Sorry for the downtime and the late update... There was some trouble with the server and shits.

Today, I have a few things to share.

First up is a picture I've drawn in MS Paint.
It's most of the Touhou characters in the Windows series!
That's all I have finished this week...

So that means, it's time for new fan stuff!
We have here a short story written by The Storyteller!
It's very very short!

I also got a very very short fan flash from FlashmasterXD!

I'm a bit distracted at the moment, so I cannot write much now.
See ya next week!
2011-09-25 17:44:11
Rock Candy
Comments (1)
2011-09-28 00:20:52
Don't get distracted! You have a gift, the gift of making awesome adult flash games. Good luck.