I shall be going away later today to a game-meetup or whatever it is called, so I will probably not be around a lot the next coming days. I'll be back on sunday.

Also, my computer have started to act up, programs freeze randomly and shit's being slow... I think I'll have to buy a new one again soon :C I don't want to lose a lot of work because of flash freezing....

I also have a new fan fiction for you guys to read while I am away.
"The Black Light" written by 'Dragon Soul'. It's pretty cool, give it a read!
Download! (Old Format)
2011-04-21 03:32:35
Rock Candy
Comments (1)
2011-04-27 20:52:30
Hey,First Time Long Time, Etc I Was Wondering is your pc still giving you trouble? hope you can understand,my English not so good