Request Box
Request Box Guidelines!
  • Check your spelling & grammar before posting. I want to be able to read your comment.
  • There are no edit or delete options, so think before you post!
  • You can post your requests here, but it doesn't mean I'm obligated to make them.
  • Requests involving media characters, video games, movies, comics, etc, are most likely to be ignored.
  • Animation requests aren't on the table, but you can post ideas of elements to include in my current project.
  • I won't update any flashes that are considered finished, due to various reasons.
  • I'm more likely to draw a request that have a lot of details behind it.
  • Don't expect your request to be done immediately. Months may pass before I actually get to it.
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2010-10-27 21:57:45
Alright, the guy who was talking on /f/ the other day here. You know, the one with the challenge? Dared you to be ninja and do more than just 3 penetrations or something along those lines? Yeah, after you left, me and another guy got to talking. I said "Picture Zoo-philia compared to something, well, normal. Now picture the same difference times ten to something above Zoo-philia." I said it offhandedly, not expecting anything to come out of it, but then I got a reply: " Giant Robot T-rex...volcano...god." THIS MUST BE MADE! Something involving either Giant Robot T-rex Volcano God, a Giant Robot T-Rex and a Volcano, or a Giant Robot and a T-rex and a Volcano. This would become legendary if you ever did it seriously, I'm certain of that.
Chuck Norris
2010-11-09 00:44:00
This idea is approved. Please rockcandy,hear this plea for a Giant Robot T-Rex Volcano orgy. Also more stuff like Zoophilia,great stuff. Keep it up! ((oh,and that thing about a paypal link to let us all send you the money,great idea!!!))
Anon Ymous
2010-10-27 17:07:31
You think you could draw Ness holding his bat and his yo-yo in a bad-ass pose?
2010-10-25 13:11:46
Why not do something where it goes all the way through?
2010-10-22 21:08:18
You should make a game with ellie getting ass raped by 10 tentacles at a time. Would be well hardcore
2010-10-21 06:32:25
you should do a flash video showing the lives of all the different characters and how they interact with each other. like zu's school life ellie's hospital life and so on. and then like show how they act when their all together. and have somebody help zu that poor girl. i know what shes going through although it hasnt been as drastic. i still feel her pain because i have add or adhd i cant remember which and aspergers which is a type of autism but im different then most for some reason. also zu is my fave : )
2010-10-19 11:26:20
Hello, this request may look a little weird, but if possible could you make a character that would try to defend Zu on her school? Like a male character that is new on school and he becomes a teacher and the first thing he sees is Zu being raped and he tries to stop it or something like that. Probably I am not the first one requesting for a character and with so many other request I doubt that mine will be chosen for you to do it, but if it is, here are some suggestion that may help you creating such character: Name: Albert Age: 19 Height: 1.85 meters Weight: 75kg Birthday: 09/March Eye color: Brown Hair color: Brown Favorite set of cloths: Albert likes to wear pretty much anything that he thinks it’s comfortable, but he uses the most: A long red overcoat with black stripes over it. A black sleeveless T-Shirt A pair of jeans pants A pair of white socks A complete black pair of shoes And a pair of reading glasses Location: Sweden, recently moved to the city that the 4 cat girls live Occupation: Teacher Hobbies: Albert likes to read a lot of old books and listen to music, classic ones, rock, and almost any kind of it Likes: To teach people and to learn more Dislikes: Any kind of person the bully others, whenever he sees something like that he cannot stay still without helping the target of the bullies. And whenever someone nags too much, if it’s not him that is Goal in life: Even he being a teacher, his goal in life is to become a doctor, but even he being smart enough for it, he first needs to have some experience together with a real doctor. Relationships: Albert don’t have many friends and the ones he had he left in his old town, so you can pretty much say that he have no friend now. Personality: Albert is a very silent person; some people already asked him if he was mute, because he almost doesn’t talk unless it is necessary. Other than that, he is very friendly people that always have a word of advice or something smart to say. Backstory: Albert always had problems with his parents, they were never at home, and that caused Albert to learn how to almost anything that was necessary at his house, such as fixing things, cooking and many other things. Albert always was fascinated by the martial arts, so he decided to learn some in order to become strong. After his thirteen years old, his entire life changed when his family died in a horrible accident, which was why he decided to become a doctor, to try to save people so they don’t end up like his family. After he turned nineteen, he was already close to a genius, and some renowned doctors already told him that he could become one, but he first would need experience. So he decided to go on in search of a doctor who could teach him some more things to he finally fulfill his dream of being a doctor. Current life: Most of his time used is for looking for an experienced doctor to teach him more things, find a job as a teacher while he isn’t a doctor or trying to find an apartment for him to live. If I left anything out and you decide to attend my request, please fill it if isn’t a problem.
Rock Candy15361535
2010-10-19 12:01:10
No one will save Zu from the school bullies. I don't need another character, I already made Sixten.
2010-10-30 22:46:57
At first I wanted someone to help her at first too ,but now that I think about too many stories have that hero type to save someone in need. I like yours Rockcandy cause it breaks the mold for once.
2010-10-18 04:16:45
could you make more Yume Nikki art? I really liked your flash and I recently just played and beat the game for the first time maybe just a picture Madotsuki
2010-10-17 23:03:12
If possible, I'd like it if for your upcoming flash, the one involving Ran, could have that small box on a corner where it's focuses on her end and the anal penetration, like the ones in Gooper Blooper, Za with the Pipe Plant, and Zoo with Bowser.
Black Merlin
2010-10-14 11:53:31
Nothing specific per se, my request is more like a general direction. Your adult flashes rock (as you might know, judging from the comments in that section) - stick with them, moar, moar I dare to say! Quality>quantity! And keep'em coming anally, with huge penetrations, rape and everything *your* (don't listen to these "more vags" types. Personally, I can do both, but hey~! Anal is the way, I get you man.) dark mind will create. Big cheers and keep up with the good work.
2010-10-14 11:27:37
you should add Za getting raped by alot of guys.....i think like 1 in mouth,2 in ass and others on Za's face
Shoople Doople
2010-10-13 02:12:45
You should have a human guy screw Za so hard in her ass that his dick pokes out of her mouth.
2010-10-12 12:19:57
Please oh please, won't you do just one more Fran? I'm begging you on my knees, your picture of Fran was so good that I'm dying to see another.
2010-10-07 19:08:57
I wanna request all of 'em lined up, and bent over showing there booty ^^. or something like a scale like them lined up with their measurements like ... well i thought i had a reference sorry, but its like smallest to largest and they are lined up like that with size measurement below em.
2010-09-25 15:44:55
Okay, I'd like a pic of any of the catgirs, but I think Zu would be the best, hugging, or displaying some sort of affection to the Companion Cube from the game Portal. Because everyone adores it. Oh and you can add the cake in there too, if you want. Here's a pic of the Companion cube: Here's a pic of the Cake in Portal:
Bob Dole
2010-09-24 02:38:39
Bob Dole would prefer if in Zoo-philia, if there were options for the cumming animation on the horse. Bob Dole ain't crazy about the inflation/filling stuff, but Bob Dole loves anal, and Bob Dole loves that you do so much of it. So basically, Bob Dole wants the cum to pour out of her ass instead of staying inside her. Appreciate your work and all the faps Bob Dole's gotten out of it.
2010-09-22 05:02:49
Futanari Za and Zu both penetrating Zoo rectally! Just because you need a nice ZZZ picture.
2010-09-16 16:54:16
can you do a lesbian orgy? if you can it will be very sexy in all ways possible.
2010-09-16 01:48:32
I liked the picture you did of Za getting tentacle fucked underwater. I'd love to see some sequels to that. Perhaps with her struggling a bit not to drown, or even drowning in the end?
2010-09-15 18:19:49
Zu either having CONSENSUAL sex or just her being happy. Her character design is simple, but great and I feel for her when she gets raped .. I played one of those 18+ games and felt bad for her.
2010-09-14 13:52:09
Za getting gangbanged by many mens with severals exhausted guys around, and tally marks on her ass like here : that count how many times she's been cummed inside...
2010-09-14 11:53:29
can u draw a picture of ellie inflatet with sperm and a thick norwegian flag up her ass as a blocking to keep the sperm in and in the comment u can write : ellie captured and banged by norway. eg elske norge og sverige:) email me plz
2010-09-13 20:37:42 Please, Draw And Make a Story For her The Link has her Bio,Pictures,Poses, Also Several Other things. "Note" She, Most likely Will Be a Mean,Intelligent,Bitch Type
2010-09-12 18:07:14
An adult flash with any gensokian.
2010-09-12 10:36:10
Za, with gum in her hair, punishing zoo by spanking her with a paddle. zoo has a dildo in her butt. They are in a room and zoo is bent over a bed crying. sixten is standing in the doorway looking suprised.
2010-09-12 10:27:07
Ellie dressed up as a cow being milked! Bam!
2010-09-13 10:25:35
She could probably stand being fucked by something during this as well :3, mixed with a tasteful amount of cum inflation.
2010-09-11 23:48:44
hey love your adult games i play when i have time but you should make a anal one with both zo and za.Za getting raped and zo loving it i thought it would be intresting.your fan ki113r45.
2010-09-11 17:01:32
can i draw some pics.of the 4 catgirls than i email u 2 u?
Rock Candy10631052
2010-09-12 02:20:35
Why yes, of course you can.
2010-09-11 15:58:44
It would be awesome if you would write a comic series telling the story of za, zu, zoo, ellie, and sixten. I love your flash games and the interest you take in developing your characters. Your illustrations are great, and the identity of the characters you have created are truly unique. It would be an excellent story (flash or comic styled)to tell.
2010-09-10 08:51:06
hey reckon you can do another froboo flash? or maybe combine all 4 into a single continuous movie? and i would really like to see some more stuff with zu in it. thanks!
2010-09-10 03:52:51
YAy horse anal rape rules :D plz make more anal bestiality doesn't matter who with. All of them are nice and good loking ;) Also maybe a little anal fisting ?? ;) thnx in advance ;)
2010-09-09 19:58:58
i really like your flashes, but would really like to see zu have a guy friend that does not hate/rape... i really like her and it makes me kinda sad the stuff that happens to her. thank you for reading this.
2010-09-09 19:56:21
I wanna see a blowjob flash. :3
2010-09-09 17:38:26
could you do more color pictures? love you work, keep it up
2010-09-09 07:22:21
Dude your work is totally amazing ... could u plz make some more flash games or minigames or flash loops with Zoo . That would be really amazing. guess it would be a cool storyline like Zoo was going home and some bandits kidnap her and rape her... Or idk but u must make something new with Zoo . And i totally enjoyed the flash where zoo was raped by a horse... Keep on the good work ... And yeah sorry for breaking the 7th rule its really hard for me to write correctly cause i am bad at english . hope you will understand.
2010-09-08 21:43:21
Rock, make Sixten Zu's best friend so he can kick the assholes that Rape her ASS!!
Anon Ymous
2010-09-08 15:19:19
Hey, d'you think you could draw Zu drunk-ish looking (high, happy, whatever) with her.. "Part" spread open? I know you don't do vaginal stuff, but it would be awesome if you did.
Isaac Rifkin
2010-09-07 19:49:19
I'm Sure You've Heard This About A Million Times, But I Would Absolutely Love It If You Could Continue Your Work On The Zu Triple Flash.I Greatly Enjoy The Work You've Done So Far, And Would Love To See More Done!
2010-09-07 15:44:46
have one with za and zu doing it
2010-09-07 15:43:10
i have an idea for a new girl character but she is a wolf she has a dick like za and she can impregnate anyone you can go ahead and use her she rocks socks you can see me on deviant art as angelxemoxgir love the website bye
Rock Candy976974
2010-09-07 15:49:26
I don't take in new characters. I'm happy with the ones I already have. Also, Za does not have a dick. And there wouldn't be any impregnating anyway, because I don't make vaginal stuff.
2010-09-07 07:04:33
or something where eggs are inserted and then they hatch and she births whatever was in them
2010-09-07 06:59:19
you should make one of the zu games with eels, and an internal view of her inserting the eels
2010-09-06 21:25:24
what are your plans with sixten? you should pair him with zu that'd be hawt
2010-09-06 15:23:44 is there a specific reason why you dislike vaginal sex or something? I fail to see what the problem is with it.
Rock Candy955954
2010-09-06 15:25:23
It's boring, dull, ugly, too limited, unsatisfying and just plain unattractive.
2010-09-06 22:50:33
Yeah i like anal better because it seems more interesting than vaginal ... but i would like to see some more games from you not nothing specific just more :3
2010-09-06 00:00:43
I'd like to see somthing that may have happened between Ellie and Za. You know, had a lesbian relationship in the past.
2010-09-06 00:02:16
oops i meant SINCE they had a lesbian relationship.
2010-09-05 18:26:46
I love watcha been doin. but I do want maybe like a happy hentai scenario. You know not forced. Like Ellie finally finds a lover and you can do anal, vaginal, oral, and maybe a tit-job.
2010-09-05 14:35:02
Well... I have a suggestion for some new characters: Dogboys! (And one dog-girl.) A family of a Great Dane older son, a dachshund puppy, a poodle mother, and a Dalmatian father, plus a mutt who is not related. The older son arrives in Ellie's clinic with bad gashes on his chest and face, and later becomes her assistant and love interest. The puppy becomes fast friends with Zu, whom he follows to school and protects from bullies. The mother and father become friends with Za, who they admire for taking on such a large responsibility at so early an age (the poodle is also a bit slutty). The mutt is the older son's rival, and fights him on sight, much to Ellie's detriment, since this often occurs in her clinic, and their fights tend to go everywhere. He gave the older son his wounds. He also is very perverted and is always making comments about Ellie's chest... In case you haven't noticed, I thought up the dogboys to be more fighting oriented. I also tried to make the descriptions as basic as possible, since, in case you decide to use them, you probably would want to have as much room to expand on them as possible. I also didn't give them names, but for an entirely different reason: I couldn't be bothered to think of some... Anyway, use these characters, or don't, it's up to you. (Although it would make me very happy if you did!) I'm also on Newgrounds, under the same name. Please tell me if you use them! Parnifia
Rock Candy932920
2010-09-06 00:29:52
Eh, sorry, but I try to keep my character count as low as possible. And I don't really like dogs. So, no thanks.
2010-09-05 09:54:27
How about Horo from Spice and Wolf? Ideally I think I'd like to see her getting banged by a wolf fully clothed on the side of a 16th century dirt road. Reference picture,Spice_and_Wolf,Horo,apple,blush,.html
That guy
2010-09-04 23:44:00
I would enjoy seeing the zu triple DEMO 5 be completed. has a lot of potential :)
2010-09-04 21:58:12
A 3-some between Sixten, Za and Ellie maybe?
you should do this
2010-09-04 18:45:05
internal veiws? maybe?