Horace's Hoarse Horse Whores Demo
We've spent a long time on this, huh? Making it work without flash has been quite the cumbersome process!
While getting it to work, we have been experimenting with and upgrading Sofi's part a lot. We hope that you'll have fun with her!

This project will get more updates as we make progress on it.
Feedback is welcome and important!

It seems that a lot of low-end computers have trouble playing the game, ranging from old GPUs or something to do with opengl. That sort of technical stuff is FallowWing's domain, so if you have problem, please report it on our discord server, if not in the comments.

We've updated the game, so that it should hopefully be more stable and playable for some that were not able to previously.
If problems still persist, do report.

The game has been updated; if it crashes there will now be a crash log shown on screen.
Please provide the crash log when reporting issues with crashing.
Rock Candy & FallowWing
2021-12-26 20:23:47
Comments (173)
2021-12-27 09:17:43
a bueno triste por mi :(, pero no comprendo como esto no me corre, mi tostadora mueve Dragon Ball Figthers Z. bueno de todas manera muchas gracias. por tu gran trabajo se que hacer animaciones no es nada facil y requiere mucho trabajo. Feliz Navidad
Rock Candy2302023019
2021-12-27 09:03:19
This means your CPU/GPU is too old to run the game.
2021-12-27 08:54:48
¡¡¡AYUDA!!! NO SE VE ME DA ESTE ERROR EN LA VERSIÓN DE DESCARGA. SDL_GL_CreateContext failed: Could not create GL context: La operaciAn se completA correctamente. File C:\Dropbox\MultiGame\miltiGame\builSystem\..\src/platform.cpp line 289 Panic template: Can´t continue
Rock Candy2301723016
2021-12-27 08:19:38
Adding reskins to the dicks aren't a problem, but another dick type would require re-animating a whole lot.
2021-12-27 08:16:33
Really love the game so far. Not sure if this would be hard to implement but could we get an option to reskin the dick to choose the color of the dick or reskin it to different characters/animals? Like for instance Sixten for Zu or Beleth for Sofi? I don't really care about unique dialogue as much as just would help for variety. Amazing job either way.
2021-12-27 07:46:02
Exception thrown, see JavaScript console: 'WebAssembly' is undefined ??
2021-12-27 07:45:22
Exception thrown, see JavaScript console: 'WebAssembly' is undefined
2021-12-27 07:09:41
there are 3 stages (I don't know if I even reached the 3 stages) To be simpler on how to know if she broke after 500 internal creampies she is reluctant (before giving 500) reaching 1000 creampies she starts not wanting to get pregnant from 1000 upwards it already breaks doing ahegaos and saying it's a good horse (I got to 3000 creampie if the colleague above can tell you if it's more or less then I would be grateful if I won't try again)
2021-12-27 06:19:19
I downloaded it but something is not loading right. All I get is a white screen after the intro screen.
2021-12-27 05:09:04
didn't run on my potato computer. I think this is the problem. But anyway, my PC can run Crysis, but cannot handle this? Pathetic aaand sad...
2021-12-27 05:07:57
There are three stages. There's the initial not liking it stage, the stage you're talking about where she sounds defeated and resigned and then the last stage where she can beg to get knocked up. I've noticed that even in the third stage she still sounds numb about anal though. As for how I got there I just left it going on deep and fast in vaginal for a while and after enough orgasms she got to the third stage.
2021-12-27 04:44:28
This was amazing. Well worth the wait! And Zoo's voice acting -really- sold her part, too.
2021-12-27 04:42:30
Narlicious, are you sure? I broke her, but she just ended up sounding super bored and defeated. If there's a way to make her LOVE it, I want to hear it!
2021-12-27 02:56:51
Absolutely love it. Love that she can get broken into loving it in her pussy too. Anyone know if there are any secrets? I can't seem to find any
Disappointing fan
2021-12-27 01:18:02
This is a demo because the game is not complete, not because there is a full version on you Patreo, right? ¯\O_°/¯
No One in Particular
2021-12-27 00:06:01
2021-12-26 23:02:09
x ray addition ? or add a horse fucking her mouth? or both preferably <3
2021-12-26 22:47:33
Umm... So like, a couple new clothing options and face expressions..? Also the voice acting I guess (which is kinda meh honestly). But what of it? It's still pretty much the same. I'd say the best thing here was moving out of flash so it runs much more stable and with higher fps lol. Guess I was expecting too much
2021-12-26 21:25:48
Any way to play this on iPhone?
2021-12-26 20:45:16
Game will load and show start screen but i cant select anything is there a fix for this