Sundays are boring.
So, uhm. Yo!
I have finished all the sprites I have to do for Project X, or at least I think so...

I have been told that the next demo will be released around the end of this month, so you'll have that to look forward to.
Here's the trailer, once again:

(Yes, I just learnt how to do that...)

Hmm... What else... Oh! Right, fanart!

First two thingies made by FlashmasterXD:
A response to Guodzilla's picture: Oops!
And some random comic.!

I also got a new fanart from Guodzilla!
Zoo gets her revenge on DJ (and Callie)!

Five, writer of "What Some People Do For Love" decided to re-write his story, so here's the first part in the new story: Download!

I hope you enjoy all that! I shall go play some Brawl before starting up a new project...
2011-10-16 13:12:59
Rock Candy
Comments (7)
2011-11-17 18:08:25
>2011 >Tell all that PX will be updated at the end of the month >Halfway through next month and still no update >ISHYGDDT
2011-11-03 18:20:55
You love anal right? Zu gets vaginal sex in PX. Does that bother you?
2011-10-20 10:22:44
The game is so awesome and the soundtrack of the trailer is addicting jeje
Innvader ZIM
2011-10-18 04:16:18
Cool hope its fun for you to make :D
2011-10-17 10:59:03
An update in the next 2 weeks? EPIC. Keep up the good work. I am now officially checking your site about once a day.
Rock Candy48764875
2011-10-17 08:44:48
A small team.
Innvader ZIM
2011-10-17 08:02:36
Is Project Za going to be made by just you or are you going to work with a team like Project X? ^-^