Tons of fan art...
I've gotten a lot of fan art lately... Not that I'm complaining, I think that's great~! I can update the site much more frequnetly because of it! Hoahoahoa.

So... Let's see here...

Part 2 of "Ellie and Zu Get Lost" is done!
Shake it out!
He also drew some more pictures that goes along with it!
Zu Sketch 2
Ellie Sketches
Good Clean Fun! Ellie & Zu, unfing in the shower!
Story & pictures drawn by Guodzilla!

There's also a fan-manga in the works! Here's the cover:
Made by Miuzaki. Shouldn't be too long until Chapter 1 is finished, he told me.

Next up we have some fan art that comes all the way from Korea! I never thought my stuff would spread all the way over there...
They're crossovers with some anime. I'm not into anime, so I'm not sure what it is called... It's cute anyway!
Zu cosplaying!
Zu & Za cosplaying!
Drawn by Rein Story!

And last, but not least, a picture of Psycho Girl and Sixten...
Drawn by Serpentine!

Thanks to all of you :3 It's really nice to get something back, even though I'm a really slow artist...

I also drew a picture yesterday...
Shake the description in it out for translation of text and source and shit.
I'm too lazy to copypaste :V




Zu's getting gangraped by a bunch of horses D:

Project DEMO 3.0 is out, with Zu as a playable character.
The new version of Zu isn't done yet, will probably be done in the next version. Zu's dialog will also be re-written, this one was made by Zeta. (I forgot to write it myself :V)

So... Have fun, reading, playing or fapping or whatever. Until next time... Bye!
2011-05-28 10:54:44
Rock Candy
Comments (17)
Can't pick a name
2011-06-03 12:12:23
It's mostly noticable just after the rape ends and she falls to the ground, at which point she turns back to "normal" and looks completely different than during the rape.
2011-06-03 11:04:18
The Zu that gets raped when she is with big is a bit smaller and more refined. I dunno, I think its hot that Big is humongous in comparison to her. Can't wait for the full game.
2011-06-03 10:48:59
I got up to the green hill fight with Big and lost. How do you figure it is the new Zu?
Can't pick a name
2011-06-03 07:24:11
I noticed that when Zu gets raped by Big it's really the new Zu right? Eitherway i think this was one of the best rapes in the game. I can't wait to see the whole new version, keep up the great work.
2011-06-03 01:42:38
Get through the Arena to fight Big the Cat, nice touch. If you beat him you get the boss gallery.
2011-06-01 01:16:38
You know you could have just finished it once and then loaded the final save four times to get the gallery..... Derp
They came to hear me beg
2011-05-31 21:41:58
im guessing it can't download on PS3 :P
2011-05-30 23:09:36
wow really great work :D does Zeta have a HP or something ?
Rock Candy34653464
2011-05-30 11:26:15
This isn't my game, Zu's just guest starring in it. I also help with sprites a bit. Zeta is the creator of this game.
Wandering Ghost
2011-05-30 11:23:39
Amazing game. Played through it five times for the gallery. Game looks really promising. You went all out, anal, vaginal, oral, everything. I also liked how each character got "abused" differently by some animals allowing each playthrough to be unique. You've come a long way RC, but the flashes and games keep improving. Your best work yet, can't wait for the full version. Don't work yourself too hard. - Wandering Ghost
2011-05-29 14:58:53
This game is great, thanks for doing all this work for us followers =D keep up with the great work ^.^ bye
Rock Candy34473446
2011-05-29 12:42:07
The game? Just click the picture, it'll link you to the download source.
They came to hear me beg
2011-05-29 12:41:13
2011-05-29 01:03:18
Fuken awesome gaem for sure. o: Hope to see moar Zu(the main attraction!) She r pwn.
2011-05-28 19:37:43
It's a sonic fangame with a gameplay similar to old beat-em-up games. I guess, since RC helped with some animations, he got the chance of putting his character Zu in the game. *doesn't know the full story*
2011-05-28 19:10:12
wait, what game is this D: im so confuzzled
2011-05-28 19:04:18
Too bad that the new version of Zu isn't in the game yet, but at least we can still play as her :D