Eeeeearly update, for a reason!
Yo yo, everyone, I'm making this update early this week, because I'll be unable to later.
Again, I'll be going away to a "playdate", as we call it, and wont be back until sunday. But, a friend from far away comes to visit me the whole next week, so I won't be able to work at anything at all that time. Just so you know.

For what I have made since last update, is not a lot, but still... Progress!

Me and Mittsies made a very early beta to test out game mechanics and such... And it works pretty good!

You can jump and duck... And that's pretty much it, for now.

It's very early in developement, so don't go think you'll be getting to see or play anything soon. It's very fun to work with though! Making stages are fun, but it takes a lot of time to plan out and draw everything... Can't wait to start making enemies and such~!

...Oh ya, and Tittyupunchan is very close to being finished, but since I started on this, it got put to the side. Dunno when I get motivated enough to finish it...
I need some music too, but DM DOKURO went buttmad, so I dunno if I'll hear from him again. Sad, really.

Anyway, see ya later! :3
2011-07-28 13:22:43
Rock Candy
Comments (8)
2011-09-15 06:01:02
2011-08-27 11:25:38
2011-08-04 01:16:20
These relatively unfulfilling updates are tortuous, although those screen shots are enticing it is unfortunate that your flash work takes forever. I suppose I'll be back in a month or so, something might be out.
Barry White
2011-08-03 11:15:07
Is this gonna be a Castlevania-like game? Looks fun!
2011-07-29 16:20:41
Gör bara tittypunchan färdig så vi slipper vänta! det börjar bli frustrerande!
2011-07-29 15:49:47
Well, one can only take so much Philip before they get sick of him.
2011-07-29 03:00:42
Looks pretty good!
2011-07-28 16:30:15
Did someone get epic buttjelly trolled?