I guess.
I think so at least.
I hope you are surprised.
Anyway, I found this old abandoned flash in My Recieved Files folder. (Original abandoned flash not made by me.)
So I decided to remake it. I simply traced the girl in the flash, which is why she might look a bit odd, she's not really drawn in my style.
It's also a very basic flash; I didn't put too much effort into it.
I remember getting annoyed with the guy who started this for som bullshit reason that I can't really remember now. I hope he likes what I did with it though.
This is his character, Layla.
She might look a bit Za-ish, but it's not her.
So, enojoy I guess.
Thanks to DM DOKURO for making the music.
Thanks to Mittsies for helping me with scripting and making sound effects.
(I also still suck at descriptions.)
credits: Rock Candy & Mittsies