Time for another update!
I've got a lot of different reactions to the Titty Punchan! flash, but that I expected. If you liked it, you liked it, if you didn't, you didn't.

So, here we are once again. Mostly fanstuff this week.

I've drawn one picture since last time, and scanned an old sketch from my sketchbook.

Zu, with a waterhose.

And, because the Crosstail pictures was such a success, I actually drew another one, but put a lot more effort into it:
Something Different #3.
So what we got her is Crosstail (In the middle), being raped by DM DOKURO's various evil characters.

From left to right:
Pomsy (Sorceress), she doesn't have a penis usually, but she decided to use one now!
Ramses (Undead zombie/mummy), Can manipulate any bandages. He's making Crosstail give him a handjob, but you cannot see it very well.
Therapy (Shadowdemon), is... tentacling both Crosstail & Pomsy, while teasing/torturing Crosstail's clockwork.
Feedback: Just a mean guy, nothing special here.
Gasha: Evil clone thingy of Crosstail's dad.

Took a while to draw it. I think it came out pretty well, seeing as I put 6 characters in one group. That's a new record!


Now, fan stuff!
Two drawings by Chestnut Ninja:
Za VS. Tentacles! & Lollo in Luigi's Mansion!
And not soon after, I got another similiar picture! (Luigi's Mansion-mind?)
He also drew this, a picture of DJ and Callie, from EAZGL, and wants you all to take a look at it!

Mhm, mhm...
I got a fan flash this week as well! That's not something you see too often!


That was it for this week. Project Za is being worked on. Mittsies is still working on controls and such, while I... Well, I can't really do much until he's finished with that, so I'm working on various sideprojects and whatnot. Yeah.
2011-08-20 16:57:11
Rock Candy
Comments (1)
Nemo Sunshine
2011-08-27 12:59:21
well, i didnt dislike it....but...there was no tentacle rape :o