Assistance, please?
If we want a stand in for Jo, we need someone who can match her energy and voice! It's a very unique voice, sort of raspy, and I've yet to find anyone that doesn't use the generic anime-ish voice for almost everything. It would be best to have someone who can match her energy and voice, so if you know of anyone who sounds similar or could do a similar type of voice, send them my way or give me their name or info so I can listen to their demo or contact them.

Another thing, if any musician is around; I'm looking to hire someone to make music, jingles and such for my projects. Most people that I've gotten into contact with just disappear for whatever reasons. Even if they've created a track or two. It's weird. Well, if you are a musician, or know someone who is, that is interested in doing commissions, let me know! Discord or twitter DMs work best, I suppose. You can find links to both on the home page.

Myself, I've been basically been doing Rock n' Raz 18 the entire week. I was just gonna do a little, but I got so engrossed in it that I'll probably just marathon it til it's done. It's always refreshing to do something different for a while.
Once that's done, I'll be trying to finish up the baby stuff for HHHW. I hired a guy to do the art for that, but that didn't really work out so... Gotta do it myself. Was hoping to speed it up, but that rarely works out, huh?
2023-07-24 01:44:18
Comments (33)
Rock Candy2601026007
2023-07-31 02:11:33
Always check this before suggesting someone.
2023-07-30 16:11:16
she don't condone bestiality stuff according to her commission form "DISALLOWED THEMES Do not commission me for any content that will contain OR use any of my provided resources for productions contain or glorify the following hard limits: ☒ Underaged characters ☒ Bestiality (not to be confused with fantasy characters such as furry characters or monsters) ☒ Scat & Gas ☒ Extreme bodily injury/snuff ☒ Glorified non-consent (not to be confused with dubious consent, non-sexualised non-consent or consensual non-consent) ☒ Race-play / hate speech ☒ AI voice generators You can read further on obscene publication laws in the United Kingdom here. If you're unsure whether your inquiry would fall under any of these categories please feel free to explain/inquire in the following sections of the form! "
Rock Candy2600526003
2023-07-30 09:37:34
Wow, rude.
2023-07-29 18:55:12
If I feel like moving on and do better things with my life, then yes, I'm willing to ghost anyone. I respect VA's decision, but she should've give you a heads up.
Rock Candy2600225998
2023-07-29 17:33:05
How do I know she changed her mind? After happily taking on my commission and calling my script one of the most fun ones she's worked with, I don't see it as likely as her changing her mind on it. I believe she's still struggling with whatever problems she's going through. You seem to have weird reasonings, do you also ghost people you change your mind on?
Rock Candy2600125997
2023-07-29 17:29:47
You didn't check before recommending?
2023-07-29 16:55:46
And yet bailing on a job undone without so much as a notification is still a shitty thing to do. You seem to have a problem reconciling the difference between legal requirement and moral requirement. One is enforced by law and the other by basic human decency.
2023-07-29 16:05:31
The VA did not sign a contract, and I don't think any democratic country would force someone to do something that they have changed their mind on.
2023-07-29 15:38:40
I Think you might need to try contacting Pixie Willow, if she's Okay with zoophilia porn and can do a voice similar or exactly the same as with how D0rn Johanna. Hope you can have her record the remaining lines for her
2023-07-29 10:21:21
The entire world isn´t the United States, it is scumy to compromisse and accept something work related, to not "consent" later when your half way
2023-07-28 17:11:28
It sucks for you to get ghosted. It sucks for us fans to have to wait longer for this. What Jo's VA did was terrible, but maybe she had her irl reasons? IDK. Anyways, I know that you are a fan of the raspy kind of voice for Jo. But did you consider other voice types that could possibly match Jo's physical appearance and energy? I don't mean find an UwU girl. But maybe someone with a softer voice matching Jo's small frame.
2023-07-28 16:54:39
That's fair. Maybe you can finish the game then find a VA? That way you don't have to go look around for new VA when they ghost you, and the production of the game could be faster.
Rock Candy2598725986
2023-07-28 16:36:45
There's this thing called politeness in Sweden, you tell the person you're working with that you no longer want to do so.
2023-07-28 16:31:05
There a thing called consent in America, saying yes yesterday doesn't mean it's yes today.
Rock Candy2598225980
2023-07-28 01:54:08
If they didn't want that, why say yes to begin with?
2023-07-27 17:44:14
i think the main reason a lot of VAs and musicians ghost you after working a few times is they don't want to have their names associated with this type of hentai... also, try this VA i just went to gelbooru, typed sound and this is the first VA i found, they seem to be able to do a wide range of voices and she does a lot of hentai voice work so there's less chance of her ghosting you
Rock Candy2597825976
2023-07-27 15:05:07
You're gonna have to wait a couple of years at best.
2023-07-27 12:14:42
When is Ellie's part going to be finished? I'm wanna play it so bad
Cowboy Curtis
2023-07-27 07:32:43
Hope you find a suitable stand-in soon. With any luck, it'll sound so natural we won't even be able to tell the difference :P
2023-07-26 08:42:32
You would be surprised what people can do with voice recording to have certain intonations, most of so called "voice actor" on fiverr are actually professional "voice editor". I respect your decisions, but if you are looking for longevity of a certain voice, AI is the way to go.