Features and Fan Art
Hey all! Got a bit of a mixed bag of stuff today to show. Let's start off with the simple stuff, just a drawing.

Parasite Proliferation, yet another parasite follow up!

Next up, quite a bunch of fan art!

First one is a commission I got from OverSleeperGirl!
Zu DP'd

The next two are some neat Zu sketches from metal pipe.
Big Zu
Small Zu

And the next couple are from TheGreatAvv, who drew Sofi in his fav avv costume.
Sofi Refuses the Avvcore Bikini
Sofi Accepts the Avvocre Bikini
Sofi Accepts the Avvocre Bikini (Shaved Alt)

Thanks to all of ya! Great stuff!

And now, for some features we've been working on for HHHW. There's so many small things we've done that I can't remember them all, but here are some major new features being worked on or that have been finished:

An achievement list!

It'll show requirements or hints, what you unlock and also explain some game mechanics.
The text needs to be split up so that the title is more easily distinguished from the description. It's a WIP, so there'll probably be further changes down the line.

Slappable belly!

You can now smack your progress around this way and that way. Surprisingly satisfying.

And something I can't really show, but we've got the option to use a female voice for the human cock now. And even on some special animal dicks!

Now Lollo is joining in on the fun, it seems!

Ya, most of these improvements have come out of the delay of the voice deliveries... So you could say that the bad brought some good with it?

Wow, next week is my birthday. It's already june? Time sure flies.
Hopefully I'll get the remaining Jo voices soon, 'cause I'm sure the update we're working on will make the game even more fun than before!
2023-06-05 06:42:55
Comments (24)
2023-07-31 10:28:38
where can I find the most recent public release the newest one I can find is almost a year old
Rock Candy2572225720
2023-06-20 13:58:05
It's just previews for the future update.
2023-06-20 11:47:21
I was wondering where I can find the most recent public release even the one on this website dosent seem to have some of the things mentioned... or am i just jumping the gun and it hasent been released just showcased
Rock Candy2565525653
2023-06-12 16:20:55
Because the format doesn't allow for it. There are already so many other secrets in there.
no Yo! :(?
2023-06-12 07:28:28
Why is there no Secret clickable Yo! for special stuffs, I'm disappointed in you RC
2023-06-12 01:22:56
Fair. I'll just keep an eye out, and see how the game turns out.
Rock Candy2564925647
2023-06-11 14:34:10
I would hope so, but it's not really clear what's saveable and not yet. It is still a work in progress.
2023-06-11 00:39:38
And, of course, keep up the good work. Don't wanna sound like I'm ungrateful or anything.
2023-06-11 00:38:37
One thing that I think could be nice, is that if the game remembers your dick skin settings whenever you restart the game(like how it remembers your achievements). Absolutely not necessary of course, but could eliminate some tedium. I check out these updates kinda infrequently, so I don't know if this has already been suggested.
2023-06-09 15:45:45
lets gooo [happy noises]
Rock Candy2563925638
2023-06-09 06:17:40
When I have the voice clips, as I've stated many many times.
2023-06-09 05:07:07
Happy birthday my guy!quick question, when are you planning to update the games?
Rock Candy2563725632
2023-06-08 17:21:16
Some of the new features requires voice clips to function properly. That's why I have to wait.
Rock Candy2563625628
2023-06-08 17:20:23
It's been considered and it's been discarded. There's just too much work required to get that working, it's not made with that in mind.
2023-06-08 10:02:08
To be honest I don't think many people would mind you releasing a version with incomplete voice acting. I mean, you already have the current voice lines in game so it's not like you would have gaps where the game suddenly goes silent or anything. So if you are only held up by a lack of those and the actual mechanics are complete otherwise you can just leave them for the next version down the line.
2023-06-08 07:16:55
Really love this game, it's been a long time since I've actually found a flash type game that I really enjoy. Great Themes/ideas and excellent execution. Really like that you included smegma and the gape mechanics. Just a small suggestion that's probably already been considered, but having an optional futa switch would be awesome. Anyways have a good birthday and thanks for the awesome work!
Bunson Bunson
2023-06-07 21:45:34
Happy Birthday RockCandy.
2023-06-07 01:09:55
Happy birthday. I'm looking forward to your work
Rock Candy2561925614
2023-06-06 14:50:31
So do I, but I'm held back by the lack of voice clips.
2023-06-06 06:22:53
happy birthday man, hope the new stuff comes out soon, been awhile