Whoopsie, I forgot!
Was gonna write an update this morning, but I did some work on the game and forgot to do it. I finished the task and now I'm typing though!

Let's see, what happened since last week's update? I finished Jo's lipsync for the time being and transcribed all of her voicelines into text for the subtitles.

Added an experimental option; Mascara trails.

As you can see, it's kinda difficult to line up, since their eyes change shape so much! I'm not sure if I should keep this in or not yet.

I still have Sofi stuff to lipsync and subtitle, which I'll do as soon as I get the last voice clips from her VA, should get 'em today.
Other than that, I don't really think there's... All that much left to do? At least, if we're doing the baby update separately. Which is probably what I'm gonna aim for. Fallow's going on a little break for two weeks in december, so if we don't manage to push out an update by then, I might be able to make some more progress on the baby stuff during that time. A lot of it is mainly coding stuff though, so I guess we'll see. Aiming for the baby update to come next, at least.

I'll know more by next week, obviously.
2023-11-13 09:56:04
Comments (20)
Rock Candy2663326623
2023-11-20 03:38:47
Check previous updates, I posted a screenshot there.
Rock Candy2663226630
2023-11-20 03:38:20
On here.
"The" CIA
2023-11-20 00:14:11
Where can one find the most up to date version of HHHW?
2023-11-19 07:16:58
When you say 'baby stuff' what does that mean? Like the impreg popups or what?
2023-11-18 22:57:42
I can't wait for it.
Omega Unit
2023-11-17 07:24:48
Too much hype. :,)
2023-11-16 20:01:12
when will the version of the game with the updates be expected to come out?
2023-11-16 11:23:19
The mascara stuff would be awesome ngl, no need to worry about making it perfect now or push it for a later update if you'd prefer.
Rock Candy2659826597
2023-11-16 09:24:04
Similar production? You mean porn, games, or subtitling?
2023-11-16 02:52:12
Started working in similar production, the stress is tremendous. RC kept doing it through fire and shit only on sheer fucking will
Cowboy Curtis
2023-11-15 18:35:51
I say put the first update out ASAP so we can all admire the great work you've finished so far, and then wow us again in a later update :)
Rock Candy2659426592
2023-11-15 17:35:18
It mostly depends on how broken things are! There aren't really all that much left to do if we wanna ship it before the baby stuff (Which we'll probably do, since that stuff is really broken right now). Otherwise, bugs and such can be fixed in a later update too!
Rock Candy2659326587
2023-11-15 17:32:52
Ya, it's not something I've considered before someone pointed it out to me, I hope it'll add to the experience for you guys! And hopefully it is something that I'll be able to add in my future projects as well.
Bunson Bunson
2023-11-15 14:52:28
Very excited! Hoping for an update before December, but I know these things take time and that motivation mileage varies. Thank you for your continued efforts. I hope you are well.
2023-11-14 23:27:43
Thanks RC for working on subs for us deaf fans! We love your work keep at it my guy <3
Cowboy Curtis
2023-11-14 16:30:07
I'm lovin' the mascara. Keep us posted! I'm SO excited for this update to finally release!
2023-11-13 16:17:32
I love the idea of ruined and runny makeup. Especially for rape. Their tears causing their makeup to stain their faces. Super hot.
2023-11-13 13:19:14
ooooh! i'm so excited! i'm really liking the mascara concept too
2023-11-13 11:57:28
Keep up the good work! I really hope that we can have baby stuff in the next update :)
2023-11-13 11:37:28
they'd probably have to warp with the eyes which is pretty fucking tedious, but that means you could potentially have those warping parts affect any stickers in that area too (which might not even be possible)