Request Box
Request Box Guidelines!
  • Check your spelling & grammar before posting. I want to be able to read your comment.
  • There are no edit or delete options, so think before you post!
  • You can post your requests here, but it doesn't mean I'm obligated to make them.
  • Requests involving media characters, video games, movies, comics, etc, are most likely to be ignored.
  • Animation requests aren't on the table, but you can post ideas of elements to include in my current project.
  • I won't update any flashes that are considered finished, due to various reasons.
  • I'm more likely to draw a request that have a lot of details behind it.
  • Don't expect your request to be done immediately. Months may pass before I actually get to it.
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2011-03-13 21:45:04
I would personally like to see Zu's bullies get their just desserts. Nothing too extreme just as much pain as can possibly be inflicted upon them. Thanks!
2011-03-13 14:29:56
sup i'm going to make this kinda short and impersonal so....can you make an bondage themed rock candy game if you do that would be awesome and if your "not in to that" also cool but make some thing kinky thx
2011-03-12 23:42:52
I would enjoy to see more zoophilia flashes
No Juice
2011-03-12 20:35:36
I was wondering if you could do a game or two with characters with more fur. I'm sure many furries would love it. I know I would
Rock Candy26182608
2011-03-13 06:11:37
As you can read in the FAQ, I don't draw furries.
2011-03-12 08:02:29
Maybe you should add more horse rapers.
2011-03-12 07:36:50
Hey, great work. Wondered if you would consider more, say, "consentual" adult themes? Maybe its just me, but I find that I much prefer it over the rape stuff. There have been a couple of fairly poor games featuring Krystal, maybe something following that line would be good. Thanks
2011-03-11 20:06:49
you should make one where a pregnant girl is raped pregnant porn is really big right now it be a good call
2011-03-11 13:37:17
i think you should make a fran flash, everyone loves fran
2011-03-11 11:09:37
i was wondering if you would like to use my fursona spike for a flash or picture with any of your own characters. (or zee's as she did enjoy rping with me for a while.) i have several versions of spike but only one adult of him. its totally up to you if you chose to use your characters, or one of zee's characters. but it would greatly appreciated to see your take on his form.
2011-03-10 17:09:10
Hey, can you do a baksugs flash? Thanks in advance
2011-03-10 16:06:53
Could you translate the animations that have yet to be translated? Thanks
2011-03-10 14:22:45
I have an idea as reference to the Megaman series. Could you make a picture of Zoo being tentacle raped by Dustman. The vent ontop of his head shoots the Dust Crusher in the game, but now it has tentacles coming out. :u
Mr. medori
2011-03-06 09:16:38
can you make one whit futa Zoo and Zoo (p.s) when did you get the idea to futa stuff?
2011-03-03 13:38:16
Hey i was thinken of a new flash you could try :D basically like one of your photos hasone character being filled with eggs from a a creature or something and have her pushing em out after XD
2011-03-02 18:50:14
hey im a fan of your flashes, they are very nice i was thinking of suggesting some new chars. if interested please respond to this message, if not, then oh well :/ (ps dont email me, my account isnt in use, as i have lost the password XD)
2011-03-01 16:40:13
hey im a big fan of RC. Can you please create a flash wih all of your characters in a Orgy of Anal Teneicals? Then they all get filled bellys of know.
2011-02-28 10:08:02
Could ya possibly do like some sort of short music video or something for one of your characters? I'm not asking for a full-length, story-based music video. It could just be a very short loop of some cool song with one of your characters... doing... something... What I'd personally like to see is Za dancing erotically to Porn Star Dancing by My Darkest Days; or maybe Zoo prancing about happily to Cherry Bomb by The Runaways; or perhaps just Zu just moping to the tune of She by Green Day. It can be whatever you want though.
2011-02-25 11:43:17
I'm requesting you update the freakin' site more often brah. It's been like 10 days since the last update. Bad form bro.
Rock Candy24942493
2011-02-25 11:49:40
I can't update if I have no content. I'm working on it. Flashworks takes time.
2011-02-25 21:13:18
It would be crazy to expect new work every week. I am not crazy. I just think It would considerate to the people like me who check the site everyday if you would occasionally just post a status update. We actually like to know how your work is coming along, it makes us more excited for when it's actually finished. For instance, the guy who's working on Super Deepthroat gives us all a status update every Sunday on his blog. Just saying, we'd like to be kept in the loop.
Ben Jackson
2011-02-26 02:19:18
Generally updates are few and far between with most artists, for example Zone; an artist that has had gaps of up to 2 months between updates, taking into account that Zone is a fully fledged artist with a relatively large driving force behind him/her then I think in comparison RC does a pretty good job on the update front. And really think about how tiresome it would be to see the news feed littered with information such as "animated a leg movement today"
2011-02-26 05:32:31
Ugh....Zone.....Just.....ugh....It's understandable, considering that it had that whole tragedy thing that happened during Christmas that we had no infor for what 2 months? And I'm really sorry for Zone's loss, but I really think it's wrong to make an update saying that your new work is "very close to being done" then not post anything on your site or on your Twitter for 3 weeks. WTF? In it's defense though it must do wonders for his page views, imagine how many people check everyday to see if there's any new info. Konashion (Super Deepthroat) does an update every Sunday like I said. Even if it's just "i animooted this and I plan on doing this." The number of people that give good feedback and applaud him is outrageous. I think in about 1-2 months he hit 1 million page views or something crazy he said.
2011-02-25 09:03:50
Adult section needs more squid. Requesting any squid with any character.
2011-02-22 02:44:04
A picture of Ellie and Sixten with Za filming it...that is all my friend :3
2011-02-21 16:45:51
can you make a gif. of Zu giving a thumbs up? ^^ plz and ty!
Estabon DelGado
2011-02-21 08:25:02
I could like to request that you KEEP BEING AWESOME :D I very much enjoy your animations, especially the ones involving inflation via large penises/tentacles and loads of cum/other fluids. Zu is also a cute little character. it's so unfortunate that she continues getting buttfucked by whatever feels like doing it :3c hehehe. anyway, request.. um. more inflation and pictures of Zu. you never know if you'll get fanart with more pictures of her ;3 p.s. not real name XD lol
2011-02-20 15:56:42
Could you make an animated series based on the events that happen in your character's lives? It's a lot easier than reading biographies to see if you updated or not...
Rock Candy24722471
2011-02-20 15:59:12
I've only updated the bios once. Do you even know how long an animated movie would be? Or how long it would take?
2011-02-17 13:35:49
Hey there, first request ever! uhm i was wondering if you could make like a picture or flash (i know pictures are MUCH easier) with like Zu and like a dog or some animal doing her butt :P haha but like the full animal not like a little bit of it showing o.o please and thank you! if you cant or dont want to its all good :3
Clockwork Master
2011-02-16 19:36:57
could i get the links to the first three What "some people do for love". Well that is if you have them... Thank you -- Clockwork Master
Rock Candy24592458
2011-02-16 19:59:07
The download links for those are in the Fan Stuff section on page 2.
2011-02-15 17:55:02
can u get a picture made of ellie getting raped by tentacle, having the tentacles go anal all the way up out the mouth. that's different
Triple dotz
2011-02-09 18:59:23
Read the story five did it's called what some people do for love it's a good read it your interested
2011-02-09 18:35:55
Maybe do something for my character? Small gallery of her here: She's very into anal. Toys, machines, tentacles, or just a good dicking, choice is up to you.
2011-02-08 00:27:05
can you make a picture were za is doing a dog :3 please
2011-02-07 21:56:57
I was wondering, if you ever thought of writing a story series about the characters, that details their life and what they go through in life. As I fan and someone who likes to write when I has the muse, I would be willing to write stories for them with your permission, and guidelines on what the characters are like (that isn't in their bios)
Rock Candy24212418
2011-02-08 05:18:51
Well, if you would like to write a story, go ahead! I don't have any stories planned though, but if you want to write a fan-fiction, I can help you with the character's personalities and such.
2011-02-08 08:07:53
Thanks, I added you on MSN.
2011-02-06 18:41:23
I know you got a lot of stuff to do but could you post a picture about zu and sixteen haveing anal sex if you could that would be great thank you
2011-02-06 14:43:23
What are your thoughts on oviposition and egg-laying?
Rock Candy24062405
2011-02-06 14:45:17
Nothing that I go hooray for, but don't mind drawing. Also questions goes into guest box. Not here.
2011-02-06 14:47:48
My bad :3 It was actually meant to me construed as a suggestion, like a follow up to where Zu's actually having to lay/push out all that stuff :P
Rock Candy24082407
2011-02-06 14:49:48
Oh. Well, I'm quite busy with flashes and such at the moment, so I wont be drawing as much now. It sounds cool tho...
2011-02-06 14:51:18
Thanks :3 Can't wait to see your latest flashes :3
Triple dotz
2011-02-01 23:12:23
I is back any ways I wanna say I have a story planned I hope to submit it soon but I would like to ask if influence part 3 is on the way and same with the next what some people do for loves is on the waykeep up the awesome work
Rock Candy23602359
2011-02-02 04:07:09
Both of those are being worked on. The next part of Influence will take quite some time to finish though. Maybe around christmas...
The Storyteller
2011-02-03 22:27:45
Life is busier these days. Mine isn't devoted to story writing. In fact, I've never written more than three sentences in a story before Influence. I'm still trying to find time for it.
2011-01-23 20:22:20
Hey RockCandy, I've requested this before on the picture of it, but I suppose I should put it here too. I really liked the picture of Zoo, the cumdumpster. And I was thinking that it’d be wonderful if you could make an interactive flash movie based on that picture. You could have Zoo chained up and then guys come into the screen and fuck her asshole till he cums, and then another guy comes and does the same thing. It’d be amazing if you could have it so that we could control the speed and whether or not he cums inside or not. And furthermore, you could make it so that we could choose any of the catgirls you have. I know it’s is a tall order, and you’ve already got two big projects planned, but keep it in mind! And in the meanwhile, maybe you could draw more “Cumdumpster” pictures with the other cat girls. I’d prefer Zu first. Thank you for your time and consideration, Zoey
2011-01-23 04:30:30
Could you make a picture/flash of Za "influencing the police"?
2011-01-25 12:29:06
this in her slutty outfit would be so hot.
2011-01-20 18:21:54
Sup Rock Candy. Haven't seen much from you in a while so I figure you're probably either really busy or looking for idea's. Either way, got one for you. That "piss in ass" you had in ZU Triple Demo, what about incorporating that idea into a new flash? It'd definitely be something weird and awesome that I don't think anyone else has done before, and if they have, not many.
Rock Candy22782274
2011-01-21 05:03:20
I'm not lacking ideas, I just have a lot of stuff to do at the moment...
Clockwork Master
2011-01-10 22:41:38
Hello, do you have the download links to other (if any) Influence stories? I rely enjoyed reading the two you posted. --Clockwork Master
Rock Candy22502249
2011-01-11 03:37:43
Influence - The Peak is being worked on right now. The writer told me it was going to reach over 100 pages, so it will probably take a while before it is finished.
One Up
2011-01-08 12:25:32
Request: Anything and everything, RC is the best ;D I've been a fan for a while but just found your website! Found all of your flashes on a while ago~
2011-01-02 11:58:03
Could you please finish work on the Zu Triple demo?
2011-01-02 18:52:01
Wow man are you behind the times, It was cancelled. So requests for Zu triple are ..... pointless, plus RC will most likely be working on Project X so flashes are going to be even slower and perhaps even stopped until he is finished with it.
2011-01-01 23:01:52
new adult flash to start off the new year
Gustav Nyberg
2010-12-30 15:41:03
jag vill se mer fisting och stora dildos o stuff! Om ni inte gillar det så rita att hon har puffiga blygdläppar! Som på denna bild eller nått. Klirra det så blir ja glad ^_^
2010-12-29 19:22:06
I have to say i love your work. Some of the best i've ever seen. I had thoughts about a sonic style flash. Nothin too big, just i havn't noticed any Sonic flashes out there. just a thought
2010-12-28 20:00:09
Rockcandy, I gotta say. Bravo. You are amazing with your drawing and animation. But I do have one request. Could you make a game where their is a normal setup (Fast, deep, pound, ect.), but have it go on for as long as you want? Say you're ounding her ass. You could choose to cum in or out. Outside, your cum would pool up, and you could shove her face in it. Inside, you would see it over flowing. Just my thought. Keep up the good work.
2010-12-26 22:33:00
Hey! Rock Candy my Xmas sucked can you make a nice Doggy Style Zu or Za anal flash. Or take the troll face off the Zu triple demo 6 so I don't have nightmares about it...true story I had a nightmare.
2010-12-26 00:57:39
I am very fond and amazed of your art work. I do like your original characters. But as a Touhou fan myself, I really like how you draw Touhou chacters. Anyways, about this request, I was wondering if you could a picture of my character with Ellie, your character, and Suika Ikubi from Touhou. Here is my character: Feel free to make some changes, but keep the horns. Here's a picture of Suika Ikubi: Do it when you feel like it, do your best, and most importantly, have fun. Oh yeah, no sex please.
2010-12-25 04:17:47
i gotta say i absolutely love it all without a doubt and i was wondering if ou could have zu getting it up the ass while she strokes a dick with her feet?? if you do that sorta stuff id really love to see that
2010-12-24 20:59:30
hey there i've been a fan of your art work for a while and recently found your site. a lot of random porn game sites had some of your stuff so eventually I found the source. i really enjoy how you do animations, and I'd really like to see more sex flashes, with more cum involved. I'd love to see some tentacles, even oviposition from said tentacles. the girls need to get raped by tentacles more often XD
2010-12-24 06:14:50
i just wihs that u will make a flash with somethin other then ness or somethin with better graphics at the least, maybe like mario( no porn please!) thank u rock candy
2010-12-19 18:37:06
hi its me again and my request is a simple one a picture of all 4 cat girls naked and looking at each other kinda like they are spritzed at each others breast size or some thing i hope you draw this bye
george cary
2010-12-16 10:50:54
i like everything i just think u should add more caracters and more flashes it would help the website
Rock Candy20772076
2010-12-16 11:23:29
I only have 5 characters, well thought through. If there is any need for a new one, I will make one. But there is no need for a new one. Making flashes takes a very long time, it is not something you can just "add". duh.