Drawn by Guodzilla.

The fight continues on!
2012-04-15 15:28:31
Drawn by Guodzilla.

The fight continues on!
2012-04-15 15:27:28
While it was drawn by K@, it was I that colored it!
2012-04-08 12:18:03
Made by FlashmasterXD!
2012-04-01 16:29:01
Made by FlashMasterXD.
2012-04-01 16:27:48
Drawn by Guodzilla, for Zu's birthday!
2012-03-11 17:25:20
Part 10. Do I even have to say anything by this point?

Written by Guodzilla.

2012-03-05 01:58:10
Drawn by Guodzilla!
Well, I think the picture speaks for itself...
2012-02-26 16:47:56
Drawn by Guodzilla!
Sabergirls are trying on modern clothes...
2012-02-26 16:46:54
Usually, milk would be pumped out of the girl, though this is not case this time.

Drawn by Mugen!
2012-02-19 17:06:29
Za flashes her ass~!

Drawn by Mugen!
2012-02-19 17:05:13
A fan fiction written by SuperShark88, from the forums!
After 8 months of writing, he finally finished the intro!

2012-02-19 17:03:54
A picture drawn by FlashmasterXD!
2012-02-12 13:24:59
A picture drawn by FlashmasterXD!
2012-02-12 13:24:08
A picture drawn by FlashmasterXD!
2012-02-12 13:23:49
Full title: The Dungeon - A Different Breed of Wickedness

Damien gets a hold on Za...!
2012-02-12 13:23:09
A picture of Damien from the Fan Fiction "The Dungeon". Drawn by ... Well, Damien.
2012-02-12 13:20:48
Guodzilla drew this to make up for his last picture, where he accidently drew La too small.
2012-02-05 18:33:16
La and Ellie.

Drawn by Guodzilla!
2012-02-05 18:32:18
A little thingy Dokuro drew on his "back-up" PC.
2012-01-29 16:22:45