Rock Candy [Onihole]
Finally, after almost 9~10 or so months in developement hell, it's here!

Onihole, as it is called, is a pun in many ways. First, on "Onahole", then Oni's (butt)hole and it is also an Oni in a hole (cave).

Many thanks to Mittsies and Besped for taking their time to code this beast!
And thanks do DM DOKURO for making the music! (Download link is in the flash)

During the time I made this, I went through many phases, so something are kinda halfassed, while some are better made. In the end, I tried to not put so many things in, but there's lots of randomized things in it. SO have fun.

I can barely grasp that it is finished right now...
Who the hell is reading this anyway? Bleh, I'll just hit "Upload" now...
Rock Candy, Mittsies & Besped
2012-10-04 00:02:57
Comments (175)
2012-10-04 13:30:13
I found the other one :3 ... I think. SPOILER: I think I see it there on the gourd/bottle before you click it.
2012-10-04 13:13:24
Excellent. My penis is pleased. doesn't that make you happy, RC? *awkward silence* buuuut.... anyways. well done on this flash :D I see that you have made a huge improvement with this, even compared to your last flashes. keep up the good work!
2012-10-04 12:18:53
This is ridiculously good.
2012-10-04 11:43:21
HOLY FREAKING BALLS Yeah, some parts were mediocre, but I don't think any element ever dropped below 7/10 for me. I went into it half-expecting a troll, got half trolled, then figured it out. The inflation was spot-on and insanely awesome, and having the through-and-through was a nice touch. Her animations might have been a little bit stiff (Minus the belly: dat fapingly awesome overlapping action). But Rock, I have to say, I have been around the web a /lot/. I have probably seen every hentai and porn flash in existance. Zone's entire archive is on my computer. If you show me an obscure Japanese doujin hentai game, there is literally an 88% chance I've seen it. And in all that hentai experience, I have to tell you: Those are the /greatest/ animated tentacles and fluids I have ever seen. Bar-none. I graduated from a two-year long animation program, and you hit just about every subtlety and nuance that the masters teach. You're a freaking inspiration, man! I only wish I could collaborate with yah. Kudos to you! Well worth the wait. I imagine you want a break after working on it for so long, but man, keep that quality up. The more you do it, the faster you'll get. Then you'll have time to improve other parts to a similarly insanely awesome level. =D I look forward to your next one.
Rock Candy79207919
2012-10-04 10:56:51
It's hidden! You gotta look hard.
2012-10-04 10:55:56
i can see the "yo" on the house but where is the other one?
2012-10-04 03:29:43
I messed up once until i noticed it was Suika Hmhmhm.
Rock Candy79157891
2012-10-04 02:50:18
I really think a Cirno flash would have been easier to make, though.
Rock Candy79147901
2012-10-04 02:48:02
Mind explaining instead of just saying "this sucks, i like the others better"?
Rock Candy79137911
2012-10-04 02:42:48
I wanted to add an easter egg with Yuugi (Orgasm in Three Steps), but unfortunately I had to cut that. It would have added at least 5 months before it could have been deleted. I added in two Yo!'s instead.
2012-10-04 01:08:58
Any Easter eggs?
2012-10-04 01:08:43
Well I have to say it ended up much better than what I expected it to be. Great job with it RC. Same for Mittsies and Besped, I wouldn't had done it better.
2012-10-04 00:50:07
Meh. So far my favorite is still that one with Ellie getting titty-fucked, but this one comes in a close second. I don't think it was worth over half a year's wait, but it was definatly pretty cool.
2012-10-04 00:38:23
Totally worth the wait. Also the music is awesome.
2012-10-03 23:34:12
you stole the words right out of my mouth...
2012-10-03 23:10:23
well i loved it XD grate job dude
2012-10-03 21:41:34
What a huge baby. It's not like you paid for shit. I think it's pretty damn well made. What were your expectations? Did you want multiplayer and mod support? VOIP? Tentacle unlocks and oral sex killstreaks? Maybe if he makes asshole pregnancy DLC.
2012-10-03 21:39:44
who the hell are you kidding? if it's so bad, what makes RC's other flashes so much better? especially the ones you listed.
2012-10-03 21:37:34
:D it's finally out! and well worth the wait, might I add. the quality is amazing, the transition between modes was very well done and the SFX don't even have that white noise in the background. by far, your best work. on a side note, what kinds of things are randomized in this flash> I can't seem to find anything like that.
2012-10-03 21:34:30
This is the great Onihole we have been waiting for? You must be joking me. This is ok at best. I was expecting the best flash out of all your (adult) flashes and we get this? So far the best flash you made is Big Healthy Easter Eggs followed by Zucky-Sucky (1 and 2)and I would put this in fourth place. I hate to be the asshole who has to critisize this (considering I could not even match your worst flash)but I must say it and I know I am not the only one who thinks so. So go ahead people, spam the hatemail I dare you. Because at least I have the balls to speak my mind and I am not some ass-kissing suck up. I will leave with this quote: "It is the people who tell you that you screwed up that care about you. The people who remain silent have given up on you."