Guh, it's really annoying, isn't it? I was going to buy a spacier HDD for this shit, but it was out of stock. I think our current one has like a measly 40 GB or something. Maybe even less than that? So whenever the store gets new ones in stock, I'll be there to buy one to prevent this shit again. I hope none of you missed that delicious Tomodachi Dick pic in the last update.

Like I said last week, I finished up some drawings.
Sofi sookin off that priest.
Ellie is clumsy with her drinks.
Zara's butt may be warm, but she is cold as ice!
Zu's asking for something ~special~ this year.
A scenario featuring 3 girls with strap-ons, one girl without one and a Sixten on the side!

For being me, that's a lot in just a few days! Hoahoa! I hope ya like these drawings, 'cause I feel like I did a real good job on these.

I also recieved some fan arts! Wohoo!
Zu Sprite Drawing 3 by francyszz3, and
Rock Candy Dragon Balls Z by Daniel!

How has 2015 been for all of ya so far?
For me, nothing much different... I don't know if that's good or bad! Hoahoa!

Before I go, I wanna ask you what game you want to see me, Raz and Haplo stream next since we finished Paper Mario. It's gotta be a Nintendo platform game, 'cause that's what we have availible. Please let me know, because we're unsure of what to play~! Raz keeps insisting Luigi's Mansion All-Money run, but we've already done that and it takes a loooong time, hoahoa.

Anyway, I hope my drawings will make you fap some!
Sometimes, I imagine... What if all the seed spilled on my characters would actually wind up inside of them? I wonder how much each one would get, and how it'd affect their looks... haw haw! Have a good week!
Posted 4th of January 2015 - 16:51 by | 18 comments.
Here's my first finished thing since 2 months or something, a commission: Broken Expectations.
My to draw list is really long and I gotta juggle lipsyncing at the same time as well, so it'll take some time to get through it. Blah.

I've worked a bit on the character pics as well.

Ellie's Gardening Outfit (Might need color correction...)

I actually forgot to add shading to Johanna's eyes, so I fixed that real quick.
Johanna Nude
Johanna Underwear
Johanna Clothed

Zu's Winter Outfit got color corrected a bit.

And so did some of Sofi's outfits:
Sofi Summerwear
Sofi Winter clothes

I've started working a bit on Sixten again, too. Giving him some facial expressions and a better skintone.
Sixten Nude
Sixten Underwear
Sixten Clothed

I might do some lipsyncing streaming later tonight as well. We shall see!
That's all for today!
Posted 16th of March 2020 - 13:21 by | There are no comments! Comment now!
I mentioned how I was using a new way of lipsyncing last time, ye? Well, I'm now all done with the lipsyncing. I've successfully lipsynced around probably 400 voice clips in just a few days. Pretty good, I'd say!

I might not have told you about this before, but the new version of the game won't be released as a swf; it's now an executable, and should also work with HTML5... I just need to get a new version of to support it, but that's also on its way. Thanks to all of the patrons, I'm able to hire a guy who's working on a new version of the site which will most likely be a lot more userfriendly and be worth sticking around at.

Anyway, since it's not in flash anymore, there's a lot of tweaking and optimizing that needs to be made to make sure the game runs well, and that there aren't ugly visual glitches amongst other things. It is why it's taking a long time to get this thing out, FallowWing has been working on porting flash to this new format basically singlehandedly.
We've also added a lot more customization to Sofi's part, along with fixing a lot of small issues and adding further details. A few examples are, eyebrows changing color with the hair, pube styles and being able to turn off the belly button squirt.

Here's a screenshot of what it looks currently; although we might see a lot of small changes before it's ready to be released. And I can't really say when that will be, either.

Wow! It's like Sofi is our guinea pig as we experiment to see what's possible and not!
There are still a lot of things for us to do, but we're doing our best. It's a lot of fun too.
(unlike trying to find voiceactresses, blergh)

Anyway, I've finished a commission!
Beach Bunny Breeding, Zu gets a surprise dicking on the beach.

Well, I think that's all I had for today. I'm off to do more Sofi tweaking, since there's always some new issues that come up.
Posted 2nd of August 2021 - 06:31 by | 21 comments.
Today, I present to you, two kind of butts:
Ellie... "painting", or something. Her butt is showing, that's for sure.
Genderbent Zu, called Theodore. Even his butt is showing!

Yes, one large female butt and one smaller male butt. That just shows that any butt can get penetrated by stiff dicks. Oh well.

And have this:
Old characters that I drew anew. These will not be added to the character gallery or anything, they're just... there. They don't have any personality or backstory whatsoever. Hmph.

Fan art from Brockus! Some weird stuff is going on here... But weird isn't always bad!

Yus yus. That was that. That was it for today.

In other news... There is none.
Well, yes, acutally there is some. Zeta decided to put some characters to the side for some time, so they can focus on making more stages instead. We're talking Project X. Zu is still in, though. With fewer characters to make sprites for, it's gonna get a lot faster to progress with stages and such. I hope. Now is also the chance to improve upon old rapes, as the rest of the characters will sprited in later (hopefully by someone else than me!), and I really think some enemies could use some uppity in their rapeanimations. The spider and the Chao, is what I thinking of adding some to, so I'm gonna spend next week to do that. Sprites and whatever.

And, Raz and I also bought a streaming machine for our own amusement, so that we can stream ourselfes competing in various games. We've made a bet, that if he wins in 10 different games before me, he can shave my head. And if I win, my hair stays. Silly, I know. But fun, for us. I'll post the link to my channel whenever we get stuff going, if you are interested in other things that porn.

That's that, and now I'm heading to bed! Good night and good faps, to all of you!
Posted 25th of November 2012 - 18:37 by Rock Candy | 3 comments.
What a week. I didn't get anything done at all. That's pretty bad. I've got a long list of stuff to draw for people, I think I'll get those done during the coming week.

And I might have to draw up some of the side characters that appears in Zu's new bio. I'm sure some of you are curious of what they look like. Here are some I sketched up a while ago, I don't think they're gonna be the final look for all of them. Maybe some.
The Nyqvist family, which Zu now works for.
Matilda, the head maid. And an unfinished sketch of Zu with the giant dildo.
I'm sure it'll be a blast to work with all this in the future. I was supposed to start Zara's new bio up yesterday, but I was kidnapped out on adventures, so I couldn't. During the adventure I met up with Charlie, my cat who's now a fatty. 9 kg. It was pretty weird to hold him, hoahoa.

I got a fourth Zu sprite drawing from francyszz3. Apparently something for her birthday, altough a bit late! I can't read spanish, so yeah. Haw haw!

Well, that's it for today. I'm gonna see if I can find anything to do before going to bed. See ya all later~.
Posted 22nd of March 2015 - 15:51 by | 3 comments.
Everything I've made contact with today has been just... Terrible. Awful. Horrible.

I start the day off by being waken up by my annoying neighbour's shitty music taste, followed up by having a mysterious ghost experience in the shower. Then I use Flash CS6 in a collab with Mittsies, and it is the worst piece of shit I've ever had the chance to work with. And to top it off, is broken fucking everywhere. So if stuff seems not right, it's because it's not. It's probably worse. Don't expect the forum to be up anytime soon, because why would someone ever want to make something work.

I am so sick of life right now. I want to kill. Strangle. Murder.

With that said, I uploaded the fan stuff that I showed in the previous news post. Everything is still wonky as shit, but at least it is showing.

Before I explode out of anger, I have some good news for the fans on (the barely functioning)

I have no idea what to do with this christmas flash. All I have is the character you see above. So I decided to make something I almost never do.

It's a poll.



Vote on what character you want to see with Rudolf the Black!
And make a wish for what the content will be. I have not decided yet, so most popular or interesting idea will be made. Write that wish in a comment either here in the news post or at the pollsite itself. You have until Nov 30 to vote and comment, so take your time. Or something.

Now let's hope this piece of shit works or else I will end my life prematurely.
Posted 10th of November 2013 - 15:40 by Rock Candy | 66 comments.
Didn't really do anything spooky in time for Halloween this year. I was busy with everything else!
So this will just be a regular, plain update!

I finished another drawing, which turned out to be a comic, too.
The Asshole Photo, an idea I had a while ago. It's a bit more lighthearted from the stuff I usually do.

Now I'm gonna put any more complex drawings aside for a while, I'm quite exhausted making comics...

Here is some nice fan art from CiaoDeBoca!
Zoo & Horse
Thanks, very appreciated!

If you're curious about the demo, we're still working on fixing bugs and making tweaks. I've even spent some time adding in new features and details, which I'm sure will be appreciated. Again, can't say how long it's gonna take or anything, but it's looking good. We've cut the current bug list in half, and most things that remain right now are implementing these new elements I was talking about earlier. Once those are done, I'm gonna have to do another playthrough and see if anything else pops up.

Until then, I suppose I shall continue working with the Zu&Jo part.
Oh ye, I also got Zu's voice lines and stuff, so I got some audio editing to do... Guess I know what I'm gonna be doing today, then, huh.
Posted 1st of November 2021 - 02:14 by | 1 comment.
I am back from the playdate. Well, I've been for some time, but I spent most of the day sleeping and doing lazy things, as both I and Raz have been too tired to do anything of value.

As for the playdate... It was decent. I don't generally like big areas full of people, but at least I got to play some fun games, like Smash Bros, Luigi's Mansion and Mario Kart.

And as for you who wondered, the word "playdate" is a transliteration.
Orignally it is "Spelträff".

Spel = Game, Play.
Träff = Meeting, Date, Hit.

So transliterated it'll become playdate, instead of "gaming meetup" or whatever it would translate into.
We use this humor very often here in sweden.

Anyway, Check out this fan stuff that Goudzilla drew!
It's the only thing I've got for todays update.

The Roliga Saker flash is getting very close to finish. There's only 9 seconds left to animate, but sadly there's some audio desync near the end. I have no idea what causes it, and I've not been able to find a solution. Huff. Really annoying.

I also managed to make a re-recording + english dub of the old "Our Sense of Humor" flash, containing cut audio and extra animation. I'll be releasing it around the same date, or probably a few days before I release Roliga Saker. To "hype it up" or something. Hoahoa.

Anyway, we'll see if I get stuff done this week. See next sunday's update for the conclusion!! Woo!
Posted 13th of May 2013 - 15:06 by Rock Candy | 5 comments.
Unfortunately, since is a pile of trash, it's having trouble accepting the upload.
But, it's available on...

and FallowWing's website;

Alternatively, download a ZIP file of the game here:
Download Horace's Hoarse Horse Whores!

There's a lot to say... But at the same time, not much to say at all.
I'll let the game speak for itself, I suppose.
Feedback and bug reports very welcome!
I'll let you know when the game is working on as well!
Posted 28th of December 2023 - 14:55 by | 61 comments.
I spent this week mostly scanning in all the pictures I have, and it turned out to be a whole lot. I'm not sure what I should do with them though, maybe I'll upload my art-history for all to see here on site, but I don't want to flood my pictures gallery with lots of ugly old art. I have yet to sort them all out, so gyuh. I don't know...

Well, I have some new arts to post for today's update at least.

First out, some characters I drew for a friend. He didn't like them.
Sofi in a Tanooki Suit.
Sofi getting raped in a Tanooki Suit.
Some sketch I found, of Zara and Peach.
Another odd pic, of Zara and some crazy furry guy.
An early christmas picture of Zu. And penises.


I'm thinking about translating old childhood comics into english, so that anyone can download and read them. Some of them are quite funny, while some are just plain garbage. They consist of old characters I used to use, and they got pretty strong personalities. Well, most of them, at least. They're simple and much unlike Zu, Sofi, Ellie, Sixten, Zara, Lollo and Mikaela.

Maybe it'll be interesting. I think it is.

Other than that, I don't have anything else planned. Only the same old, which I have not really made much progress on lately, due to lack of proof-checking and stuff. I'm taking very small steps forwards! I need to get back into my flow, I'm still alienated to not having a super-project (a la Onihole) waiting to be worked on!

Well... Well well... Perhaps I should make another quicke flash for this year's christmas and hope it doesn't turn out into a second Onihole? I somehow got the crazy idea that I'd livestream me making a buttsex flash. A short one, that is. A tad longer than the Zu VS. Lollo flash maybe? Hm... Might be interesting.

I'll think about it.

As usual, it's time for sleep by now, so I shall say GOOD NIGHT! And I hope I'll get some interesting comments when I wake up.


SHIT I forgot to upload the finished Zee-sketch. Have it, have it.
Zee is made for taking stuff up her butt, it doesn't matter what she says!
Posted 18th of November 2012 - 16:54 by Rock Candy | 4 comments.