Request Box
Request Box Guidelines!
- Check your spelling & grammar before posting. I want to be able to read your comment.
- There are no edit or delete options, so think before you post!
- You can post your requests here, but it doesn't mean I'm obligated to make them.
- Requests involving media characters, video games, movies, comics, etc, are most likely to be ignored.
- Animation requests aren't on the table, but you can post ideas of elements to include in my current project.
- I won't update any flashes that are considered finished, due to various reasons.
- I'm more likely to draw a request that have a lot of details behind it.
- Don't expect your request to be done immediately. Months may pass before I actually get to it.
2011-04-24 02:30:39
You do alot of great anal, and rape things.... I was wondering if you might do at least one game/flash that is more violent in nature? Like a game with violent options, idk.... I think it would be cool AND you could get to use your Psycho Girl as a center piece, perhaps~ ^3^
I just REALLY like that one~ I know you don't, but perhaps as a favor...?
2011-04-22 07:19:44
PS. I love your site and games
the bios are in depth, good to read
you are great at what you do.
2011-04-20 17:38:31
Odd request, but is it at all possible to see a picture of Sixten and Zu as parents in the future?
2011-04-19 01:59:11
when do you think you will finish zu triple because its really good i would like to know what the rest of the motions are
2011-04-18 21:01:53
I don't know if anyone has asked this but please do one where one of the girls gets to have sex with sage Naruto
2011-04-16 20:02:03
Hey could I have that file of burning bright from the game summer sex at swedish college i have been trying to find it but the version in the game sounds way better then the ones i've found, Thanks.
2011-04-16 07:14:29
Its a little bitmuch I know but how about a sort of game were you chose what happens like you chose if someone has sex or if they go exploring or if the stay home and watch jaws six times (last ones a jokey example)
2011-04-15 07:08:26
Do you draw characters made up by others, Rock? If so I'd like to request a character(s) I created several days ago. It's only a biography, so there are no reference pictures for her. I tend to get carried away with detail as well, so I'll try and narrow it down to the main points.
Rather than put all of the information here, however, I'll first wait for a reply (whenever you get around to it, of course) since, let's be honest, typing down the details only to find you don't draw characters made from bios would be... Well, pointless.
But yes, I wait patiently.
Rock Candy29412938
2011-04-15 08:57:14
I can probably draw something like that, it doesn't take much time, unless you want it to do something.
2011-04-15 09:07:44
Ah, awesome! I'll quickly note down the details about her. Forgive me if I go a bit overboard with detail, but that has been my thing for some time.
Oh, I should also mention that this particular character... Well, she sort of counts as two characters, I guess. You don't HAVE to draw her in both 'forms', hell, you don't HAVE to draw her at all if you don't want to. But, all the same, I'll say all I can.
-Her name is Winter.
-She has snowy white hair down to her upper back.
-Deep blue eyes.
-Sort of a sweet, innocent, shy appearance.
-A bit of an average bust size, I guess. Maybe a bit smaller than average, I don't know.
That's it for this version of Winter, essentially. I'll quickly type up her 'transformation' as well.
-Same name, obviously.
-Dark red hair now, same length... Maybe a bit shorter.
-Red eyes, though not glowing or something.
-Bigger bust, though not large.
-More of an aggressive, dominating appearance, I guess.
-Key feature here. She has a couple of bat-like wings that sprout from below her shoulders.
Those are the essentials to both versions of Winter, and if you do decide you'd like to draw her then the scene is totally up to you unless you want me to specify. This probably went on for a bit longer than I wanted but, hey, the original bio is actually about 8000 characters long. XD
Thank you in advance, Rock. You're an grand person. ^^
2011-04-08 17:47:09
can you do a drawing of zoo and zu's bodies after what happened in deathlist 1 and 2
2011-04-06 16:27:10
uh could you not be such a douchebag and do somthing with your life
Rock Candy28952885
2011-04-08 13:25:28
Being a douchebag is what I wanted my life to be like.
Deal with it.
2011-04-05 18:02:54
You should make a slideshow kinda flash based about Zu like, her biography as the story add some charecter quotes from the others like Za, Elle, Sixten, and Zoo you know have them describe how hard it was for her back then compared to know.
2011-04-05 17:00:58
could you make a game with sixten and zu having sex in zu's room with a few different options it deosnt need a lot of work in it so much but worth lookin at.i would be happy enough if you could do this when your other small project is done.
2011-04-04 12:32:16
can u make a story based on zu's first day working as a maid
he first day on the job, and hilarity ensues
2011-04-04 07:00:45
Hey, you should make a flash with Zu an Sixten based on your story ''A Fatefull Meeting''
2011-04-03 23:04:51
hey rock candy can you draw ivan2cool zoo and zu kat for me please? heres my mii character
2011-04-03 19:09:59
Here's an idea, maybe Za and Zu in a tentacle animation together?
Just throwing ideas at ya
2011-04-03 13:19:33
can we see the picture zu drew for sixten that looks like she was in a naughty mood when she drew it?
2011-04-02 17:25:21
have you, and if you haven't, can u make a flash video series with za, zu, zoo, ellie and sixten?
2011-04-02 05:31:34
i love zu and sixten (they're my favorite characters), please post more stories about them
2011-04-01 13:57:10
hey, do you know guitarmasterx7 or sanity not included?
could you do a episode with either nina (the blonde) or the brunette :)
i forgot who the brunette one was but do look them up (plz?)
2011-04-01 12:48:43
I would love to see a pic or animation of Zoo getting fucked in the ass with tentacles that fill her with their eggs.
2011-03-30 22:26:00
could u draw a picture with all of your character in a group? i would like to see that. of course nonsexual scene.
2011-03-30 14:23:10
Can I ask if you can do a request of Aqua from Kingdom hearts (Human with Furry ears) Pleasing her self
Hears what Aqua looks like.
2011-03-28 14:26:16
can you do the scene of sixten and zu doing it for the first time? i'm a bit of a sap for that sexual-romantic thing.
2011-03-27 09:30:49
Anything Sixten?
I've a bit of a thing for him, though not anyone else in particular.
I can see it now - "Sexten". Hoh.
2011-03-27 00:15:38
How about a pic of Zu being raped by bullies with Sixten being held down in the background forced to watch?
2011-03-26 20:44:07
Is it possible to get a search feature for the request box and the guest book?
2011-03-26 04:56:25
More ANAL MORE MORE MORE!!!!!!! I would love to see one with the girl on top riding the guy ^_^ But some how make it the girl raping him. That would be amazing. Can you do that?
2011-03-23 22:09:07
I was also wondering if u would at least listen to my idea for a wolf-boy charecter ive had in mind ever scence i first saw one of your flashes.
2011-03-23 18:55:55
can my guy join youre group iaint a fan fiction guy just use me for fighting parts or if u need someone to laugh and come out of nowhere with a suicide suit on to blow something up im the imortal pychopath
2011-03-23 18:58:37 i know i look kinda.. girlish... but its a dude... just keep me in mind when u want a giant robot or somethign to fight for u cuz i can get robots...
Rock Candy27312730
2011-03-23 19:17:06
In case you've not noticed; my characters does not fight robots or anything, they are just going on with their lifes in a world that is mostly normal.
And I also don't draw furries.
2011-03-23 00:59:15
Hey, i was wondering if i could help you design some new charecters if your ever interested. If not, watever, i like your charecters and their back stories.
2011-03-19 23:01:38
Considering I love and feel sad about Zu(She's my favorite character, then it's zoo) Would you consider doing a picture of Zu sucking on a bunch of bullies dicks, while she's crying in a school locker room or somewhere? I really love the whole being forced to suck off multitudes of guys thing with her.
2011-03-19 21:00:28 how bout kurumu from rosario vampire in a tentacle scene?
2011-03-19 14:04:22
Could you make an adult flash with Sixten and Zu? Seeing they are boyfriend and girlfriend and all, they should have a sex scene.
2011-03-19 05:28:12
hi i was just wondering how i might upload a story im workin on once i finish
Rock Candy26832682
2011-03-19 10:23:43
This kind of question would go in the Guest Book.
Send the story to me in an email. Then I'll read it and upload it.
2011-03-18 21:18:42
I Have always been a huge fan of your work since it first started a while back. I'm a ass man myself as I'm sure you are. My birthday is on march 29 and I was hoping you could make me a quick ass fucking flaah with Zu. Nothing special just a 5 minute project. If you could can you make it say Happy b-day Deadrising66 at the end or floating in the backround(so I can prove it was meant for me from my friends because my thats my xbox 360 gamertag) I wouldn't miss a day without visiting your site. If you could email me a confrimation I would cherish this forever. P.S. I love the work you do. SIncerly, Deadrising66
2011-03-17 17:25:10
Would enjoy more pics and flashes, but how bout more storys. Liked the last one fairly well, eh.
2011-03-17 12:49:15
How about a flash where Zu ISN'T being raped? I think since Sixten IS her boyfriend you should make a flash of those two. Also, please clearly show sixten (face, etc.). Also, just adding side-stuff from here on. Have buttons that change their outfits. Like Zu in naked, maid, or half dressed, etc., and so on. More options the better. Inside view in one of the corners of the screen would be great. Thanks~
2011-03-17 10:39:59
the girls on a sail boat, getting raped by tentacles. then sixten comes in to save the day!
2011-03-15 22:12:52
Honestly, would love seeing Zoo behind shot male human underneath, canine, pererably wolf/huskey anal an knotted. With a inside view for good measure.
2011-03-15 20:30:19
Yo, I've read "A Fateful Meeting" and would like to read the Rock Candy version of ALL of what's going on(like an actual story), with special emphasis on Za's revenge on Zu's tormentors.
2011-03-15 11:17:50
i would just like to request like a flash or a mini comic following that fateful encounter story. it was a really good story and i was happy zu had a happy ending. so yeah thats my request. if you don't do it then oh well your busy its cool. if you do then omg awesome :D