Summer is Over
I forgot to mention last week, but I was away during the weekend, and just came back yesterday. That's the last of my summer activities done, so now I can get back into things again fully. It's been fun, but I feel bad for letting so many things pile up... There are so many different things to get through, I barely even know where to start.

I gotta keep this update short, because I'm pretty exhausted.

Only thing I got for show is this piece of an art trade I got from HentaiCore. I've yet to make my part yet, but it'll come... Eventually.
Ellie Skewered

I've already started sketching on that comic that's been delayed for like over a year, so... Maybe we'll see that soon.
Gonna go through the game more and weed out what's fixed and what needs fixing. Gotta make new assets for the baby function.
Also been getting into contact with a few VAs to see if anyone can do some stand-in work for Jo's VA. I've got a few positive replies, so I just gotta get 'em to record some test lines to see if they can imitate her well for the new voice lines. I'm very excited.

But ya, I'll write again on sunday!
2023-08-15 12:31:31
Comments (8)
2023-08-21 05:21:53
any update?
Rock Candy2615626155
2023-08-19 06:56:41
A lot of people were angry with her; they've been waiting the same amount of time I have. If she prioritized them before me, I understand I guess. But she sent me a few clips but soon went quiet, so I'm not sure what the situation is. She said the scope of the script I sent had her intimidated, so maybe she's trying to work herself up to finish it, doing the other projects in the meantime. I don't know the scope of the other released projects you guys were talking about, so you'd have to tell me.
2023-08-19 03:54:40
Bit odd, If it was a big project it would probably have been nice of her to give Rock some heads up that she was doing another project but c'est la vie, things happen and sometimes we lose track of things.
Rock Candy2615426151
2023-08-19 03:51:59
No response yet. Last thing I got was a batch of the new voice lines. But I was also told she's working on finishing up various projects she was involved with, probably for things she's been paid for already.
Horse enthusiast
2023-08-19 02:51:00
Hey a video was just posted on newgrounds with dorn as the va. Is she still ghosting or has she said she isnt working on the project full stop? Ive been away for a while.
2023-08-17 14:08:10
Agreed, health and family (If your in good standing with them) are the most important things in my opinion. I'm excited for the game but don't forget to stay fed, hydrated, and to take a good break once in a while.
2023-08-16 18:39:42
Rock, make sure to take care of yourself. The game and the updates aren't worth your wellbeing.
2023-08-16 10:27:12
When are all the improvements for the Zoological Zone coming in??