Because people were nagging at me, I made a lazy edit and made the PINGAS into a dog's one instead.
Uploaded 12th of April 2010 - 00:00 | 199645 views | Rating: 4.4 | 28 comments.
Remake of the very first flash I did!
I wont bother to upload the original here, because it's ugly and I don't like it D:
Uploaded 12th of April 2010 - 00:00 | 108276 views | Rating: 4.71 | 36 comments.
I tested with voices n' stuff in this one!
Uploaded 11th of April 2010 - 00:00 | 299891 views | Rating: 4.52 | 70 comments.
The second short hentai-flash loop I made, once again updated.
I put some fun stuff in there, so enjoy!
Uploaded 8th of April 2010 - 00:00 | 117593 views | Rating: 3.75 | 38 comments.
The first short loop hentai-flash I made, updated, because the original was 100 huge, and it was really really slow.
I merged the two versions, clean & cum covered, into this flash, and added one more, with an inflated belly. Because that's always fun!
Uploaded 28th of March 2010 - 00:00 | 410925 views | Rating: 3.85 | 28 comments.