Request Box
Request Box Guidelines!
  • Check your spelling & grammar before posting. I want to be able to read your comment.
  • There are no edit or delete options, so think before you post!
  • You can post your requests here, but it doesn't mean I'm obligated to make them.
  • Requests involving media characters, video games, movies, comics, etc, are most likely to be ignored.
  • Animation requests aren't on the table, but you can post ideas of elements to include in my current project.
  • I won't update any flashes that are considered finished, due to various reasons.
  • I'm more likely to draw a request that have a lot of details behind it.
  • Don't expect your request to be done immediately. Months may pass before I actually get to it.
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2013-01-13 23:48:04
How about a picture of Za swimming in a pool naked?
2013-01-13 16:01:41
Hey i absolutely love all you work. Has brought me many a long night. lol. however I would LOVE to see some reverse rape. Like in headlights and Christmas ham and Zara Linda Cat. But maybe like one of the characters like Sofi Wyom taking revenge, or who ever doesn't matter it would be awesome ... maybe even like all the girls picking on one guy trying to drain him dry... i know that would take allot but it would be so worth it and hot as hell and as always butt sex and belly inflation mmmmm
2013-01-13 16:00:52
Hey i absolutely love all you work. Has brought me many a long night. lol. however I would LOVE to see some reverse rape. Like in headlights and Christmas ham and Zara Linda Cat. But maybe like one of the characters like Sofi Wyom taking revenge, or who ever doesn't matter it would be awesome ... maybe even like all the girls picking on one guy trying to drain him dry... i know that would take allot but it would be so worth it and hot as hell and as always butt sex and belly inflation mmmmm
Venom Neko
2013-01-10 14:58:09
I just want more psycho girl lol
2013-01-09 19:58:30
can we have layla come back but with more options and position plus sound.
butty man
2013-01-05 18:16:36
please make another great flash with zu!!
2013-01-03 10:36:09
you should BUSINESS MAN and rapist flash
2012-12-29 20:32:20
you should do one about a blonde girl running from hunters in an apocoliptic world if she is cought shes raped
2012-12-28 23:58:05
Hey Rock I love your work! is there any way you could do something footjob related?
Dech Of Ice
2012-12-25 06:14:22
just wanted to say love your work and keep up the good work. But i wanted to make a little request that just seemed to good not to happened, I was playing paper mario: Sticker Star and i just fought Gooper Blooper and the only thing I could think of was of your Gooper Blooper Returns, (link incase you havn't played it yet ) I was wondering if you could make a flash with this song of gooper because its just so dam good, also i know you don't take commissions but if you do happened to make one I would happily "donate" a nice little amount of cash ($50 us dollars since i love you so much)
Rock Candy84448443
2012-12-25 06:57:53
I have indeed played Sticker Star, and the Gooper Blooper battle was easily my favorite. I even managed to beat him without the sponge, which was a chore but I succeeded in the end! Anyway, I'd love to make a sequel to GBR with this new rythm-based Blooper. It would be quite awesome. I do not know when I can do something like this though, as I have many other projects in queue already...
Dech Of Ice
2012-12-25 07:27:13
HAHA you too did it with out the sponge? i was was left with 3 stickers since i didnt have the sponge XD. But anyhow its only a request and i just offered a "donation" i understand you have many other projects so i wish you the best of luck on them. Also merry xmas dood
2012-12-21 14:42:31
How to say this right...don't take me as a weirdo or some sick f*ck but I never seen any scat actions in your flashes so I was wondering maybe in the next flash you could put an option like "shit in her mouth" ! Don't take me wrong ! It's just an idea...since your style of working is so nice I would love to see that option !
2012-12-17 16:13:07
Just wondering, would it be possible to include a preggo option in your next flash? I don't mean a vaginal option (I know you've got something up your ass about that -zing!-) but one where the character has a big belly without being inflated by unholy amounts of cum. Fuck, it could even be a justification for all the anal sex! "You're too big! I don't want you to hurt the baby!" "Well, you've got one hole that isn't pregnant..." "Ok, just don't be too rough..." "We'll see about that."
2012-12-14 17:50:22
I was wondering, is there any chance you'd do a flash (sexy or otherwise, although sexy would be much prefered) about the STRONGEST character in Touhou? #9ball #imthestrongest #cirnofuckyeah
2012-12-11 06:21:54
Hmm.. Would You mind adding me as a friend on 3DS? It seems as if you would be a nice friend among my list of buddies! If You deny my request its fine but at least I tried :D.
Rock Candy83798378
2012-12-11 07:51:52
Sure, I guess. Code is: 3394 4125 3811
2012-12-11 12:47:25
And my code is 5112-3425-7609
2012-12-04 04:18:28
can you maybe make more flashes with zu in them
2012-12-01 23:01:01
Blowjob flash? POV style like Big Healthy Easter Eggs prease.
2012-11-28 10:39:49
I'd love it if you could have a flash where the option to piss in one of the girls asses. I saw it in zu tripple but if you don't want to finish it why not just do a new one with less options?
2012-11-26 17:25:34
Hey, why don't you try making a new version of Zu Triple, except this time, you just mash together elements from all your flashes so far? Please don't flame, just a suggestion. Also, can we get a pic of Ellie in that outfit she was in during the Easter flash - cum-covered and clean versions?
Centre Feild
2012-11-23 05:03:27
I was wondering if you could make another game that had horses, tentacles and werewolves in it, I'm a bit of a sick freak but what do you expect from some one who loves your flashes. Ps. you should put a psycho girl flash with more positions and clothing options.
Gaara Uchiha
2012-11-22 20:25:53
Im a really big fan I was just asking that could you Make me as a character?...If yes...I have red Eyes a wolf tail and cat eyes,I wear a shirt with a skull on it with a under shirt with purple and gray stripes and black jeans please and thank you *btw Im a girl*
2012-11-19 17:00:36
Hey, Can you make the cast of characters In real life? I would love that! I really don't mean true Real Life,you can use a photo editing software to make the ears and tails. It would really be nice if you could! Thanks! =3
2012-11-17 11:38:17
sorry for my miss spelled name uknown and...i know the rule's vaginal...but its a simple request and still...2nd request will come later... -sincerly..Unknown❤
2012-11-17 11:33:49
first request would be 1.Zu being being vaginal F'''ed...2nd will come later...until then! i will see you later❤
2012-11-17 01:08:34
There's one easy request I can make. I would really like to see another flash with Psycho Girl in it.
butty man
2013-01-05 18:23:47
marrku, is that u?
2012-11-16 15:06:57
could you make anything whit lilo and stitch, that stuff is awsome
2012-11-13 20:36:02
hi can you make flash with everyone geting raped by tenacles that would be awesome
2012-11-04 01:40:26
Hi, I have a request regarding the Onihole flash, an addition. What I would like to have added is a continued "all the way through" option, that makes it so that since it is already coming out of her mouth it then goes further out of her mouth, goes behind her and goes in her ass again. Then there could be 2 further options, one where it cums in her ass like the regular cum in ass situation, and then another where it goes all the way through AGAIN, and this way it would come out of her mouth again making it double anal and double oral technically. I know this is like a difficult request, but I'm sure everyone would love it. Also Maybe add a small cumming option for the existing "all the way through" action, which makes it just cum out into the air (I don't believe this should be so difficult). Thank you.
Rock Candy81588151
2012-11-04 04:16:25
I can't make any modifications to Onihole. It's too complicated as it is.
The real motherfucker
2012-11-04 15:33:59
A flash that Rock Candy loves to work is "Zu Triple" XD
2012-11-03 15:04:25
I have 2 requests... Both involving Yellow, from the Pokemon Adventures Manga. (She looks like this: ) First... I would love to see her getting Anal-raped, while she wears her skin-tight jeans. (Through-Clothes-Fetish) and by any Pokemon you desire. Second: In the Manga she gets attacked by wild lickitungs (Those creatures: ) I would like seehing a picture of her beeing licked all over, with one tongue going inside her anus. I know, I know, im a huge Anal-Fan... But then again, who isnt? I would REEEEAAALLY would appreciated, if I see one, or both of them. ESPACIALLY from someone who is as talented as you. Anyways, thank you so much for reading this... And have a nice day. =)
the person who wants more
2012-11-02 19:37:48
I think some of us would like to see a longer animation. What you do already is fantastic but I, for one, would like to see a longer one.
2012-11-01 23:19:13
I like more ideas on Z vs. Lollo. I mean more shemale anal sex, like that but more longer.
2012-10-30 15:40:55
the idea is as follows: a guy who the player controls, is lost in a forest and meets Psycho Girl, he tries to get information and di way she is, she tries to kill him, the two fight and in the end the player must disarm it and win it and then you can rape her. Ridiculous idea, me and my imagination XD
The real motherfucker
2012-11-05 12:09:38
His idea is not so bad. Preferably first put to disarm it and then first person view, where you can defend her punches and punch it too until you win. And then do whatever you want with it. If I knew I would create games that game
2012-10-26 17:52:47
can you make another flash like onihole. it was AWESOOOOOOME ;3 it made me and three other friends gasm for more than a couple of days. but maybe have that bitch psycho girl
2012-10-26 17:47:01
I agree you sjould make something with slendermen you should make something with multiple scenarios, and have different fuckers, and fuckees. however that oni hole was a work of utter masterpiece. that was one of the best sex games ive seen in forever.
2012-10-22 08:44:16
Bro Just make Ellie Get buttsexed shes so hot n stuff lol ;3
2012-10-22 08:53:59
or maybe Ellie getting sexed by a horse or a black dude ;3
2012-10-21 13:43:51
i would like to see more tit lactating. by the way that oni hole made good jizz material for 3 weeks for me
2012-10-21 13:07:02
onihole + psycho girl (fucking troll)= satisfied anal consumer
hey alleyway
2012-10-21 13:02:40
could you make one were they are beaten into mind controlled nymphomanics. have furry cock in it, or a blackguys,or a tatted rapist, or a BUSSINESS MAN. the rape turns me on.
2012-10-21 12:56:14
i wanna see psycho girl get rapped! i wanta see the bitch sedated and dick slapped, just like the chic in onihole. could you make something that makes her my bitch. better yet make her lose a battle ( so she really feels the defeat and be the liittle bitch she is) and rape her with a werewolf, gorilla, master swordsman whatever. you can think of something
2012-10-21 12:46:53
the sounds in onihole were orgaaaassmic and the game itself was stimulating. i feel that you have the potential for stories. maybe in the next one you can have mini stories in your next flash
2012-10-21 12:41:51
you should make the next flash a dress up. that way i could fuck zu or psycho girl. I prefer them to be mindless nympho sex slaves
2012-10-15 18:56:09
plz make a flash where psycho girl is raped.
2012-10-15 13:01:02
I love your art, and since you are open to suggestions/requests I thought I'd ask. Would you draw me as a woman? I'd like her to have long hair, and be a bit chubby (I'm big but I don't want her to be as big). I'd only like her to wear a ribbon, tastefully tied around her. I dont know if that's enough detail, but I can give more. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
a fan
2012-10-14 21:56:22
Is there any chance you could make a gif version of the inflation parts of gooperbloober, onihole and zoo-philia? It gets tiresome to navigate to the best part and not have a rewind
Rock Candy80218018
2012-10-15 03:07:47
Not easily. If you want that, you should try recording the flash with some kind of screengrabbing program and then turn it into a gif.
2012-10-08 23:12:59
touhou in character name [onozuka komachi] Her adultFlash I want you to make. Feeler and Penis inserts in a mouth and Vagina and anal.
2012-10-08 12:55:46
could put in more off an orgasm atmosphere for whatever you have planned for next time. like a pulsating vagina, throbbing anus,or oozing pussy juice. your facial expressions are perfect, and so are your sound effects.
lil princess
2012-10-07 07:40:26
i also think that you should have a chance to were you could be boy or girl just a suggetion
lil princess
2012-10-07 07:36:37
i think you should have her able to try and run away (like rape)but hits her over the head and have 5 kidnappers
2012-10-05 23:14:12
do u take donations man would love to support u makin flashes
2012-10-05 02:27:58
Y noo baginaa, sire? I liked the style with Oni, but some different angles and sound reactions would have definitely made this grand (it is now anyways, though) It's all about the characters' responses... (I'll just stay in the corner and check out how long you will persist your creation of goooOood stuffffs) Cheers
2012-10-04 19:28:09
i would like to see something with zu ro zoo nex it prossible