Since Fallow is on vacation for a couple of weeks, I've been trying to get the last remaining commissions done. I'm also just waiting for more Sofi voice stuff to arrive, so this downtime has been perfect for catching up on drawings. I've only got two things left on the current list! Woohoo!

This is the one thing I finished this week! I gotta admit, I have little idea of how to draw water well... Especially when someone's just flailing around in it.
The Deep End of the Pool, Pool pranks. Sort of?

Also, some... fan art-ish thing. Drawn by egg!
Sofi Explains Dragon Anatomy 1
Sofi Explains Dragon Anatomy 2

Hoping I'll get the remaining two things done quick enough! Last one's a comic, so it might take a while.
I'm expecting the Sofi voices some time next week as well, and once I get that stuff sorted out, I'll be streaming the last of the lipsyncing stuff. After that it's mostly just... Bug fixes and stuff. I'll probably wait adding some extra flair stuff together with the baby update.

Oh yea, and I got some audio recordings from Yulia for the contest prize winners, so I gotta go through that as well.
Winner basically won a little bonus Rock n' Raz animation, which I'll have to do some time after the update release.
But ya, we'll see what the situation looks like next sunday!!
Posted 26th of November 2023 - 16:22 by
Rock Candy wrote:
Retts wrote:
Will there be an option to disable the "breaking" of the girls, so to keep them "reluctant" indefinitely?
If not, would you consider adding something like this?
Yes, this is already a feature in the update.
Oh I must have missed that, thanks!
Papajon wrote:
This waiting has become a drug addiction at this point, what are you doing to me
agreed, the wait is worst than NNN
Retts wrote:
Will there be an option to disable the "breaking" of the girls, so to keep them "reluctant" indefinitely?
If not, would you consider adding something like this?
Yes, this is already a feature in the update.
Will there be an option to disable the "breaking" of the girls, so to keep them "reluctant" indefinitely?
If not, would you consider adding something like this?
This waiting has become a drug addiction at this point, what are you doing to me