It seemed to me from the character drawing that Za's tail was "fluffier" than the others, so I tried to draw it that way; but yeah, it does look kinda "foxy."
humm so za is a long hair cat person.
Well, *I* didn't design her; RC did. Anyway, it just seemed to me from her biopic that her tail was kind of fluffy, while Ellie's, Zu's, etc. all seemed slimmer and "sleeker." I dunno. Maybe it's artistic license? (shrug)
It seemed to me from the character drawing that Za's tail was "fluffier" than the others, so I tried to draw it that way; but yeah, it does look kinda "foxy."
It seemed to me from the character drawing that Za's tail was "fluffier" than the others, so I tried to draw it that way; but yeah, it does look kinda "foxy."