Horace's Hoarse Horse Whores Demo
We've spent a long time on this, huh? Making it work without flash has been quite the cumbersome process!
While getting it to work, we have been experimenting with and upgrading Sofi's part a lot. We hope that you'll have fun with her!

This project will get more updates as we make progress on it.
Feedback is welcome and important!

It seems that a lot of low-end computers have trouble playing the game, ranging from old GPUs or something to do with opengl. That sort of technical stuff is FallowWing's domain, so if you have problem, please report it on our discord server, if not in the comments.

We've updated the game, so that it should hopefully be more stable and playable for some that were not able to previously.
If problems still persist, do report.

The game has been updated; if it crashes there will now be a crash log shown on screen.
Please provide the crash log when reporting issues with crashing.
Rock Candy & FallowWing
2021-12-26 20:23:47
Comments (173)
2022-01-03 03:37:25
Hmm. Managed to get Zoo to start enjoying herself after about 45-ish of her orgasms (12 on my end, divided evenly; and only 3 impregnation popups).
2022-01-02 23:41:35
Yo! I love the new demo! The voice acting and syncing is superb, as well as the animations as a whole. I did run into a strange little hiccup though. After creaming Sofi in her front butt (many times in a row) and then switching to her butt, eventually her vag would be reset to how it was before she ever got the Horse D, and her vag begins to vibrate. It's a minor bug, and so far the only one I've noticed. I'm not sure what triggers it, and it happens with any clothing/accessories. Anyways, still loving it, and thank you for all of the hard work you've put into this project! It's turning out beautiful!
2022-01-02 18:02:35
Спасибо за анимации комрад, но очень низкий framerate в гугл. Продолжай дальше!
2022-01-02 12:53:12
the fact it says (Assertion failed: 0, at: C:/Dropbox/MultiGame/multiGame/buildSystem/../src/platform.cpp,820,platformPanic). leads me to believe it's looking for a resource on the clients local C:/ drive and not finding it, instead of searching the file server for the resource file.
2022-01-02 12:43:09
So i used inspect element and hit reload frame and apparently the game uses Web assembly. According to this [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/WebAssembly] Web assembly is only "fully" compatible with chrome version 69+, edge version 79+, and firefox version 62+. safari is mostly compatible on version 13.1+ but doesn't support "shared flag". I still don't know what is causing the game not to work as i have chrome version 90 installed.
2022-01-02 12:22:43
that's because it's a software requirement. It has nothing to do with the hardware or the browser, i even tested Opera GX which is designed for games and got the same result. It has to be some software requirement we're not aware of. Given the error message i'd guess something to do with Java Runtime Environment or Java. There's several editions of Java and JRE so there's no telling which one it requires. It could also be a WebGL issue but i'm just guessing.
2022-01-02 05:18:32
Please fix the platform panic error fellow we want to enjoy your game
2022-01-01 21:45:39
Exception thrown, see JavaScript console: Uncaught RuntimeError: abort(Assertion failed: 0, at: C:/Dropbox/MultiGame/multiGame/buildSystem/../src/platform.cpp,820,platformPanic). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info.
2021-12-31 20:21:50
Trying to play on my phone and using a mouse since I thought the website doesn't allow touchscreen compatibility but I guess it's unplayable with Android
2021-12-31 14:51:27
My machine is highend and it says the same thing, might be something to do with the browser or extensions.
2021-12-31 14:17:54
Seems like it's tied to either her cumming, or a mixture of her cumming and getting impregnated. Got her to stage with 135 impregnations by letting the horse cum with her on every 2nd orgasm she has. Horse came around 23 times
2021-12-31 10:35:02
Game won't play says on loading screen or says Exception thrown, see JavaScript console: Uncaught RuntimeError: abort(Assertion failed: 0, at: C:/Dropbox/MultiGame/multiGame/buildSystem/../src/platform.cpp,820,platformPanic). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info.
2021-12-31 08:59:55
The game won't work on my computer. But I guess it's because my machine's very old. Just in case, here's the only thing appearing on my screen: "Exception thrown, see JavaScript console: RuntimeError: abort(Assertion failed: 0, at: C:/Dropbox/MultiGame/multiGame/buildSystem/../src/platform.cpp,820,platformPanic). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info."
Louis Cipher
2021-12-30 20:05:42
I cant play the game
2021-12-30 10:39:50
i love it!! just wish she said more then "my asssss" while shes getting fucckded! have her say a couple more things like "i can feel it in my tummy" or "i cant breath!" just some thoughts hahah. still though this is hot af good job
2021-12-30 10:28:46
i think for zara you should add more voice actting. it would be hot if she talked about what horse cum tasted like after pucking it out! same with zoo i wana see the horse cum and want her comments on that savory goodness.
Rock Candy2306623057
2021-12-30 08:33:57
That "random chance of hole closing up" is when Sofi orgasms. Glad for the feedback in general though, it helps.
2021-12-29 20:06:42
The only thing i can think of is that it requires a certain version of JRE or something.
2021-12-29 18:12:37
I tried running this on multiple devices across different browsers and each time I get "Exception thrown, see JavaScript console: Uncaught RuntimeError: abort(Assertion failed: 0, at: C:/Dropbox/MultiGame/multiGame/buildSystem/../src/platform.cpp,820,platformPanic). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info." I even ran this on an xbox one using the updated browser that can run HTML5 and Google Stadia and Amazon Luna cloud games and got the same error. The xbox is x86_64 architecture, and my laptop can run games that don't use vulkan, and so can my desktop computer which has it's own nvidia graphics card. so this isn't a hardware/graphics issue.
2021-12-29 11:24:39
Hold up, you guys can play the downloaded game?!?! All I get is the RockCnady intro and then it's all a white screen with two Newgrounds links (a black icon)