Request Box
Request Box Guidelines!
  • Check your spelling & grammar before posting. I want to be able to read your comment.
  • There are no edit or delete options, so think before you post!
  • You can post your requests here, but it doesn't mean I'm obligated to make them.
  • Requests involving media characters, video games, movies, comics, etc, are most likely to be ignored.
  • Animation requests aren't on the table, but you can post ideas of elements to include in my current project.
  • I won't update any flashes that are considered finished, due to various reasons.
  • I'm more likely to draw a request that have a lot of details behind it.
  • Don't expect your request to be done immediately. Months may pass before I actually get to it.
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Somewhat Average Sized Titan
2015-08-24 18:42:32
Hi. As someone who's triggered by rape, but really loves your art and flashes and stuff, would you be able to put trigger warnings on your stuff so people with the same type of problem can enjoy your art without any negative effects? Thanks.
Jeez louise
2015-08-25 11:14:41
That's so subjective, so why are you even here? Go back to your SJW heaven at Tumblr.
2015-09-25 22:46:34
RC's level of savage knows no bounds
2015-08-24 07:06:17
Love your work and been watching your site for a while now. Was wondering if you would do more pictures to do with bestiality, especially with Zara and Ellie.
a handsome guy
2015-08-22 01:09:02
Scat and more futa pls
Rock Candy1401714015
2015-08-22 09:22:23
You're not gonna find much of that around here, little man.
2015-08-21 20:28:36
That new project of yours put me to tears.. It's gorgeous... Her nose and everything, I really enjoyed watching that alone. You are really something else RC! I can't wait till this one comes out (:> <)
Rock Candy1401614014
2015-08-22 09:21:39
Her nose? That's an odd thing to point out, haw haw.
2015-08-20 18:41:35
2015-08-20 18:43:33
2015-08-15 09:18:54
Hi I love your flashes and am a huge fan! I was wondering if there would be any chance in the near future of another tentacle flash with options of how many tentacles can go into the girl's ass and/or mouth with the added option of either cuming or laying an egg or eggs in them? And maybe a anal birth flash would be interesting for your fans, I have a very active mind and your flashes are the best I've ever came across! Please keep up the great work and I'm very much looking forward to your next flash! Lots of love from Ashley <3
2015-08-12 15:33:46
There has to be something new, there just has to be! please please please submit something new! Can you make a rock candy game with the older graphics you used to use? I miss those so much... Especially that dog one and ran ran rump
2015-08-10 09:05:06
2015-08-08 17:55:24
Well gee, call me boring but I swear to god I'm the only one around here who likes anal just because it's visually aesthetic and pleasing (I agree with RC that most vaginas are ugly as fuck). Everyone else seems to like it because they mentally link it with their other fetishes like vore and scat and inflicting pain and dominating people or whatever. But who am I to judge!? My request is just more buttsex dude. Also I really like positions/angles where the shape of the ass is emphasized. The missionary position in Rudolf's Revenge was super super hot!
Rock Candy1395013948
2015-08-09 01:51:01
I completely agree with ya. Butts are really beautiful. The hole is just a bonus!
2015-08-05 08:53:54
Puffy inverted nipples, maybe even nipple fucking but without the breast expansion element. Ellie with Tentacles had nice puffy areola.
Twade Ataderal
2015-08-04 01:55:32
Make one with an overusage of lube then it spews out.
2015-07-28 20:36:17
An easy way to navigate the illustrations would be so dope.
2015-07-27 10:07:37
might sound wierd, but as a side thing, could we see a girl with some...or alot..of bush? just a little suggestion really
2015-07-24 13:10:45
I really like your [Reluctant Rectal Reprogramming], it's very simple but hot. Can you make more like this?
2015-07-22 18:40:41
Dear rock candy crew. It would be super uber awesome if you made a sonic the hedgehog flash (gay,lesbian,futa,female with dick,bisexual orgy, or/ all of these choices. another thing that would be cool is if you added more cum, like a lot of cum just like in Onihole. But i would also like to thank you for all the games, art (pictures), and music. I know this weird to say but not only did your flashes and everything make me aroused, but it made me laugh as well. thank you.
Megamall XXLX
2015-07-21 04:40:19
Can you please do a Zara art with s platoon That game has lots of potential if you catch my drift.
Chris Collier
2015-07-16 20:41:41
Add futa tentaclesex anal cum tentacles onslaught assault on ass mouth busoms & penis make futa get pregnant or at least make an animation of a male fucking a futa & cumming in in ass i think futas need real males inside their organs make even a quadruple bang animation of males fucking a futa but the females gets a femboy ontop or shoots her load freely.
Big Jack
2015-07-16 10:38:37
You often draw these huge cum inflations, but we haven't seen anything like it in any flashes since Onihole(except maybe My First Robot, but that was vaginal sex ironically) I really wished it would come back in full glory again.
Rock Candy1387613875
2015-07-16 13:42:08
There's a bit of it in Rudolf's Revenge.
Big Jack
2015-07-22 07:14:47
But it's not as extreme. The most extreme one you made was in the Zoo-philia flash and that was awesome. More like that please. (Y)
Rock Candy1389613895
2015-07-22 09:28:21
It requires the flash to be based around that concept though, and that makes it a little difficult to implement other things. But yeah, I might have something in mind for that stuff.
Big Jack
2015-07-23 09:42:42
Awesome! Thanks for considering. :)
Jhonny d
2015-07-16 05:43:57
try a Zara flash in the vain of April fools
2015-07-13 06:44:25
I like seeing beads pulled out and pushed back in...
2015-07-13 06:42:32
I remember when you were making flashes like really quick. But now it doesn't happen as often. Steak, Potatoes, Fish cakes, the works...
Rock Candy1386413861
2015-07-13 08:59:33
As I improved, the time it takes to make a flash also becomes longer. And I've been stuck with things I'm not really interested in the past year, so that's why there's less flashes comin' out lately. I can do nothing but apologize and hope that my future flashes will be good enough to make up for the wait.
Robert Pålson
2015-07-07 16:35:46
Any chance you'll do anal gapes ever? 'Tis my birthday, so yay for me! ^_^
2015-07-01 22:00:52
Really big fan of your works, great stuff. I was wondering if there would be any black girls on any upcoming flashes or sketches.
2015-07-01 03:02:49
Omg this is a perverts website all u guys are fucking gay i hope all u rot in hell
2015-06-28 13:07:58
Hi RockCandy. First, i want to say that i really love your work. I'm here checking news on this site since the beginning. I just want more flash, more games, more anal actions, i'm really sad when i come to check then i find nothing up :(
Rock Candy1376013759
2015-06-28 17:20:21
I'm glad you like my work, but I hope you do realize that it is a very timeconsuming process to make flashes. Especially since I have been troubled with what projects I've been working on for the past months. It is not my ideal workpace, or what I'd call choice of project, but it is coming to an end soon and I shall be able to work on the stuff I find most important again.
2015-06-26 21:20:44
Revisit and update the "Dead dicks" flash. So much more could be done!
Rock Candy1375613755
2015-06-27 01:00:40
Like what?
Tentacle Queen Zone-Tan
2015-06-21 15:27:07
Well, I have two requests. First, put a frickin search box in! I want to find the pictures that involve impregnation/Pregnancy, tentacles, etc., without going through the forty-God-damn pages of the picture-library! Second, I would like a picture that involves every character, from Zu to the Psycho Girl, being raped by tentacles. Specifically, the Blooper from your flash animation with it and Ellie in it. That's all.
Tentacle Queen Zone-Tan
2015-06-21 15:28:00
Or it can be an animation/flash game, I don't care.
Rock Candy1373913715
2015-06-24 14:45:14
I also wish there was a search box. But as for the rest... That sounds really hard to make!
2015-06-17 17:17:02
How about some good old drilling motor sex. I really like watching drilling and prodding action. Maybe even some futanari as a side option like before
King Tut
2015-06-13 14:48:18
A footjob or blowjob with a swallowing option available. Maybe make it so her mouth can take more than one load and her stomach gets bigger as she swallows. No idea where this is going. Burps? Cum all the way through? You're one of the best in flash animation Rock Candy. Stay gold.
2015-06-12 15:01:07
a cloned girl who's insides are a tight pipe with no obstacles, getting fucked by a big horse all the way through in a straight, forceful pattern :) with cum outside mouth or inside throat so she kind of vomits is. Damn i love it. So. Much :)
2015-06-11 19:58:20
hey Rock candy I would love to see some anal gay and a option to turn to futa or vaginal
Bilbo Shaggins
2015-06-10 22:54:55
In the future, you should make short films about the characters. Like their backstories, and their current lives.
Swaggy Swedish Dude
2015-06-07 07:33:21
i would like to see more Zu
Rock Candy1363413633
2015-06-07 17:56:50
Don't we all?
2015-06-07 01:51:31
their should be a zoo goes to aqualand
2015-05-30 04:44:34
I personally really think that some lewd stories would go great with this site. I know you've already got the stories about Zu and her being raped, but i think maybe some stories about the other characters would be great!
Rock Candy1361313599
2015-06-03 02:06:22
Well, if you want to write some stories yourself for the site, fan fiction is welcome. I'm quite busy with the character bios and flash making to write stories.
2015-05-30 00:58:09
Wassa! Wassa! Wassa! Wa...oh yeah I forgot this was a request box, not a greeting box. Activate tentacle funky magic! I request one of your women to be prodded by a tentacle. Pulling it out and putting it in seems sexy. Maybe add some rounded bumps on the tentacles. I like the "next" "next" "next" options or "12345 scenes" options. Also give it a flip motion option. You can see from infront or from behind. Oh and make the tentacles purple pink with a red blend. Make the tentacles swirl in a hypnosis motion in her face making an O before it thrusts in her mouth. It misses twice then goes in. This plan is full proof :3
2015-05-25 00:22:36
add a game area for the games you make on the web siet
2015-05-22 18:33:26
Please add a hotdogging option on future works. ^^
2015-05-18 07:32:24
Can we see more of Zu in sexy clothing? Something like stockings, skirts, and strappy heels, Maybe even while taking a huge cock to the ass? <3
2015-05-17 18:19:25
I know what you said about zu triple but since that is old game well you redo the game with just anal and oral sex including the sex position I don't care if you add the pussy oh and change the title to zu's gangbang lol
2015-05-15 17:13:09
More cum inflations please. Bring on dem big bellies plz. (Y)
Wolf Lady D
2015-05-13 15:18:28
I would love to see some of Psycho Girl holding a knife to her next chosen sextoy
2015-05-12 17:42:55
I Love your work <3 And i would like to ask if you would ever do an Sofi Anal lesbian Flash where you can choose btwn Big Vibrator, Horsecock-Dildo or the Fist of an other Girl (one of those would actually do it) ANYWAY KEEP UP YOUR WORK :3
rainbow dash
2015-05-10 14:20:34
I love this website
2015-05-14 16:47:42
And We love you rainbow dash
Rock Candy1354813540
2015-05-16 13:19:50
Don't you speak for me about that subject.
2015-05-18 14:22:04
Whoa whoa whoa Rock Candy... *Puts on glasses* Don't be so Anal about it. Beyond that stupid pun I meant the Brony fan base... not particularly you, sorry for the misunderstanding.
2015-05-09 10:24:08
A game idea: Ben 10 (original) fucks any of your characters (maybe have a character selection so people could choose their fav) and have each alien fuck each of your characters, in different positions. Wildmutt fucking (character) doggie style with his claw (or whatever they are called) holding onto the shoulders and as he gets faster (have speed setting) the (character) is pinned against the ground with her face all contorted with pleasure and then when he cums, he cums inside and it bulges in to her. With Ripjaws they are fucking underwater in cowgirl position, she is holding her breathe as he fucks her, when speeding up she starts kissing him because he has air in his mouth and she needs it. When he cums it goes with through her. With Wildvine make him her in mid air and start using his vines as penises and drill her... upside down, as he cums making him have like an opposition thing that makes a vine go all the way through he from her ass to her mouth and make him cum out or make him double penetrate her in her ass and cum a huge cumbulge in her. With Heatblast make him fuck her standing up and him holding her ass as he penetrates her... when he cums either let him inside or outside. With Upchuck he's just using his mouth tentacles as a way to eat out her asshole as she is facedown, he doesn't cum but the girl does. With ditto, because he can multiply himself, make him gang bang her, mouth, ass, hands, chest, and just leave the frontbutt alone it's a useless hole. Benwolf fucks her on top of a hill on the full moon, basically doggy style except he holding her arms back and she's standing, he cums inside. With Benmummy he holds her standing but he is wrapping her down with his mummywrap and when he cums he cums inside hard with a huge bulge. Four-arms has four dicks making him fuck four characters in missionary (or something.) Diamondhead would also be fucking he in missionary position but this time when he cums he cums outside onto her torso. Xlr8 (any position) fucks her faster and faster and when he cums it just shoots out and he keeps going. Stinkfly would fuck her in the air and when he cums his eyes would shoot goo to and the cum would pour out from the character. Ghostfreak would just go through her literally, so you'd see the dick just go through her and it be a little funny considering he can't cum because he can't feel pleasure being a ghost. Upgrade would just attach himself onto her like he doesn't with anything and fucks her that way. (He'd be like a suit, you see her face though and the outlining of her tits, and when he cums a bulge would appear while he'd still be the suit.) I have no idea what positions Cannonbolt, Waybig, Grey Matter, Ben Victor, or Eye Guy would do...
Just Another Fan
2015-05-03 20:48:19
I would love to see more of Ellie! She's probably my favorite. Since we've had plenty of Ellie boobs, maybe you could try doing another butt flash with her? :3 Maybe she could be at the hospital, "Healing" someone. Hoahoahoa!
Jak X
2015-04-28 10:12:12
What about a strategy game? There would be a number of characters you can choose from to play as. A number of artifacts that summon creatures designed to defend your character. They will defend your character from being penetrated from tentacles.
Rock Candy1345913457
2015-04-28 10:21:58
Since when would you want to defend against that?! That goes against the belief of porn!
2015-05-09 23:19:32
What if the player THINKS its strategy, but you actually get swarmed 5 minute sin for an auto-lose?
2015-05-09 23:20:08
*minutes in
Rock Candy1351013509
2015-05-10 12:56:33
It's still not something I'm interested in doing, hoa.
2015-04-24 01:55:02
you should be cum in pussy then pregnant and we should be watch giving birth LOL
Jesus Baby
2015-04-21 15:57:37
You should do a flash that features BIG cum inflations. No fooling around. Not any barely visible shit. Do some serious violation of physics. ;)
2015-04-13 18:15:22
Hi, I just stumbled upon your website just today and i'm very impressed with how well your animations work so smoothly and with their matching fetish content! ^_^ So, my request for your box here: Have you given thought of doing more full-on body modification interactive flashes similar to how your "reluctant rectal programming" turned out(also more inflation <3)? Perhaps with your characters of choice both being taken by tentacles and the viewers in control of the situation? The controllers would have full range to perform almost any fetish imaginable to the characters. Such as: using tentacle injectors to change the anatomy of body parts into those of animals, like horse/dog/cat dicks, or adding any type of anatomy of interest. Or increasing bodily attributes of the breasts, balls, cock/even adding a cock to a female character. The controller would also have the ability to have the tentacles cum excessive amounts to cause significant cum-inflation: upwards of a beachball for scale with cum spurting out the navel or other types of orifaces. The injectors could also possibly have a secret combination to transform a character into a centuar-type being with further "experimentation" with more variable growth injections to: thighs, butt, chest,belly, and all groin attributes(including fertility to cause impressive impregnation via tentacles ;3) Keep up the great work with making some of the best animations on the net! :>
Rock Candy1346013404
2015-04-28 10:23:16
That's quite elaborate. Unfortunately, I'm not into the whole transformation thing. You'll have to keep looking for someone else who might be interested.