There isn't really much to it than Zu getting a horse dick up her anus.
First adult picture of Ellie. Yeah... It sucks. But still.
SMILE! Some creepy picture of Zoo...
Parasite Zu. Myeah, I found this kinda interesting, so I uploaded it. I wonder what happened to her.
A short flash loop. A little flash that I made a while back. It's not that good, but it became sort of an inside joke between me and Raz. Fried egg.

I also found a lot of other art, but I don't want to flood the art section with lots of old pieces. You probably don't care anyway.

As for future plans, I'm gonna make some sprites, 'cause Zeta said next demo of Project X is supposed to be released soon... So I have to do that shit real fast then I can go back to my Onihole flash.
Posted 26th of March 2012 - 06:51 by Rock Candy | 4 comments.