Going, going...
Hey, short update once again! Been doing a bit of this and that, trying to make progress on a little bit of everything.

Here we have the final part of the parasite set.
Parasite Finale, now they're stuck in a wall...
It's been so rainy and humid, my papers have turned difficult to draw on. I hope it doesn't show too much, but it really held me back on this drawing in particular.

Been rushing forward with the baby results screen, at least I only need to do Zu, Jo and Sofi for now. Still gotta do facial animations for all of 'em, but hopefully that won't be too painful! I still haven't finished all the baby assets yet, either...

Getting the results screen into something solid also isn't as easy as you'd think... So many things to consider and design! I'm working it out as I go!
2023-08-28 06:55:15
Comments (5)
Omega Unit
2023-09-12 09:05:57
All that's left is marriage at this point lol.
2023-08-29 00:36:46
Zu looks so cute as a mother, thank you very much for that!
2023-08-28 17:29:36
this game is so fucking hot. wishing you the best.
2023-08-28 12:31:02
this game is looking better and better every week
2023-08-28 08:31:53
Zu was literally built to birth foals