Lipsync going great!
Lipsync is going smoothly! Unfortunately I was hit with a cold and was out of the loop for a couple of days, otherwise I'd have made some further progress. The debug has a % calculator built in, so you can see the % increasing as I finish up lines. As of writing this, I'm at 41.2%, which is pretty good. Almost halfway done.

I've got a drawing done this week as well!
Bin Twins Trashes Ellie, two goat brothers have overpowered Ellie.
Another goat drawing is coming up next, and it's christmas themed... So you can tell it's been laying in wait for quite some time!

The next sunday is my birthday, woah. Time sure flies fast. Too fast, it feels like. I don't think I'll do anything special for it though, but I guess we'll see.

I'll keep streaming the lipsync til I'm done with it though, again, here's the link: Picarto stream link!
I don't know if there's much to stream after that... It's mostly tweaking and testing and shit that's not really stream-friendly. So I guess it'll be the last streams for a while once that's done with.
2022-06-05 17:17:47
Comments (4)
Friendly Lurker
2022-06-12 17:59:55
Happy birthday, RC!
Rock Candy2407024064
2022-06-10 07:05:19
That's interesting. Well, I guess also happy early birthday today too!
Also Rockcandy
2022-06-09 08:29:43
So i've got the name rock candy on a couple platforms (always used it online) and someone showed me your site atleast like 10 yrs ago, kept up with it atleast monthly ever since. had 0 idea we shared a birthday til now so i had to finally say hi, happy early :D
2022-06-08 12:01:17
That's nice progress dude, keep it up!