I don't have a lot to update with this week. I waited for EAZGL Part 5 to get fixed before I wanted to update, meh.

Last week I was with Raz, as I said, so I didn't get much work done. I also bought Zelda: the Wind Waker + Zelda: Ocarina of Time, so I have been playing that most of the time since last tuesday.
(Ocarina of Time sure is cryptic.... And a bit difficult, which is nice.)

I finished the sprites I had to do though:

When the next version of Project X is released, you'll see that I edited or changed a lot of Zu's rapes to anal! Which should please the majority of people who come visit here. (I have no idea when that is though.)

I've also started to work a bit on Project ZA, drawing new Za-sprites. I wasn't too happy with the old one. (Here's what it looks like, if you don't remember.)
I started yesterday, so I don't have anything to show just yet. I guess I can show a screenshot when I've come far enough!

Oh, and yes, Ellie And Zu Get Lost - Part 5 is done!
Download! (Old Format)
Written by Guodzilla!

And as usual, a fan art from him as well!
It does NOT feature Ellie this time! :3

I am also thinking about updating my characters' bios again. It is very difficult to think of new things to add, seeing as I only think of the more "important" things, like backstories and personalities and such.
So I created this topic in the forum where you can help me give me ideas. It makes me think more into their characteristics, which could make them a bit more "realistic"... I don't really know what to call it, but it helps.
Go shake it out, and give me some ideas, or simply write down things you would like to know about them!
(Ya, I know I created the topic a while ago, but I forgot about it...)


So, uh, that's all I have to say really. Mittsies still have the Tittypunchan project, though he has been unable do work on it due to IRL stuff. Hopefully I'll have something to show next week. Don't hope for anything major though.
2011-07-18 17:42:42
Rock Candy
Comments (1)
Sky Koopatrol
2011-07-19 23:10:19
So, how are you liking Ocarina of Time? Any comments, or complaints? What about Wind Waker?