Getting back into things!
Been working with some audio to begin with. Did you know that I forgot to even add SFX to the buttplug and vagtape animations? That's fixed now. Along with other some other audio related things. Still awaiting voice stuff to get recorded, too, as always.

To get all the baby stuff working, we gotta overhaul and make a lot of UI designs and such. Not something I'm really used to doing so it's been a challenge to put together something that's easy to browse.

Don't have a lot to say already, so I'll just leave this here as a sign of life. Might have something more for ya next week.
2024-05-20 03:26:39
Comments (6)
2024-05-27 14:08:34
No news? :(
2024-05-27 13:10:34
Well shit! I didn't check the settings properly before asking. Thanks for the help!
Rock Candy2846528463
2024-05-26 17:44:52
It isn't randomized, you set it via the button in the options menu. I think you can set it on which you want it on specifically in the skins menu too.
2024-05-26 13:11:31
In the Zu and Johanna's Zoological Zone animation, would it be possible to add a voices setting so that one can choose between futa/male instead of having it randomized?
Rock Candy2843328432
2024-05-21 06:46:29
I have the flash animations uploaded here on the site, somewhere. I accidentally deleted my videos folder permanently, so I'd have to reconvert and re-render all old animations if I wanted to upload videos again.
2024-05-21 05:44:14
Hey, i was wondering if you still had some of your old earthbound animations from before you got terminated, there was one called "Pk boobs" (iirc) and Ness vs Sonic 2016 which arent on your newgrounds.