I'm a slow fucking writer
I still have not finished any of the character bios.
Due to me being extremely sucky at writing, I keep ADD'ing out, but at least it keeps from just writing shit down without thinking about it first.
I think I'm about halfway through Zu's backstory...

Anyway, I have not been drawing or anything lately, but I did find these old comics I drew when I was really young. If anyone is interested, I could try to translate them and put some of 'em up here.

There's new fan content, luckily:
Part 7 of Ellie and Zu Get Lost, by Guodzilla!
Short comic made by FlashmasterXD!
Teaser for a new fan fiction by DM DOKURO!

I hope I'll get stuff done by next weekend...
2011-09-11 12:08:50
Rock Candy
Comments (6)
2011-09-14 20:15:34
i love the back story to Zu its said but shows how her mother and father really messede her up in life if it were real i would hope they got what was coming to them.
Rock Candy46514650
2011-09-12 17:21:14
Because I feel like they're vague. I'm trying to make real sense of them now. And also because they're in need of being updated.
Prof. Walrus
2011-09-12 16:51:01
Why keep updating the character bio's? They're good the way they are right, it's not like their backstory is suddenly going to change or something...
Rock Candy46474646
2011-09-12 10:06:08
Non translated what?
2011-09-12 09:58:28
can you put the non-translated out to, for us that speak Norwegin, Swedish or Danis
2011-09-12 04:34:14
No porn? BLASPHEME! "spits"