I'll make this short, as I'm about to go to sleep...

Three new fanficitions!
Part 2 of "The Dungeon"!
Part 3 of "The Dungeon"!
Part 9 of "Ellie and Zu Get Lost"!

A new flash made by me & FlashmasterXD:
It's funny, I hope! GO shake it out!

And a new picture made by me! It's a foursome...
There's also a "Download" button in the comment sections of the pictures now, so you can see/download the pictures in full format, instead of the shrunken down one. Nice, yes?

In other news, I've been unable to work on any of my projects yet... I've only made minimal progress on some things. It feels kinda bad, so I hope I can get back to work on them "full time" soon....
Posted 9th of January 2012 - 20:25 by Rock Candy | 1 comment.

Server was being full or something, that's why the site was down for the last two day. Not sure why the news are gone though! Must've been some glitch or something. I'll look into it...
Posted 4th of January 2012 - 04:19 by Rock Candy | There are no comments! Comment now!
Hope you liked the previous update, with the flash and all that blaha blaha.
Today's update is a bit smaller.

'cause I'm cool, I'll let DM DOKURO say what he wants to say first.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hey, everyone, your favorite evil eyeless foxboy here with yet another oldie of mine:
SHADOW OF LIGHT 2: Clear Canvas!
I was pretty depressed when I made this shit-heap... But whatever. The good news is that there's only a few albums left until 8x-bit Nostalgia.

Oh, and I've JUST realized that I can't draw worth shit. RC says I can, but I doubt that's true...(CN)
From the low scores of my work on this site, I think the fans speak for themselves.

Oh, and here's a question: Since the "Something Different" series were a success, would you like to probably know more about Crosstail and a few others?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I got a fanart from Dokuro as well;
A picture of Psycho Girl!
And one from Guodzilla too!
Sabertooth Zu?!
I like 'em a lot! :3

As for me, I've drawn some shit this last week.

Train Drawing 1
Train Drawing 2
Strippers, fan art of the fanfiction "Ellie and Zu Get Lost".
Gaming Nezumin, a picture I drwe for Dokuro!
Rape the Maid 1
Rape the Maid 2

And if anyone is interested, the harddrive on my computer is about the die.
Luckily, I had bought a new computer in case something like that would happen. I successfully moved all the valuable stuff to this one, so don't worry that I lost anything.

The screen on this computer is HD, so everything is tiny tiny.
The downside is that it makes a constant "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee" sound, which is kind of annoying.
Posted 6th of November 2011 - 18:21 by Rock Candy | 3 comments.
Stupid glitch makes yet another empty newspost.
I'm just gonna copypaste the latest one into it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As the last week's update was a complete failure, I hope this one will make up for it.

Let's start with the fanfiction and the fanart I got from Guodzilla!
Download it now! It has lots of smexy scenes and what not!
Along with the story, comes two pictures:
Moneymaker Shaker 1 and Moneymaker Shaker 2!

He also made another picture of Ellie, not connected to any story:
Ellie with a Sabertooth!
As well as a Happy Halloween picture!

Not only that, but Soda decided to color one of his pictures; Friday and Za!

Great stuff, great stuff! :3

And, now for a some completely unexpected:
DM DOKURO got tired of being at Breakbit, so I let him advertise and "blog" through here until he finds a new place to be at. He'll be giving links to his albums too, for free.

Dokuro's corner:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Yeah. I left Breakbit. Shoot me. But here's some good news: I'm posting my songs up on Bandcamp. I'm just hoping there isn't too many of you out there, since there's like 200 download credits a month or whatever. So yeah. Expect updates on the character themes as well. I'll be getting to work on those as soon as 32x-bit Rejects is done. Anyway, since I'm starting off new, I might as well post something old.

SHADOW OF LIGHT: Promises and Lies

This was the first album that I posted on Breakbit. Be warned, though. It's very noobish compared to my other works. Anyway, I'm glad that I'm on this site. I'd rather be here than on a label with 6+ jackasses that think that they can create music.

Oh, and here's the instructions on how to download the album free:
-Click on "Buy now (Name your price)"
-Set the amount of money to 0
-The "Checkout now" button should change to "Download now".

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

If you don't remember or know who Dokuro is, he's the guy who made the character themes for my characters! Go check his other stuff out too! There's a limit of 200 downloads a month, so you have to be quick if you want to get it...

Anyway, I have yet to show what I've been doing lately.
First, let's start out with some PICTURES. The whole three of them.

1. Worst Captcha Comic ever made. The title is very true.
2. Depressed Pomsy. A picture I drew for Dokuro.
3. Lollo being mean! And another picture I drew for Dokuro!

And the last thing we will look at today, is a Halloween flash I made.

(Press the picture to go to the flash.)

So uhm... I tried something new this time, with a lot of help from Mittsies, we got it to work, so do check it out.

That was all. Have a nice halloween and don't get killed by trick or treaters. See ya!
Posted 31st of October 2011 - 01:26 by Rock Candy | 1 comment.
As the last week's update was a complete failure, I hope this one will make up for it.

Let's start with the fanfiction and the fanart I got from Guodzilla!
Download it now! It has lots of smexy scenes and what not!
Along with the story, comes two pictures:
Moneymaker Shaker 1 and Moneymaker Shaker 2!

He also made another picture of Ellie, not connected to any story:
Ellie with a Sabertooth!
As well as a Happy Halloween picture!

Not only that, but Soda decided to color one of his pictures; Friday and Za!

Great stuff, great stuff! :3

And, now for a some completely unexpected:
DM DOKURO got tired of being at Breakbit, so I let him advertise and "blog" through here until he finds a new place to be at. He'll be giving links to his albums too, for free.

Dokuro's corner:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Yeah. I left Breakbit. Shoot me. But here's some good news: I'm posting my songs up on Bandcamp. I'm just hoping there isn't too many of you out there, since there's like 200 download credits a month or whatever. So yeah. Expect updates on the character themes as well. I'll be getting to work on those as soon as 32x-bit Rejects is done. Anyway, since I'm starting off new, I might as well post something old.

SHADOW OF LIGHT: Promises and Lies

This was the first album that I posted on Breakbit. Be warned, though. It's very noobish compared to my other works. Anyway, I'm glad that I'm on this site. I'd rather be here than on a label with 6+ jackasses that think that they can create music.

Oh, and here's the instructions on how to download the album free:
-Click on "Buy now (Name your price)"
-Set the amount of money to 0
-The "Checkout now" button should change to "Download now".

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

If you don't remember or know who Dokuro is, he's the guy who made the character themes for my characters! Go check his other stuff out too! There's a limit of 200 downloads a month, so you have to be quick if you want to get it...

Anyway, I have yet to show what I've been doing lately.
First, let's start out with some PICTURES. The whole three of them.

1. Worst Captcha Comic ever made. The title is very true.
2. Depressed Pomsy. A picture I drew for Dokuro.
3. Lollo being mean! And another picture I drew for Dokuro!

And the last thing we will look at today, is a Halloween flash I made.

(Press the picture to go to the flash.)

So uhm... I tried something new this time, with a lot of help from Mittsies, we got it to work, so do check it out.

That was all. Have a nice halloween and don't get killed by trick or treaters. See ya!
Posted 29th of October 2011 - 12:06 by Rock Candy | 3 comments.
Stupid glitch that makes empty newsposts.
Posted 28th of October 2011 - 07:42 by Rock Candy | 8 comments.
Server is being a sausage.
Can't upload any content, hopefully it'll be fixed soon. The next update will be a lil' bit bigger, I guess...
Posted 24th of October 2011 - 13:39 by Rock Candy | 5 comments.
So, uhm. Yo!
I have finished all the sprites I have to do for Project X, or at least I think so...

I have been told that the next demo will be released around the end of this month, so you'll have that to look forward to.
Here's the trailer, once again:

(Yes, I just learnt how to do that...)

Hmm... What else... Oh! Right, fanart!

First two thingies made by FlashmasterXD:
A response to Guodzilla's picture: Oops!
And some random comic.!

I also got a new fanart from Guodzilla!
Zoo gets her revenge on DJ (and Callie)!

Five, writer of "What Some People Do For Love" decided to re-write his story, so here's the first part in the new story: Download!

I hope you enjoy all that! I shall go play some Brawl before starting up a new project...
Posted 16th of October 2011 - 13:12 by Rock Candy | 7 comments.
Edits; New trailer for the new Zu in Project X was released!

Please let me know what you think!
(The only problem I see is that the spin-attack only goes up, and not in a circle...)


I'm so tired... I'll just post what I got and then go to sleep...

Stuff I made while on the train:
Train Drawing #1
Train Drawing #2

Fanarts from ChestnutNinja:
Hugo & the idiot!
Got Milk?
Zu the cowgirl!

I'm still writing and spriting, blah blah blah.
It's going slowly forward, as usual when it comes to me.

Night everybody!
Posted 9th of October 2011 - 17:01 by Rock Candy | 2 comments.
Don't have anything to show this week either, sadly.

I got some spritework to do, for Project X, and that was quite a while ago.
I have to make lots of lesbian stuff, which I personally find boring. I don't think there'll be much orginality in those rape-scene-sprite thingies... I'll make sure it looks nice at least.

But, we have some fan-art & fiction, so hooray!

It's been a while since the second part of Death List, but now part 3 is finished!
Download!(Old format)
Written by The Storyteller.

And, a creepy picture made by ChestnutNinja.
Creepy picture.

Hurf, I'll go back to writing and spriting now, see ya next week.
Posted 2nd of October 2011 - 09:36 by Rock Candy | 1 comment.