Game has been updated on September 9th, 2024, featuring mainly babies!
As always, it's difficult to remember all of the things we've added over time. Here are some things that I do remember though!
Report any bugs in the comments. Be specific! Always provide OS and specs.
Game has been updated on December 28th, featuring lots of new things!
We've been working on this for quite some time, and I can barely remember what's been changed and added... Let me make an attempt.
We plan on remaking Zara's part from scratch next. Well, next-next, because the next update we will aim to do is to get the breeding part of the game to work; you'll be able to create babies which will vary in appearence depending on different factors.
Post feedback and report bugs! Be thorough; we cannot fix bugs if we don't have all the details! This includes things like your OS, specs and whatnot if you're unable to play or load.
The Zu & Jo part is finally here! We've been working really hard on making this part as fun as possible.
It's not completely finished yet, so give us your feedback and we can improve it in a future update!
We've updated the game to get rid of some of the bugs, including the Quit button crashing the game, Jo being unable to pee and a few other things. Let us know if the game runs better, or at all, if you had problems before. Here's a quick changelog:
Game has been updated on September 9th, 2024, featuring mainly babies!
As always, it's difficult to remember all of the things we've added over time. Here are some things that I do remember though!
- Improved saving system, allowing you to save more things, more often.
- New menues and improved UI.
- You can make babies, name them, save them, inspect them and print out images of them.
- Achievements list is now available from inside the scenes.
- Lots of bugfixes and tweaks.
- Updated SFX. However, they are still a WIP.
Zu & Johanna's Zoological Zone:
- You can now spank the sisters. Both on the ass and the belly.
- You can now douse the girls in cum via the cum bucket. However, you have to work for it.
- Some new voice lines.
- Some new stickers.
- Increased the size of Sofi's mouth, making her face look more appealing and proportional.
- Gave Sofi new facial expressions.
- Some new voice lines.
Zara's Zany Zoolatry remains unchanged.
Report any bugs in the comments. Be specific! Always provide OS and specs.
Game has been updated on December 28th, featuring lots of new things!
We've been working on this for quite some time, and I can barely remember what's been changed and added... Let me make an attempt.
Zu & Johanna's Zoological Zone:
- Butt Plug and Vag Tape options
- Tweaked numbers to make orgasms less frequent
- New voice clips for both Zu & Jo
- New bonus features and toggleables
- More stickers
- Few more cosmetic options
- More dick skins
- Instant breaks to skip to the girls enjoying themselves (But you have to figure out how!)
- Completely re-recorded most of Sofi's voice lines, and added more lines for variety
- More cosmetic options
- Dick skins now matches the ones from Zu&Jo, you can choose which one to use
- Added some extra secrets
- Improved Achievement system that will guide players to explore and understand all options
- Achievement list in the Options menu, which will give hints on how to unlock them
- Subtitles for the girls (May add for the dick lines in the future)
- Save feature, which will save things like stats and cosmetics
- Lots of background optimizations
Zara's Zany Zoolatry is unchanged.
We plan on remaking Zara's part from scratch next. Well, next-next, because the next update we will aim to do is to get the breeding part of the game to work; you'll be able to create babies which will vary in appearence depending on different factors.
Post feedback and report bugs! Be thorough; we cannot fix bugs if we don't have all the details! This includes things like your OS, specs and whatnot if you're unable to play or load.
The Zu & Jo part is finally here! We've been working really hard on making this part as fun as possible.
It's not completely finished yet, so give us your feedback and we can improve it in a future update!
We've updated the game to get rid of some of the bugs, including the Quit button crashing the game, Jo being unable to pee and a few other things. Let us know if the game runs better, or at all, if you had problems before. Here's a quick changelog:
- Fixed the Quit button crashing the game.
- Fixed the issue where some players would only see the top 25% of the screen.
- Implemented new "Toggles" menu, where you can disable a lot of the effects, like dirt, flies and belly inflation.
- Lowered the volume of Fly SFX.
- Fixed a voiceline for Jo that was in the wrong category.
- Fixed Jo being unable to piss.
- Fixed some achievements not working.
- Fixed being unable to empty out unless at max capacity.
- Adjusted Sweat variables - it will now show up faster.
- Adjusted Love variables - Jo is now much more into Dog dick.
Rock Candy & FallowWing
2022-10-21 23:45:18
Comments (400)
2023-03-28 11:39:49
I figured one way you could prototype it is reusing some assets from Little Dick Riding's blowjob animations. Something similar to that where theyre looking straight up or at an angle upwards to not conflict with the rest of the animations.
2023-03-19 15:15:37
would you be able to change the girls moods with different stickers? like having the qos make the girs react badly to white dick and vise versa for the qoh one?
Rock Candy2518825184
2023-03-19 04:42:48
Sounds like it might be a compability or some sort of underpowered computer component issue.
A new version of RC.se is being worked on, but it's gonna be a while yet before that's done.
For now, either link to an imgur or post in the discord server.
2023-03-18 23:29:13
Look i tried to play it but it keep saying "Download Data"
2023-03-18 20:43:59
There's blank spaces in the redhaired girl's thighs and butt while playing in Zoophobia, also the buttons for the dicks in the Zu and Johanna's part are missing (not sure if that's how it's supposed to be though).
Is there a way we can choose only one girl showing btw, either Zu or Johanna?
Also if there was a way to attach a pic in a comment I think it'd be easier for us to show you guys some guys in a more practical way, kuddos.
Rock Candy2517325170
2023-03-15 02:36:07
Not sure about the mobile download, we're not really aiming for mobile.
What do you mean different dialog options?
Rock Candy2517225168
2023-03-15 02:35:04
What are you playing on?
2023-03-15 02:07:39
Will there be a mobile version we can download, and cawill we be able to have different dialogue options for zu? I find it funny how you make her say peepee, lol.
2023-03-14 21:33:04
I can't seem to launch the downloaded version and the browser version lags alot.
Rock Candy2515825157
2023-03-12 15:44:56
Can you provide a screenshot or something of this?
2023-03-12 14:00:04
like how many times they've been fucked and all those things. its like i was keeping the previous ones visible. they r fine when u actually put them on the girls though, its only in the selection menu that it's happening
2023-03-12 13:57:02
i downloaded the game to play and started noticing an issue with the things u can apply to zu and jo, they were overlapping each other
2023-03-08 01:11:49
screen is still bugged for me, still only able to see the corner
2023-03-07 13:31:23
yeah I have that issue too, only works if I click "Open Movie In New Tab"
2023-03-05 23:54:14
still am only seeing the top left corner / 25% thing, exited to play when it works though!
Rock Candy2511025108
2023-03-04 11:24:13
I don't even know how that would be feasible, at least in this project.
2023-03-03 17:45:18
Great game! Lots of neat details. I know youre working on more additions and any request is additional workload, so I ask with sincerity if you find it hot enough, could you add french kissing? Like really explicit tongue action while youre fucking their brains out. Anything extra involving mouth would be awesome. Cheers
2023-02-27 20:25:33
The game doesn't seems to start on mobile what is the best browser to use it
And Will there be a mobile version?
2023-02-26 13:25:29
what are the secrets?
2023-02-24 01:56:51
Yeah, still getting that issue where I can only see the top 25% of the screen or whatever. In order to actually play this I have to open it in a new tab.