It's already been a week, huh? Time for updating then!
I don't have much to share though, only a few drawings.

I was asked to draw a picture of DJ & Ellie, and here's the result.
Unfortunately for Ellie; she has to use her ass, unless she wants painful sex. Which is fortunate for the rest of us! :3

Next is a drawing of Zu, put in a sex-machine. Kind of that one old picture I found, except no water inflation, just buttsex.
Zu's going crazy with pleasure, she cannot think straight anymore! It just keeps going!

And two fanarts:
Keke drew me a little picture of Zoo as thanks for drawing his character!
I like it!

I also have a new drawing of Ellie from (you guessed it) Guodzilla!
She's doing some self-sucking this time!

I guess you wanna know how the Tittypunchan flash is coming along, yes?

Well, it's not a lot left to do. I only need to make some emotions, cumshots and a re-animata a few animations. As well find some nice music and soundeffects.

But due to a wierd glitch, we couldn't progress for a few days, but this was fixed, so don't worry about it.
Mittsies has the flash now, so I am making some sprites for Project X in the meantime.
I only have to make two rapes; Zeta raping Zu (Which I'm halfway through) and Zu's rape for that fat guy in the end of the Arena Mode. Big the Cat or something, I think it was.
Ya, I know it already exists, but it wasn't made by me; I let another spriter, NoPenNameGirl, do it. She's good and all (probably better than me), but I thought Zu looked pretty weird. She was all Sonic-ified, with big hands and feet, and I'm very picky about my little Zu!
(Also it wasn't buttsex! And I bet all of ya wanna see Zu getting buttsmexed by a huge guy like that >:3)

So that's what happening now. On a Sunday this week Raz comes to my place so work on stuff will go slow next week. It's "knight week", directly translated. "Medieval Week" makes more sense, yes? He likes to come here at that time, because something actually happens in this tiny town then.

Oh well, I'm just rambling. I'll update when I can next week.
2011-07-08 06:18:32
Rock Candy
Comments (9)
2011-07-18 17:06:00
oops i mean millenniums not solar cycles
2011-07-18 17:02:45
Solar Cycles*
2011-07-18 13:42:35
2011-07-18 12:31:54
2011-07-18 12:02:26
Years* :3
2011-07-18 10:27:39
don't worry dude the flash will come out soon just wait a couple of months
2011-07-18 10:12:56
Hey RC, how about a fucking update? (Please?)
2011-07-16 09:49:36
And here I was, thinking that only I was smart enough to comprehend such things.
2011-07-15 19:52:33
No flash, no comments. Simple really.