Big Announcement!
Today I have big news to share!
I am hiring an artist and animator, EXcore, to work on additional animation content while I'm still doing HHHW work.

We have already started to get the rough assets for our first project together; a remake/re-imaginening of "Gooper Blooper Returns".
We were hoping to get a bit further on this before we announced it, but January has not been kind to us. Nonetheless, we've got this WIP pose to show off for now!

We're hoping to improve and enhance the concepts and content that was in the original and make it something truly great!
With Fallow on our team, we're also hoping to make it a bit more advanced, like turning the butt view into something you could move around on screen, resize or hide, if you'd so wish. EX made a couple of concept animations for this as well!

We have even bigger plans for this project, involving remakes/re-imaginenings of other old flashes that fit the theme of aliens and the like, including projects that never got past the initial concept phase. We've put together this roadmap of our ideas and plans.

To make this sustainable, I need your continued support!
Subscribe to our Patreon to make sure I can pay the man each month!
Even small tier donations count, so if you want to see more animations getting released more often, consider supporting!
We're going to need it!

Ah, but I also have the old regular stuff too.
Shoplifting Shenanigans Page 3, been a while since the last page, ye?

Also some fan art!
Aisha and the Gang VS Bold Blonde, by Cerberus Carmine!

And a little thing I commissioned from an inspiring animator:

I hope these news are exciting. I really hope this works out. It would be really fun.
2024-01-30 13:12:42
Comments (9)
2024-02-18 14:48:23
Damn the Horse Cock Cinematic Universe isn't even finished yet, and were already getting a whole new Universe announced. If we had investors they would be excited. I joke but looks great!
Rock Candy2741827407
2024-02-16 14:29:12
Damn. Well, once we get this site updated, we can keep contact through here more reliably.
2024-02-15 14:50:42
Yeah, I got sick of dealing with Discord's nonsense every couple of weeks, so it just seemed easier to stop using it, altogether.
Rock Candy2736627289
2024-02-13 06:54:08
Damn, that sucks. Hope you'll get over it soon. I had a wisdom tooth pulled around two years ago, but I barely had any pain from it. I also saw your discord account was deleted?
2024-02-09 19:09:58
Looking good! I look forward to see the results of these reimagined animations. January hasn't been kind to me, either. I had a wisdom tooth pulled, and I've been in a world of pain, since. I've been popping painkillers every 4 hours, for the last couple of weeks. Not a fun time. :(
2024-02-08 04:36:10
The progression system on painful therapy session was revolutionary
2024-02-03 21:19:58
Do you ever advance the game of "ellies erotic equine endeavors"?
2024-02-01 01:03:16
i like cursed crosstail superimposed sofi
The Central Scrutinizer
2024-01-30 22:25:20
You and EX-Core working together? Oh, February forward is going to be an interesting month...