Here's an updated version of Zucky Sucky, where you can choose skincolor of the guy.
Many people complained about the "nigger", as which you apparently can't say withouh enraging americaland based upon the replies in A Blonde in the Dark. Sigh.
Thanks to Mittsies for editing it.
Many people complained about the "nigger", as which you apparently can't say withouh enraging americaland based upon the replies in A Blonde in the Dark. Sigh.
Thanks to Mittsies for editing it.
Rock Candy & Mittsies
2012-04-08 21:07:43
Comments (87)
2022-06-12 01:53:16
>pretends to care about racism
>straight-up advocates for nazi policies
I mean... at least you tried.
2020-04-24 14:59:42
it doesn't even say that. Not even in the race selection ._.
2020-02-18 22:11:14
but youre using retard hmmm
2019-04-22 19:04:02
He's still using the term for a black person, you actual retard. And the nigger race slur is different from the other definition. It's adapted from "Negro", because Spaniards also dealt in slaves, called the black ones negro, then some weird shit happened, and then everyone started calling blacks niggers. You've got to be an actual aspie to think that it was anything but a race based slur. Just accept that he's a retard for using the term, knowing people would complain. It's his site, so honestly, I don't care if he uses slurs like that, but to actually try to say that it isn't what it is is genuinely retarded.
2018-02-24 11:38:24
you are a fucking racist
2017-05-09 18:07:46
2017-05-04 19:51:24
lol you fucking idiot, the only reason that "nigger" is connotative of a black person is because our history made it that way, it's not a race specific slur, ya nigger
Rock Candy1559815597
2017-01-01 11:19:58
Here's real buttpain, everybody. Bask in its glory.
2017-01-01 10:47:19
Djävlar vad du är mentalt tappad lilla rassen.
In Sweden "Nigger" and "Negro" are incredibly racist words. So his "its not wrong in Sweden" defense is pathetically wrong. That assburger is just a retarded racist like all aspies are.
God, I wish we had kept castrating them like we did three generations back. Then we could have eliminated the tards from the genepool already.
2016-12-18 20:20:14
10 loads, damn.
2016-10-11 19:44:14
2016-10-11 19:43:49
If one is alright with it being stated, then it that same individual should be okay when another says it. I honestly dislike the whole 'You are white, you have no right to say that!' I find that extremely stupid, and it promotes a double standard, and no black , white, or whatever race you are should be offended for the single usage of "Nigger" especially when it was used in a joking demeanor. I can't be the one to tell you that you need to respect the fact that people can make jokes, though I can offer some amount of clarity. The 'N' word is either offensive to everyone, or offensive to no one; The history of it has died down, and it is grossly apparent that a vast majority of people have lost offense towards the word; otherwise it'd be as non-existent as custard in a fast food place.
2016-10-05 12:55:14
Alex Is A Stupid Nigger
2016-07-14 01:41:23
I'm not sure if this is your autism talking, but you need to use common sense. If the word "nigger" isn't offensive in your culture, then I could see why you would put it in. But you have no right to complain when people point out that what you did was offensive. IDK why you couldn't have just apologized and stated that it was an accident. For instance, say, for some strange reason, the term "hjon"(which according to google is swedish for retard) became a normal phrase to use in america. Say it just meant that someone was silly, and didn't carry the harsh connotations I assume it caries in your language. I imagine if someone called you that you would be pretty upset, and that you would expect them to apologize and admit their mistake. I doubt you would expect them to basically claim that you have no reason to find it offensive, because it isn't offensive in their language. Yes, there are cultural differences, but common sense is universal, which leads me to believe that this is either a byproduct of your autism, or you just being a kukjuvud(I hope I used that correctly). Though this all went down years ago, so hopefully you've matured, and your view of the world has broadened. Honestly, this is the kind of behavior you would materialistically expect from an american.
2016-07-14 01:25:18
So is calling people "nigger" is acceptable in Sweden, or is it your autism that made you think that would be acceptable in any way shape or form?
2015-08-25 16:39:56
Lawl all these shills defending a racist word saying "dont worry about it." Way to be sheltered.
2014-06-22 15:51:57
Nigger has no color? That argument makes no sense since when you click "nigger" a black person shows up. Why would you even try to use this argument? If you're black and you want to see a black person in the flash you have to acknowledge "nigger". Not to mention the total contrast between a term like Caucasian and a term like "nigger". How can you call the white option Caucasian and then use an insensitive slang term to represent the black people. It was stupid to think no one would complain.
2014-05-15 18:41:46
Also, let me clear this up. People don't understans where the word comes from. It doesn't come from a slang term for people from the country of nigeria, or from the watd niggardly, but from the Spanish word for black, 'Negro'. It startes in the south because when they heard the word spanish, and with their accents, it morphed into 'Nigger'. It's the same reason they say 'Injun' instead of 'Indian'. There are many other examples of this.
2014-05-15 18:32:52
In the words of the writers of the boondocks/MLK jr.
1. [...]Niggers are living contradictions
2. Niggers are full of unfulfilled ambitions
3. Niggers wax and wane
4. Niggers love to complain
5. Niggers love to hear themselves talk but hate to explain
6. Niggers love to be another mans judge and jury
7. Niggers procrastinate until it's time to worry
8. Niggers love to be late
9. Niggers hate to hurry[...]
2014-03-24 04:15:28
Nigger has no color. A nigger is someone who can't do shit for themselves and can only make excuses for the things they do. Prime example of ignorance. Who ever first commented about this is the dumbass that got his education in America. One of the lowest in the world. Now if your gonna keep complaining about someone you know nothing about putting nigger in his fun then you're selfishly trying to be the spoiled little nigger you are. Expecting things to be given to you because of 100 years ago