Server Maintenance Troubles
Oh boy, what a disaster. The server the site is on got a massive upgrade, and such around 10 TB of data had to be transferred. That's why there was a lot of downtime. Unfortunately, after that was done, a lot of things needed to be updated and repaired for to function again, so I was locked out of writing any updates or posting images and such.

But now things seem to be back to normal again, finally!

So much stuff has happened since last time, I barely know what to mention and not... Ah, well, I'll just go with the flow and see what pops out.

Let's start with a couple of drawings I've managed to finish:

Turned On!, the follow up to "Hooked Up".
The Maiden Devourer Page 1, Page 1 out of 3, a comic that features primarily Ran Yakumo.

Next, some fan art!
Dancing Zu, I commissioned this from OverSleeperGirl!
Jacket-wearing Sofi, TheGreatAvv drew Sofi wearing his OC's jacket.

The second round of Thirst Games are also out.
Thirst Games Round 2 on Youtube
If you wanna give it a shot, use this link: Thirst Games Simulator.

I've updated Johanna's summary and her bio a little, I've been fleshing her out a lot since she's appearing in the flash and people have caught interest in her.
Read updated bio here: Johanna's Bio

You're probably also wondering about the game, and with all right!
Game progress is going pretty well, we've made a lot of progress. I've attempted to be a sound designer and spent a few days looking for useable sounds and then attempting to make it sound good. ... I can't say I'm cut out for the job after listening to the results, but maybe I can make improvements to the sound in the future.

We're fine tuning the UI and menues and such things right now, and getting that to be initiutive and looking good has turned out to be a challenge! But we're getting there.

There's also a lot of other small things we're fixing and tweaking, and it might just be me being a perfectionist, but there's always something that could just be sliiightly better. Luckily we're running out of things to improve soon, which I'm really glad for.

Wanna see what it looks like so far?
Here's a small preview video I posted on twitter!
(it's actually a small video I recorded to show off a bug to Fallow, but it works as that too.)

And the last thing I've got to show you is a sequel to the Ho Jo Comp we had a while ago.
But we're doing it a bit bigger this time! It's a Halloween themed art contest!

Anyone interested could either join the discord to post their submission, or email it to me. As long as I have a way of contacting you when the winners are decided.

Hm, I think that's all. Feels good to have the site back up and running again.
2022-09-13 03:52:54
Comments (3)
2022-09-14 20:40:50
Looks like the flash is broken, it just say "Flash is no longer supported" even though it, well, doesn't use flash. Just posting so it's known!
Rock Candy2455024549
2022-09-14 13:00:34
I forget twitter is a thing unless I'm posting art. Whoops, some weird thing happened there, I think I might've grabbed the wrong link. I've fixed it now. I felt like shit for a day, but after that it was just a fever and a hoarse throat that was pretty stubborn. Not too bad in retrospect, but the worst part was that I was traveling in a car for a lot of the duration when I felt the shittiest. Thanks.
2022-09-14 10:33:16
Thanks for letting us know about the server changes going on in the background, I was curious as to what was going on since your twitter didn't mention anything of the sort. This said the Johanna biography picture is for some reason ant-sized unlike the earlier version of it, perhaps it was a fluke when uploading? I also congratulate you on a speedy recovery from the illness you underwent! Keep on being great! :)