Rock Candy [Onihole]
Finally, after almost 9~10 or so months in developement hell, it's here!

Onihole, as it is called, is a pun in many ways. First, on "Onahole", then Oni's (butt)hole and it is also an Oni in a hole (cave).

Many thanks to Mittsies and Besped for taking their time to code this beast!
And thanks do DM DOKURO for making the music! (Download link is in the flash)

During the time I made this, I went through many phases, so something are kinda halfassed, while some are better made. In the end, I tried to not put so many things in, but there's lots of randomized things in it. SO have fun.

I can barely grasp that it is finished right now...
Who the hell is reading this anyway? Bleh, I'll just hit "Upload" now...
Rock Candy, Mittsies & Besped
2012-10-04 00:02:57
Comments (175)
2012-10-08 07:31:19
Didn't live up to it's hype :/
2012-10-07 18:06:37
Strawberry cum inflation ftw. My only complaint is the lack of tits. Looking forward to your next flash cap'n. Thanks Besped, Mittsies and RC~
2012-10-07 16:50:16
Just ignore what people say RC. It takes time, patience and skill to do flash animation. You certinly have skill. Well done. Great tentacle movement and good music. Well done all round. 9.5/10
Can't let this slide
2012-10-07 14:58:52
Rock Candy you're amazing. Don't let haters bring you down. While the flash may not be perfect it is pretty damn good and as for content you know there are plenty of us who like your style. In answer to this post, in my mind criticism requires tact to be effective. I see a lot of judgment from LET DOWN on what is "sexy" but really it is for each individual to determine that and there are much better ways to say what you don't like about something than straight up bashing it and calling it disgusting. If you don't like free, amazing flashes then there are plenty of other places you can get your jollies off but don't just tell the creator what you hate because of personal preferences. I realize you originally only said a short comment and the internet is a place if nothing else to give your opinions but I hope that in the future you consider what you say before saying it, whether it be eloquently or not, and also how this effects us getting more amazing flashes. Sorry for the rant but this is how "I" feel ;). Great job again Rockcandy, can't wait for the next one!
The Lulzor
2012-10-07 01:46:45
Rock Candy? + Vagina? Why don't you just divide by zero if you want to cause that much chaos.
2012-10-06 23:52:33
2012-10-06 23:06:49
Very cool... but Why you ignore vagina? 50% people disappointed with the lack of penetration into the vagina. So sorry. =(
2012-10-06 13:22:05
Click the bottle first.
2012-10-06 10:43:02
A great flash ,but you exchange way to much quantity for quality. Still, worth the 9 month break.
Newb... :(
2012-10-06 09:12:36
It seems that if you are on a tablet when you hit "penetrate" the light circle begins to spin but you can't do anything no matter what you do, help?
2012-10-05 17:44:48
Fuck yes I love this flash! More extremely erotic flashes please? ;)
2012-10-05 15:42:48
Very nicely done. On par with zones tentacle flash IMO. Kind of a shame though. He doesn't do belly inflation, and you don't do vaginal. Need both lol. I think it would have been a funny alternate path after the all the way through if it wraped around into the pussy. Then it would have technically been anal, and vaginal at the same time. I would say this is my second favorite I only like the Zoophilia one better. The color customizations were a neat addition I hope comes back. But I agree with others the quality of the animation is getting better good job.
2012-10-05 00:45:09
Long, tedious, head-ache and hand-cramp inducing... yet ultimately a thoroughly wonderful experience. To be specific, I had four traditional animation classes and a single flash animation course over roughly three semsters. It was especially fun considering that I could barely draw stick figures going into the program. One thing is for sure; I learned to appreciate just how much effort goes into animating. The one for flash gave me far less headaches, but damn. Comps are a tedium all of their own. Probably the only thing stopping me from making flashes is how long it takes to draw in all of the base work. You'd think inbetweening is boring by comparison, but I actually prefer it. At any rate, I definitely recommend taking a basic traditional animation class or two. Or at the very least, try to get your hands on a copy of The Animator's Survival Kit by Richard Williams. Your animations will have a massive quality jump - and considering you're already high-tier, the result would be insanely awesome.
a huge fan
2012-10-04 19:30:03
Oh shit, forgot to change mah name, still the same faggot, but relly liked the flash and forgot to honour the musician & voice dudes/dudettes!
a huge fan
2012-10-04 19:28:48
Wonderful! Really fluid tentacloid movement and awesome love-juice flow patterns! I just need to ask where in the unholyhell did you get those sexy sexy voice clips and moans? I thought I spotted some Nurse Witch Komugi Chan and maybe some touhou fan-animatinon clips but the rest was allout whiteout with me, so no real recognition in my part. All my thanks to You, the Musician and to the rest of your crew! Wank well, wank long & wank good!
Whiterun Guard
2012-10-04 18:27:57
A fine animation this is. Let me take back what I said. A DAMN fine animation this is. You have done the entire world a favor. I would shed tears of joy but that damnable dragon damaged by tearducts with its horrible breath. The citizens of Whiterun salute you.
a huge fan
2012-10-04 17:09:58
I've been waiting for this ever since you promised to make something quick for the "insert-sacrificial-son-here"mas. Every sunday I'd strain your bandwith with my connection and hoped for the best. After the first few months I stopped being disappointed when it still wasn't finished but still came back every sunday. Now after ~10 months I can finally say that it was well worth the wait and the music was awesome! After the firs go throuhg I actually left the music playing for some hours. So Thank You & DM DOKUEO and keep up the good work!
Rock Candy79297921
2012-10-04 15:42:44
Thank you, I'm glad you think so. I've never had an animation class, how was that like?
Rock Candy79287927
2012-10-04 15:40:48
Well, not really. It just didn't pander to your interest, that doesn't necessarily make the animation bad. If you re-watch the older animations, you can tell they are also a bit stiff-looking. I also warned about it might not be as awesome as people were hoping for. But it could be better, yes.
2012-10-04 15:21:36
Specifically, the animations seemed "stiff" compared to your previous works and I did not care mutch for Oni(but I mean it IS Onihole and I understand that)but Zu and Ellis are probably the best characters to put in a flash. This is also probably just me but I am not a fan of most tentacle porn. I mean seriously? Yay you created one of like three hundred thousand tentacle flashes, they are so abundant and overdone. What is with the whole stomach expansion thing, that is not sexy, it is disgusting. To be fair, their are aspects of the game that I liked more than the same aspects in the earlier list of games. I think the character looked believable in a sense that it was not super "cartoony" I thought the colors and shading were very well done except for the ejaculate, that should have been white, pink is like frosting on a cake and that is NOT something you wanna think about when watching adult animations. I Loved the different options but was dissapointed to see only like 3 of them. Only one ejaculation seen was a real letdown. Over all, I think what ruined it for me was all the talk of how "awesome it will be when finished." All that talk with the like one year of waiting, I guess I was expecting more than what was delivered. Now when I said it sucks, It sucks when compared to your other games, by itself I would give it like 7.2/10. I should also add in that I usually do not give complements on any games below an 8/10 because if I dont think it worth my time. I will restate it in different terms 1/10-6/10 = Terrible 7/10 = meh its kinda a let down 8/10 = good job 9/10 = awesome 10/10 *to busy fapping to write a reveiw* XD So I find Zucky Sucky and Big Healthy Easter Eggs to be at 8.3/10 and 8.5/10 respectively and expected onihole to be like 8.7/10-9.1/10. Is that explination satisfactory?