Been working on small things this week, while waiting for things to get coded in and such.
Visually upgrading certain graphics, along with adding in more stickers to play with.

Even Sofi has recieved some new outfits and some graphical improvements.

I'm gonna have to prepare myself mentally to delve into the more technical stuff next, to make sure things appear in the correct spot, are visible for a good amount of time and such. Wish me luck.

Good news are that I've received almost all of the new Zu voice stuff, I'm just waiting for 3 lines to be re-recorded due to some ugly audio popping. So soon I can get on lipsyncing all of Zu again, wahoo. At least it gives me an excuse to start streaming again, yea?

Also managed to do a little quickie: Parasite Attack
I need to get workin' on some of the drawings I've got piled up again as well.

Well, think that's all I got for today, hoping I'll have something more fun to show next week!
Posted 27th of February 2023 - 01:40 by | 27 comments.
I've got all the voice clips I need, now I'm just trying to get through lipsyncing as fast as I can!
If everything goes well, we might be able to squeeze out an update before christmas... But we may have to release a hotfix early next year. But it's better than nothing, ye?

Most everything but the lipsync is basically finished, so once I'm done with that I'm hoping Fallow will be able to ship the game real quick before the business of the holidays sets in.

We even managed to squeeze in an upgrade to the achievement system, so that things will be explained as you play, and you can look up a list in the options menu to see what you need to do to unlock something, and what that option does.

Been putting all my focus on this the last week or so, so I don't have anything else to show for.
Do have an additional piece of fan art though!

Creampie on the Beach, follow up to the piece posted previous update!
Posted 18th of December 2023 - 04:18 by | 9 comments.
Tentacles are so BORING to animate.
I've not worked a lot on the flash this week. I suddenly got the urge to play through EarthBound, so I'm currently doing that at the moment. Stupid wonderful game, being all awesome. Oh well, I'm near the end, so I should be back with working on flash soon.

I don't really have a lot to share this week, just two fanarts from Guodzilla.

Picture 1 & Picture 2!

Also, my Wii broke, so now I can't get distracted by playing Brawl all the time. I guess that's a good thing, but that's also what made me pick up EarthBound again.

I should go to sleep now. I need to get up early tomorrow... Today, I mean.
Bleh. I hate making tiny updates, but I really don't have anything else to talk about.

So, G'night~!
Posted 5th of February 2012 - 18:36 by Rock Candy | 22 comments.
Apparently there was some sort of IP trouble making only the wonderfully crafted the only site on the server to be downed. Blargh. Some day I'll find a way to get this piece o junk updated. Anyway, I didn't have a lot to report last weekend anyway. Smash Ultimate released and I spent pretty much the entire weekend playing it. And a good bit of the following week too.

Well, even if I did slack off a lot last week, I did manage to make a new Ellie! And a new Zara and Lollo too, but I've progressed most with Ellie. Her work outfit design is a whole lot better now I think, take a look:

I've also changed her skintone. Don't know if I mentioned before, but I did want to differenciate all my characters' skintones slightly. Since Ellie is of french ancestry, her skin isn't as pale as us regular swedes. I and a friend of mine are still tinkering with the colors of the other characters, but I'll show that progress when we find something we're happy with.

That's it for me unfortunately, but I did receive a whole lot of fanart during this period of time, so enjoy all of this!

Fun at Sheelah's Place, Cerberus Carmine drew a follow up to his previous drawing and it seems Sheelah made true of her words!

Next up, a set of drawings from GBlastMan, who drew Sixten being bullied by his older sister Malin!
Dominant Sister 1
Dominant Sister 2
Dominant Sister 3
Dominant Sister 1 (Textless)
Dominant Sister 2 (Textless)
Dominant Sister 3 (Textless)
Interesting motif, I have to say!

And lastly, some art I received in an art trade!
2 Cats, featuring Zu, Zoo and a whole lot of giant cocks. Drawn by Bumbleborb18, if I read that right.

Well, it's nearing christmas times, so I better try to finish all the drawings that's started to pile up on my todo list. I'd like to start of the new year fresh and with only eyes for flashes and updated character art.
It's bedtime for me now, so I'll see you later!
Posted 16th of December 2018 - 20:41 by | 12 comments.
Apparently they're caused by some scrap code or somethin' that fills shit up a lot faster than they should. I hope we can get rid of those now that we know what the problem is.

Anyway! I've got some arts for you today!

Sofi meets an old... Friend?
Zara has some fun with a new friend!
And Lollo teases a poor guy a bit.

I've also been trying to sketch up a new Sofi profile image, but it's a lot harder than I imagined! I hope to get it sketched out next week. And also to progress with writing as well.

I also got some fanarts today!
It's inspired by my Scary Porn Month flash! It was made by redriot over at Furaffinity! Thanks a lot~!
(I think Sofi chose a very unfortunate alias, since it's so easy to pair her up with animals because of it...)

I was also thinking of streaming this game called "Metro 2033". It was free for a while and I was forced to download it by a certain guy. Apparently it's some sort of horror game? Since I am the biggest wuss ever (I was afraid of Luigi's Mansion... And the people who watched me stream Resident Evil 4 should know too.) I'm going to try to get Raz over here and aid me in my quest if people are interested in seeing that. Please let me know~!
Posted 16th of November 2014 - 17:04 by | 9 comments.
It's STILL not done! I can't believe it!
Well, I can, actually. I had the voiceactress re-record some things, and it took a while to get them recorded again. But it's all done now, I hope, so it should only be up to my codan man to fix it up. He told me he was busy with chinese new years and stuff, but I hope he'll get free soon.

Meanwhile, take a look at Rock Candy [My First Robot], a flash I made while waiting for the soundfiles. Not including the time it took to draw the art, I finished this in about 2 days. So don't go expect a masterpiece!

And finally, Zu's new backstory is availible for proofreading! It's got some notes cluttered abuot, but it is mostly readable. Give it a read and leave a comment, I wanna know what ya all think of it, if it is an improvement over the last attempt.
Have in mind that it is compressed, since my original vision would be over 30 pages. And that'd take forever to get right, since I'd always change small details, resulting in rewrites all around the story. Keeping it basic, lets me focus on the big picture, and that's what this is. It's still around 13 pages, so don't be all too disappointed!

And not only that, I think I've finished Zoo's profile image!
She looks pretty awesome now, compared to her previous profile image.
At least, I think so. If there's anything questionable about it, I'll try to fix it.

I drew a couple of pictures too.
Happy birthday Zara!! Her birthday was a few days ago, so I drew this little thing to celebrate her~.
And "Hard Work!" featuring dickgirl Ellie. It stems from a little inside joke between me and a friend, haw haw. It should be enjoyable even if you don't get it!

Was that all? I think so. I'll have the other flash uploaded as soon as it gets done, like I promised before. I can only hope it gets finished sooner rahter than later. I'm also going to visit my dad for the latter half of the week, so the next update will most likely be the following monday or tuesday. Just letting ya know in advance!
Posted 22nd of February 2015 - 14:32 by | 33 comments.
I thought I said I wasn't going to do these anymore. But here we are.

Guess I'm doing it.

After this, I'm returning to my horse project. I just want to release something of value this year. And we'll see when the Lollo thing comes out.

Mh, well I managed to finish a drawing too: Bad Boy VS Good Girl
Little bit of fan art crossover stuff.

Think that's all I've got to say today. I was away for most of the week, so ye.
Posted 3rd of December 2017 - 19:41 by | 10 comments.
It seems that comment posting was broken for quite some time after the downtime earlier this week. But it is fixed now, so hooray!
I've finally got a new guy on making a new, so there's hope for a future more competent and consistently working website!

So uh... Any actual content for today's update? Not really, I've been working on flash most of the time. Cleaning up the animation of Zu and doing a few adjustments and additions to the Sofi part.

And I'll continue doing that this upcoming week as well!
Posted 22nd of November 2020 - 16:37 by | 11 comments.
I had a news post all written up, but apparently I forgot to post it and then just closed down the tab.

So I'm speedrunning this update, since I gotta go to the dentist shortly.

Beleth Summary, The finished Beleth ref, Beleth is actually not my character. It's Pyreaus' character and he's the one who wrote the info here!

Fan art:
Traditional Lollo Drawing, made by SyncedUp. You gotta show the full screen version for it to be upright, I assume it's something to do with phone camera which makes it do spooky things like this.
Yoga?, cute Zu butt drawn by egg chan!

I'm trying to improve Zara's ref pic, give me some feedback on it, if you can!
Posted 11th of May 2021 - 01:10 by | 9 comments.
I sure hope it won't act up again. Getting tired of this shit.
Well, time to post an update now. Whenever I miss a sunday due to site being down I always feel like procastinating til the next one. And now here we are. What's been going on since the last update? I'll tell ya.

First, I've finished up story art, menues and the other little details I needed to do for the flash. Which feels great! All that's left art-wise is the deer faces. I was going to write I need to wait for the VA to record his lines last week, but I got them during this week, so that's not an issue anymore! And I'll return to finish them up once I'm done catching up on my drawings backlog.
Gotta record & scavenge the interwebs some SFX n' shit too, but that shouldn't be too difficult. I've also hired a person to make a good tune for the project! Thanks to you people who support my (very neglected) patreon!
I feel bad for not posting there a lot, but... I can't really post of my stuff on there. Geh.

Secondly, let me post all the commissions, requests and drawings I've finished so far!

Amazonian Cum Storage, Sofi gets a new job. Of sorts. or something.
Double Possession Trouble, Commissioner's character Misty and Lollo team up to frame Sixten for rape against Lucy, another of the commissioner's character.
Mina Meets Mischevious Monsters, Commission from Omegalife. His character Mina Zue gets attacked by some winged and wanged monsters.
Superior Evil, commission of Lollo taunting Psycho Girl after possessing her.
New Bimbo Ready to Serve, A comment on the "Flower Girl Deflowering" by Noramil inspired this drawing. I hope you're happy.
Long Haired Ghost Parody, The only Spooktober request I got. I've not watched the movie where this ghost appears from, but Ellie gets tangled up in the hair of it and is promptly dicked.
TV Butt, I had this idea after drawing it, so I made this like a little follow-up.

There will be a few more by next week! Most feature Ellie. So if you're a fan of her, you'll be glad.

I've mostly finished up the Lollo profile images. I plan on adding some addition information on them from her bio, to not make them so separate. I just gotta get 'em proofread and stuff first. But here's what the new stuff looks like so far!
Lollo Alive Nude
Lollo Alive Undies
Lollo Alive Casual Clothing
Lollo Alive Hiking Outfit

The Sofi and Psycho Girl images will be worked on later as well.
I'm also going to edit the Zu one slightly since I made her torso a bit too tall. It's a thing I noticed I did pretty much always, so I've been working on making torsos shorter in general when I draw things. But you'll see those when I get to 'em.

To finish off this update, how about some fan art?
First one's from HeavenFlower!
Full Nelson Psycho Girl
The rest are made by Lola!
Big Mama Maryin
Age of Zara
Two Lo's One Room

Thanks a lot, I appreciate 'em very much!

If everything goes well, I should have finished up the remaining drawings on my backlog by next week and began working on the facial expressions for the deer. See you then!
Posted 20th of October 2019 - 22:19 by | There are no comments! Comment now!